BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

It's hilarious to watch NaziCons jump on the latest shiny object to divert attention away from Trump/Russia.

None of them have any sort of comprehensive understanding of this. They are all over the place. It's pretty funny.
Leaking the unmasked names could only be illegal one of two says.

1. It was classified information. It wasn't. At least no one has said it was. And why should it. The Ruskies already know we "tap their US phones."

2. The information was illegally collected, and Rice knew that. Not even Nunes and the gop contends the Trump guys were illegally "surveilled."

And none of the people are just ordinary people in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were all partisan political activists working in a campaign and with direct access to Trump.

Also, Obama did not order any surveillance. These were incidental captures. That means these were existing Intel reports that Rice unmasked the names on.
How these idiots get that Obama spied from that is beyond me.
You just made the case that the Russians influenced our election, dope. :laugh2:
how's that? you mean wikileaks right?

No, dope.
The fact that the Russians were behind the hacks and release is not in dispute. It's the basis of the counter intelligence investigation that includes Trump.

Oh it is completely in dispute. Not one government intel agency has examined the servers. That's the bottom line here. The two IT companies worked for the DNC and US Department of Defense.

Outside companies. With yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge D connections.
Not one government intel agency has examined the servers.

Who said they needed to in order to reach the determination that Russia was behind the hack and release?

Are they all lying or just incompetent?

I'm not going to beleive a DNC employee for one freaking minute.
Do you believe the FBI?
JimBowie1958 said:
Only a crook defends another crook with 'So why hasnt he been arrested yet?'


It is a logical question. If someone committed a crime, they're generally arrested. So far she has not been arrested. If she is arrested then I'll consider the possibility she committed a crime (even though she didn't break any laws). But until then, this is BS reporting by the conservative media.
Says who?

Says The Facts.

  • The Leaking of Surveillance Is A Felony.
  • The Unmasking Of An "INCIDENTAL TARGET" Is A Felony.
  • Unmasking can only occur if it is authorized in writing by Congress, or by The Intelligence Agency holding The Intelligence, or By Order of The President.
  • No Order was made. This is another Felony!
  • Lastly, Unmasking can only occur on an "INCIDENTAL TARGET" if that target has committed a crime and again the unmasking and release of classified Intel is authorized. Again a Felony to do this without authorization.
And Finally, you are Phucked by The Web of Deceit, Lies and Corruption you wove for yourself. Get ready for some serious Butt Hurting Karmic Justice.

The best part is we get to watch!
They'd make a killing on PPV when the shit finally comes to roost on your heads.

Best year of my political life!

Thanks Obama

More "facts" pulled from your ass.

Come on, he probably got them from an altR site. (-:
I got the from The Transcripts of Surveillance You Scum Said Never Happened.

I call your bullshit. Name the law broken and cite to it.

The Law of Reciprocity.

And it is coming for your party.

Here comes The Karma Freight Train.

And you and your Minions can't get off the tracks fast enough.


Why The Espionage Act of Course.
It was still leaked and used for political purposes against the incoming president by the Obama administration.
Trump and his transition team should never have been included or unmasked.

This has been Damocles sword over Trump and his team till now. It could have been cleared up months ago by Obama and Rice. Now they will have to explain their actions and who was allowed to leak any of this.

Trump might not have the the "direct" subject but the information from him and his team certainly was and unmasked. It shouldn't have been. Nothing illegal about foreign contacts during transition by or with the team, nor should their strategy be the subject.

Obama should not have been listening to Trump and team and most certainly the info and names should never have been leaked to anyone.

It was still leaked and used for political purposes against the incoming president by the Obama administration.

Says who?

Says The Facts.

  • The Leaking of Surveillance Is A Felony.
  • The Unmasking Of An "INCIDENTAL TARGET" Is A Felony.
  • Unmasking can only occur if it is authorized in writing by Congress, or by The Intelligence Agency holding The Intelligence, or By Order of The President.
  • No Order was made. This is another Felony!
  • Lastly, Unmasking can only occur on an "INCIDENTAL TARGET" if that target has committed a crime and again the unmasking and release of classified Intel is authorized. Again a Felony to do this without authorization.
And Finally, you are Phucked by The Web of Deceit, Lies and Corruption you wove for yourself. Get ready for some serious Butt Hurting Karmic Justice.

The best part is we get to watch!
They'd make a killing on PPV when the shit finally comes to roost on your heads.

Best year of my political life!

Thanks Obama

More "facts" pulled from your ass.

Come on, he probably got them from an altR site. (-:
I got the from The Transcripts of Surveillance You Scum Said Never Happened.

Post it up.
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons jump on the latest shiny object to divert attention away from Trump/Russia.

None of them have any sort of comprehensive understanding of this. They are all over the place. It's pretty funny.
Leaking the unmasked names could only be illegal one of two says.

1. It was classified information. It wasn't. At least no one has said it was. And why should it. The Ruskies already know we "tap their US phones."

2. The information was illegally collected, and Rice knew that. Not even Nunes and the gop contends the Trump guys were illegally "surveilled."

And none of the people are just ordinary people in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were all partisan political activists working in a campaign and with direct access to Trump.

Also, Obama did not order any surveillance. These were incidental captures. That means these were existing Intel reports that Rice unmasked the names on.
How these idiots get that Obama spied from that is beyond me.

You're using facts and logic - which are irrelevant to NaziCon anarchists and conspiracy theorists.
It was still leaked and used for political purposes against the incoming president by the Obama administration.
Trump and his transition team should never have been included or unmasked.

This has been Damocles sword over Trump and his team till now. It could have been cleared up months ago by Obama and Rice. Now they will have to explain their actions and who was allowed to leak any of this.

Trump might not have the the "direct" subject but the information from him and his team certainly was and unmasked. It shouldn't have been. Nothing illegal about foreign contacts during transition by or with the team, nor should their strategy be the subject.

Obama should not have been listening to Trump and team and most certainly the info and names should never have been leaked to anyone.

It was still leaked and used for political purposes against the incoming president by the Obama administration.

Says who?

Says The Facts.

  • The Leaking of Surveillance Is A Felony.
  • The Unmasking Of An "INCIDENTAL TARGET" Is A Felony.
  • Unmasking can only occur if it is authorized in writing by Congress, or by The Intelligence Agency holding The Intelligence, or By Order of The President.
  • No Order was made. This is another Felony!
  • Lastly, Unmasking can only occur on an "INCIDENTAL TARGET" if that target has committed a crime and again the unmasking and release of classified Intel is authorized. Again a Felony to do this without authorization.
And Finally, you are Phucked by The Web of Deceit, Lies and Corruption you wove for yourself. Get ready for some serious Butt Hurting Karmic Justice.

The best part is we get to watch!
They'd make a killing on PPV when the shit finally comes to roost on your heads.

Best year of my political life!

Thanks Obama

More "facts" pulled from your ass.

Come on, he probably got them from an altR site. (-:
I got the from The Transcripts of Surveillance You Scum Said Never Happened.
What transcripts? Link?

She was a national security advisor. This was part of her job.

Spying on candidates for the opposition party? Sounds like election fixing, Not An American. If this is confirmed, I would want to see Rice prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

You fascists are Not Our Americans, and really fucked up with your witch hunt. Looks like it's you who got caught.
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons jump on the latest shiny object to divert attention away from Trump/Russia.

None of them have any sort of comprehensive understanding of this. They are all over the place. It's pretty funny.
Leaking the unmasked names could only be illegal one of two says.

1. It was classified information. It wasn't. At least no one has said it was. And why should it. The Ruskies already know we "tap their US phones."

2. The information was illegally collected, and Rice knew that. Not even Nunes and the gop contends the Trump guys were illegally "surveilled."

And none of the people are just ordinary people in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were all partisan political activists working in a campaign and with direct access to Trump.

Also, Obama did not order any surveillance. These were incidental captures. That means these were existing Intel reports that Rice unmasked the names on.
How these idiots get that Obama spied from that is beyond me.

You're using facts and logic - which are irrelevant to NaziCon anarchists and conspiracy theorists.

It's hard to believe that some of these guys are even competent enough to earn a living.
Most of them can barely read.
how's that? you mean wikileaks right?

No, dope.
The fact that the Russians were behind the hacks and release is not in dispute. It's the basis of the counter intelligence investigation that includes Trump.

Oh it is completely in dispute. Not one government intel agency has examined the servers. That's the bottom line here. The two IT companies worked for the DNC and US Department of Defense.

Outside companies. With yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge D connections.
Not one government intel agency has examined the servers.

Who said they needed to in order to reach the determination that Russia was behind the hack and release?

Are they all lying or just incompetent?

I'm not going to beleive a DNC employee for one freaking minute.
Do you believe the FBI?
The FBI exonerated Flynn with The Transcripts of Surveillance You Devil Worshippers Said Never Happened, so in that one instance, yes.

But ask if I believe Comey? Hell No. He Perjured himself. He also let the following Obama Ass Sniffers get away with Perjury and other Felonies.

Last edited:
Not according to the cheeto kool aid drinkers. They think she committed a felony. They have no clue what her Jon entailed and they're just assuming for committed a crime because Fox News and Brietbart are making her out to be a criminal.
Unmasking masked identities that are 'incidentally' uncovered while our intelligence community is spying on foreigners is a felony, dumbass.
Unmasking masked identities that are 'incidentally' uncovered while our intelligence community is spying on foreigners is a felony,

Apparently, not if you're a democrat

Exactly, apparently laws don't apply to democrats.
It's hilarious to watch NaziCons jump on the latest shiny object to divert attention away from Trump/Russia.

None of them have any sort of comprehensive understanding of this. They are all over the place. It's pretty funny.
Leaking the unmasked names could only be illegal one of two says.

1. It was classified information. It wasn't. At least no one has said it was. And why should it. The Ruskies already know we "tap their US phones."

2. The information was illegally collected, and Rice knew that. Not even Nunes and the gop contends the Trump guys were illegally "surveilled."

And none of the people are just ordinary people in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were all partisan political activists working in a campaign and with direct access to Trump.

Also, Obama did not order any surveillance. These were incidental captures. That means these were existing Intel reports that Rice unmasked the names on.
How these idiots get that Obama spied from that is beyond me.

You're using facts and logic - which are irrelevant to NaziCon anarchists and conspiracy theorists.

It's hard to believe that some of these guys are even competent enough to earn a living.
Most of them can barely read.
I can read the writing on The Wall Good Enough.

And The Message Is Addressed To The Democrat Party

"Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin"
It is a logical question. If someone committed a crime, they're generally arrested. So far she has not been arrested. If she is arrested then I'll consider the possibility she committed a crime (even though she didn't break any laws). But until then, this is BS reporting by the conservative media.

You are Not An American as your avie points out. Donald Trump is the president of the Americans. You fascist scum are clearly agents of foreign intrigue

The fascist democratic party, the leftist thugs who follow George Soros as Fuhrer, have spent months floating lies about "Russians hacking the election," where is the arrest? You set rules, how are you fascists following those rules?
I’d be willing to bet that Obama started spying on Trump during the birth certificate issue. He had to know what Donald had on him and what he was going to expose. He was scared to death of Trump.
Does she realize she has committed a felony and is now risking jail time?

Susan Rice Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel

White House lawyers last month learned that the former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The pattern of Rice's requests was discovered in a National Security Council review of the government's policy on "unmasking" the identities of individuals in the U.S. who are not targets of electronic eavesdropping, but whose communications are collected incidentally. Normally those names are redacted from summaries of monitored conversations and appear in reports as something like "U.S. Person One."...

The National Security Council's senior director for intelligence, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, was conducting the review, according to two U.S. officials who spoke with Bloomberg View on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly. In February Cohen-Watnick discovered Rice's multiple requests to unmask U.S. persons in intelligence reports that related to Trump transition activities. He brought this to the attention of the White House General Counsel's office, who reviewed more of Rice's requests and instructed him to end his own research into the unmasking policy.

The intelligence reports were summaries of monitored conversations -- primarily between foreign officials discussing the Trump transition, but also in some cases direct contact between members of the Trump team and monitored foreign officials. One U.S. official familiar with the reports said they contained valuable political information on the Trump transition such as whom the Trump team was meeting, the views of Trump associates on foreign policy matters and plans for the incoming administration.​

hhaa Infowars had this story too. I almost posted it.
Dagny Delinquent on Twitter

Mary Anne Marsh, a democrat, reveals that the Obama admin had been investigating Trump since the spring of 2015!!

I really hope that Cruz and other candidates start demanding an investigation into Obama's use of intel on political opponents. At this point in time it would not surprise me whatsoever that other R candidates were spied on.

This is the biggest political scandal in US history.

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