Breaking: Obama Tells Companies They Can't Fire Anyone Unless IRS Gives Them Approval

The Democratic war on capitalism. Obama hates it and has the DOJ in his pocket to keep things corrupt.

Weird, Obama hates Capitalism but the DOW has reached all time highs in the past year and corporate profits are reaching all time highs. Those companies must really be hurting with all that money they have since Obama hates capitalism. :eusa_eh:

It's almost as if you people don't actually look at reality before making your asinine statements.

See this is whats a hoot with people like this,one day its wall street is just so good what an example,but the day befor it was evil

You people are a joke.

I never touted big corporations as being "good". I just pointed out that they are turning record profits, which shoots down that whole "Obama hates capitalism" ridiculousness. Which part confuses you?
I posted a lihk to bloombergs article as well as where to find the actual pdf that is tthe rule can be found in a prior post in this thread. One must be willing to go through 227 pages though.
I know, it sounds like something out of George Orwell's "1984", or maybe out of an Ayn Rand book.

But it's there in black and white.

Obama has once again changed the Obamacare law without benefit of any vote of Congress, moving the Employer mandate back yet another year to 2016. And he's also added something never before seen in the history of the United States: Employers who want to lay off or fire workers, must first justify to the IRS that he has "bona fide" reasons for doing so.

Even in Ayn Rand's wildest fancies, the governments in her novels never did this until just before the total collapse of the country.

And her novels were fiction. But in the United States under Barack Obama, they are now fact.

You voted for it, America. Or at least, you voted for Obama, and trusted him.

And voting his party out of Congress this November, will no longer help. He isn't waiting for Congress to send bills to his desk. He has a pen, and a phone. And he seems to feel he needs nothing else.

From the IRS website, hot off the presses:

Questions and Answers on Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions Under the Affordable Care Act

34. Is additional transition relief available for employers with at least 50 but fewer than 100 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents)?


In order to be eligible for the relief, an employer must certify that it meets the following conditions:


During the period beginning on Febr. 9, 2014 and ending on Dec. 31, 2014, the employer may not reduce the size of its workforce or the overall hours of service of its employees in order to qualify for the transition relief. However, an employer that reduces workforce size or overall hours of service for bona fide business reasons is still eligible for the relief.

Yep. That just started this last Sunday. With no warning or notification. And it's in effect NOW.

Admittedly, I'm getting old, and my copy of the Constitution is sort of old and tattered, and can be hard to read at times.

Can someone point out to me where it says that the Fed govt has the power to forbid employers to lay off people or fire them?

After decades of jeering, screeching, denigration, and insults from our brethern of the southpaw persuasion... it turns out that Ayn Rand was right.

Who knew that Barack Obama was one of her most faithful readers?

Just one thing, Barry: Her book was meant to be a warning, not a how-to manual.
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Of course, the way he has written this new edict, it's only for employers of a certain size, and for only a certain period of time.

What ar the chances that, once Americans are used to government having this new power in a limited way, the next steps will be to broaden its reach just a little? Maybe on Dec. 30, 2014, change the ending date by just a few numbers? Won't be any big deal, just ask him.
You are misreading the FAQ. Not surprised.

The FAQ outlines the parameters which define those employers who get financial relief from the employer mandates during the transition period.

You don't have to justify to the IRS why you fired someone. You can fire them. But doing so may put you outside the defined parameters for receiving financial relief from the mandate.

Let's say I tell you that I will give ten dollars to every employer who has 50 employees after January 1. It so happens you are an employer who has exactly 50 employees.

I then explain to you that if you fire any employees between now and January 1, you won't get the ten bucks.

That is not telling you that you have to explain to me why you fired that person. It is just telling you that if you fall outside the parameters I have defined, you don't get the ten bucks.
I'm more upset with the way Obama keeps delaying, changing and exempting people from Obamacare. His disregard for law is the problem. He recently stated that, as president, he can do anything he wants. For a guy who is supposed to be so smart, he should know that is not how it works in this country, but maybe he has his position confused with some of his idols, like Castro.
You are misreading the FAQ. Not surprised.

The FAQ outlines the parameters which define those employers who get financial relief from the employer mandates during the transition period.

You don't have to justify to the IRS why you fired someone. You can fire them. But doing so may put you outside the defined parameters for receiving financial relief from the mandate.


Um, yeah. That's what the op said.
Unfortunately for Obama, the law isn't written that way. Obama is making the law himself, despite the fact that the Constitution doesn't give him such authority.

It's just one more example of Obama wiping his ass on the Constitution.


Sounds like you are offering this up without any due diligence.

Obama does not "make laws himself" he is part of the process to get bills passed into law.

I know that's not what people think, but I saw it on TV when I was a kid.

Cool stuff.


Obama must of missed that program because he ignores and amends laws at will. "Constitutional law professor" :eusa_liar: What a joke that is

I hear this a lot from people who don't like Obama - can you site an instance where Obama has circumvented the law, amended a law inappropriately or flat out ignored it? The authorities would really be interested if that was the case.
Let's say I tell you that I will give ten dollars to every employer who has 50 employees after January 1. It so happens you are an employer who has exactly 50 employees.

I then explain to you that if you fire any employees between now and January 1, you won't get the ten bucks.

That is not telling you that you have to explain to me why you fired that person. It is just telling you that if you fall outside the parameters I have defined, you don't get the ten bucks.

The bigger issue is the rewriting of the original law, waivers, exemptions for certain groups, extended delays, changes in the law....all without congress consent.
You don't have to justify to the IRS why you fired someone.
Umm, in fact, that's exactly what you have to do. Read the link to the IRS stie.

You can fire them.
Well, that's mighty white of you to allow me to do that, massuh. To what do I owe this benificent permission?

But doing so may put you outside the defined parameters for receiving financial relief from the mandate.

TRANSLATION: "Nice business ya got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it, ya know? Hey, if ya run it the way **I** want, maybe we won't empty out the till on ya...."
Government bureaucrats, who know nothing about business, telling businesses how many people they have to keep employed. No way that can be a disaster! ...... :thup:
It doesn't decree that employers can't fire people.

It decrees that theyre disqualified from a healthcare specific subsidy if they fire due to the healthcare law.

Two totally different ideas. wow.
Government bureaucrats, who know nothing about business, telling businesses how many people they have to keep employed. No way that can be a disaster! ...... :thup:

They do it all day, every day.

That's why you need to have a licence to do plumbing or a permit to dramatically change a structure.

The Government has a say in just about anything you can imagine.

As a Class A truck driver, I had jump through all kinds of hoops to work - including getting a physical medical exam, peeing in a cup every time I got hurt, keeping a daily log of how much I drove including all my breaks and a bunch of other fascinating crap.
It doesn't say you can't fire people.
Buuuuuut - holy cow is this a slippery slope.
Who decides if a company let people go to get the subsidy or for legitimate reasons? or hasn't hired people to avoid losing the subsidy??

It doesn't say you can't fire people.
Buuuuuut - holy cow is this a slippery slope.
Who decides if a company let people go to get the subsidy or for legitimate reasons? or hasn't hired people to avoid losing the subsidy??


Yup and you know how the I.R.S is yoi are guilty until pr proven innocent.
Let's say I tell you that I will give ten dollars to every employer who has 50 employees after January 1. It so happens you are an employer who has exactly 50 employees.

I then explain to you that if you fire any employees between now and January 1, you won't get the ten bucks.

That is not telling you that you have to explain to me why you fired that person. It is just telling you that if you fall outside the parameters I have defined, you don't get the ten bucks.
So simple, even a caveman could get it.

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