BREAKING:Obama says he would veto bill letting you keep your present health care plan

Obama cannot resist playing politics.

His rationale is that the bill allows men to be charged less than women.

What about the ACA which bills you according to your age, place of residence, and income.

Neither can the GOP and the Tea Party.
Obama cannot resist playing politics.

His rationale is that the bill allows men to be charged less than women.

What about the ACA which bills you according to your age, place of residence, and income.

Neither can the GOP and the Tea Party.

which party passed it on a totally one party vote before anyone had read it?
which party lied about being able to keep your policy, period?
which party is lying about it today?
which party is pelosi a member of?
which party is reid a member of?
The TeaPs shut down govt and tried to default on the debt.

That is why they are at the bottom of the pile, below Obama and the Dems and the GOP.

America does not trust the TeaPs.
The TeaPs shut down govt and tried to default on the debt.

That is why they are at the bottom of the pile, below Obama and the Dems and the GOP.

America does not trust the TeaPs.

Not true, but you knew that.

Your biased continuous lying has rendered you the joke of USMB :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Obama cannot resist playing politics.

His rationale is that the bill allows men to be charged less than women.

What about the ACA which bills you according to your age, place of residence, and income.

Neither can the GOP and the Tea Party.

which party passed it on a totally one party vote before anyone had read it?
which party lied about being able to keep your policy, period?
which party is lying about it today?
which party is pelosi a member of?
which party is reid a member of?

The Heritage Foundation created the proposal for the ACA back in 1989. The GOP was touting it as the alternative to "Hilarycare" in the early 1990's! It was enacted as RomneyCare in MA. So can you explain why your party was touting it and enacting it if they hadn't read it for themselves?
Neither can the GOP and the Tea Party.

which party passed it on a totally one party vote before anyone had read it?
which party lied about being able to keep your policy, period?
which party is lying about it today?
which party is pelosi a member of?
which party is reid a member of?

The Heritage Foundation created the proposal for the ACA back in 1989. The GOP was touting it as the alternative to "Hilarycare" in the early 1990's! It was enacted as RomneyCare in MA. So can you explain why your party was touting it and enacting it if they hadn't read it for themselves?

I don't care who may have proposed a similar healthcare plan. Its wrong for the country no matter who suggested it.

Thats what you libtards don't get, conservatives actually think for themselves, they do not blindly follow any leaders or groups the way you fools follow and worship all things obama.

Socialized medicine would destroy our economy and the best medical system in the history of the world. There was NO CRISIS in medical care before ACA. It was a fix for an imaginery problem.
Neither can the GOP and the Tea Party.

which party passed it on a totally one party vote before anyone had read it?
which party lied about being able to keep your policy, period?
which party is lying about it today?
which party is pelosi a member of?
which party is reid a member of?

The Heritage Foundation created the proposal for the ACA back in 1989. The GOP was touting it as the alternative to "Hilarycare" in the early 1990's! It was enacted as RomneyCare in MA. So can you explain why your party was touting it and enacting it if they hadn't read it for themselves?

and for the record, obamacare is NOT the same as what Heritage proposed or what Romney did in Mass.
For anyone interested a table out comparison of the GOP 1993 plan and the 2009 plan.

and Romneycare...
RomneyCare & ObamaCare: Can you tell the difference?

Related rulings:

"Barack Obama's health care bill is nothing new. Mitt Romney signed one just like it four years before."

Howard Dean, Friday, November 12th, 2010.
Ruling: Mostly True | Details
The Senate-passed health care bill "is identical to the Massachusetts health care plan -- the same thing."

Paul Krugman, Sunday, January 31st, 2010.
Ruling: Mostly True | Details
which party passed it on a totally one party vote before anyone had read it?
which party lied about being able to keep your policy, period?
which party is lying about it today?
which party is pelosi a member of?
which party is reid a member of?

The Heritage Foundation created the proposal for the ACA back in 1989. The GOP was touting it as the alternative to "Hilarycare" in the early 1990's! It was enacted as RomneyCare in MA. So can you explain why your party was touting it and enacting it if they hadn't read it for themselves?

I don't care who may have proposed a similar healthcare plan. Its wrong for the country no matter who suggested it.

Thats what you libtards don't get, conservatives actually think for themselves, they do not blindly follow any leaders or groups the way you fools follow and worship all things obama.

Socialized medicine would destroy our economy and the best medical system in the history of the world. There was NO CRISIS in medical care before ACA. It was a fix for an imaginery problem.

The HF plan was not and still is not "socialized medicine" by any stretch of the imagination. You have become desperate and are just flinging around catch phrases because you cannot refute the facts.
Obama cannot resist playing politics.

His rationale is that the bill allows men to be charged less than women.

What about the ACA which bills you according to your age, place of residence, and income.

Neither can the GOP and the Tea Party.

That's the Pee Wee Herman defense.

I can't speak for the GOP but the Tea Party just wants accountability in government. Right now there is none. On both sides.
Nope....This episode in US history is a great learning experience. That lesson is that government cannot manipulate the marketplace without creating catastrophe.

The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.

ACA is NOT the answer. The law is a pile of garbage. The results have proved this out.
Government must NOT interfere beyond its obligation to regulate from the outside looking in.

Just because there are problems with the website does not translate into the law being bad.

It is definitely better than what we had before....and it can be made better, in time, once it's up and running and determinations can be made about what needs tweeking.....but being negative without providing something better to take it's place is just GOP same old same old.
Obama cannot resist playing politics.

His rationale is that the bill allows men to be charged less than women.

What about the ACA which bills you according to your age, place of residence, and income.

Neither can the GOP and the Tea Party.

That's the Pee Wee Herman defense.

I can't speak for the GOP but the Tea Party just wants accountability in government. Right now there is none. On both sides.

Both sides play politics. It isn't news and it would only be news if it didn't happen.

As far as wanting "accountability in government" the Tea Party is going about it assbackwards in my opinion. You don't demand accountability by threatening to destroy the government. Instead you tell your own political leadership that if they want your votes on the house floor there had better be items included in the bills that will result in accountability in government. That is how the system works.
EMTALA is over 25 years old. It's still the law.

A "fix" back then was what prompted the Clintons once in office to change the system. Then the pubs responded with what is now the framework for Obamacare. In 1993.

Nothing much happened in the following 15 years, until people agreed: SOMETHING had to be done (with pubs proudly announcing "hey, they uninsured have emergency rooms!" Great fix.)

So, tell me grasshopper - It most definitely was the bugaboo - and just HOW would you propose to fix it?

Going back to patient dumping?

To start with, just fund the damn thing. This idea that we can avoid the taxes associated with running a welfare state is delusional.

Oh, you're serious.


Raising taxes. Winning republican argument.


Of course I'm serious. Does the idea of actually paying for government really seem preposterous? How have we come to accept such idiocy?
No more so than the government "dictating" that cars must have seat belts and airbags. If you perceive that as "control" then it has been around for a very long time and no one has complained about it before.

The argument isn't over the general concept of 'control'. It's whether the new power to control introduced by ACA is justified or not.

I addressed this in another post. If EMTALA is the bugbear, then we need to fix EMTALA. The solution to dealing with a poorly conceived, unfunded mandate isn't another unfunded mandate.

The "fix" for EMTALA was the basis for the ACA that the Heritage Foundation provided when it first came up with the current healthcare system that has now been enacted nationwide.

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans

Yep. Not sure what they hell they were thinking.

Furthermore it is not "another unfunded mandate" either. It is expected to generate revenues of about $1.2 trillion over the next decade.

It's very definitely an unfunded mandate. It mandates that people buy insurance, and (except for those getting subsidies) doesn't supply the funds to purchase it. Not sure how you wiggle out of that fact.
The argument isn't over the general concept of 'control'. It's whether the new power to control introduced by ACA is justified or not.

I addressed this in another post. If EMTALA is the bugbear, then we need to fix EMTALA. The solution to dealing with a poorly conceived, unfunded mandate isn't another unfunded mandate.

The "fix" for EMTALA was the basis for the ACA that the Heritage Foundation provided when it first came up with the current healthcare system that has now been enacted nationwide.

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans

Yep. Not sure what they hell they were thinking.

Furthermore it is not "another unfunded mandate" either. It is expected to generate revenues of about $1.2 trillion over the next decade.

It's very definitely an unfunded mandate. It mandates that people buy insurance, and (except for those getting subsidies) doesn't supply the funds to purchase it. Not sure how you wiggle out of that fact.

Nothing to "wiggle out of". People are already buying health insurance. Those that weren't were not doing so because they couldn't afford it. The ACA makes sure that now they can.

Remember that this is a Republican healthcare plan. It has the expectation that all households will carry health insurance. The only difference being that the households that previously could not afford it would be able to do so with the aid of subsidies.
let him veto it let obamcare move forward
I wished the republicans would stop trying to bail this one out.
The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.

ACA is NOT the answer. The law is a pile of garbage. The results have proved this out.
Government must NOT interfere beyond its obligation to regulate from the outside looking in.

Just because there are problems with the website does not translate into the law being bad.

It is definitely better than what we had before....and it can be made better, in time, once it's up and running and determinations can be made about what needs tweeking.....but being negative without providing something better to take it's place is just GOP same old same old.

the law was built on a lie and yes it is a bad law.
The "fix" for EMTALA was the basis for the ACA that the Heritage Foundation provided when it first came up with the current healthcare system that has now been enacted nationwide.

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans

Yep. Not sure what they hell they were thinking.

Furthermore it is not "another unfunded mandate" either. It is expected to generate revenues of about $1.2 trillion over the next decade.

It's very definitely an unfunded mandate. It mandates that people buy insurance, and (except for those getting subsidies) doesn't supply the funds to purchase it. Not sure how you wiggle out of that fact.

Nothing to "wiggle out of". People are already buying health insurance. Those that weren't were not doing so because they couldn't afford it. The ACA makes sure that now they can.

Then why is it called a 'mandate'? You're simply denying the obvious, which sort of stymies discussion. The mandate is forcing people to buy more insurance than many of them want, and not funding the purchase. I'm not sure why it even matters to you enough to make a fuss over, but it very definitely is an unfunded mandate.

Remember that this is a Republican healthcare plan. It has the expectation that all households will carry health insurance. The only difference being that the households that previously could not afford it would be able to do so with the aid of subsidies.

OK. So what? Republicans come up with bad ideas too? Yep.

Anyway, the point is, if we want to have welfare state policies, like EMTALA, we should pay for them honestly with taxes. Then, when we see the price tag in straightforward terms, we can decide, as a nation, if it's worth it. Playing all the shell games just keeps us chasing our tails.
The lesson is the marketplace will not be allowed to create a four-fold crippler on the economy.

A reformed ACA is here to stay, the stockholders are going to have accept that, and the mainstream of both parties are going to learn to work together.

ACA is NOT the answer. The law is a pile of garbage. The results have proved this out.
Government must NOT interfere beyond its obligation to regulate from the outside looking in.

Just because there are problems with the website does not translate into the law being bad.

It is definitely better than what we had before....and it can be made better, in time, once it's up and running and determinations can be made about what needs tweeking.....but being negative without providing something better to take it's place is just GOP same old same old.

Just because the law caused over 5 million and counting to lose their insurance it doesn't mean it's bad.......

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