BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

Susan Rice's qualifications to be NSA = ZERO

Susan Rice's qualifications to subvert the law and use US intelligence assets for partisan politics = absolute = why O liked her

Obviously you haven't read her bio. She is about three times as smart as Steve Bannon would ever be.
Her job as National Security Adviser was to spy on Trump?

Since she had ZERO national security qualifications other than not being white, not having a penis, and never voting against the Dems, what did you expect?

Every top hire by O was unqualified to be anything but a completely kleptocratic bigoted partisan hack.

Really none? Serving as the Ambassador to the United Nations wasn't something? Serving on the National Security Council under Clinton wasn't something? Being a foreign policy aide for Dukakis all the way back in the 80's wasn't something?
Listening to Mike Gallagher this morning...on his radio show he cited a report that Susan Rice, obama minion, is the first person to be named as likely unmasking the names of Trump aides after the illegal surveillance.....

She needs a lawyer....see, the problem is that she was likely told that hilary wouldn't be looking into this when she won....and her Attorney General wouldn't pursue these illegal activites.....

But Trump she and the other minions need lawyers.....

seems she has admitted she requested the unmasking of people associated with Trump
Serving as the Ambassador to the United Nations wasn't something?

That was 100% reading off prepared text and teleprompter.

Being a foreign policy aide for Dukakis

That's pretty funny - a "foreign aide" of a psycho big spending GOVERNOR of Massachusetts....

Serving on the National Security Council under Clinton wasn't something?


Let's review what the Clinton NSA was all about....

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq | The Huffington Post

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq"

Yeah, Susan Rice had PRECISELY ZERO QUALIFICATIONS to be anything but a shill for Hill....
And Eli Lake, from Bloomberg, reporting on it?
Man this Mike Cernovich guy is really trying hard to take over the fake news mantle and run with it
Eli Lake reported that what Susan Rice this was legal. That is why this thread links to the Gateway Pundit instead of Eli Lake.

Yeah......and every criminal in prison is actually innocent.......

That's only in certain cities.

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Dexter Manley sacked an NFL QB more than 100 times.

He was unable to read the QB's jersey for each one, because after 4 years at Oklahoma State, he still COULD NOT READ...
Dexter Manley sacked an NFL QB more than 100 times.

He was unable to read the QB's jersey for each one, because after 4 years at Oklahoma State, he still COULD NOT READ...

And? Rice was a Truman Scholarship winner and a Rhodes Scholar. How about you look up how hard it is to get those. I'll give you a hint, you would have to be able to read to do get them.
Thank you Boomberg! We now know it was done legally and for a REASON:

The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.

And we now know it had NOTHING to do with Trump's lying tweets.

Rice's requests to unmask the names of Trump transition officials does not vindicate Trump's own tweets from March 4 in which he accused Obama of illegally tapping Trump Tower. There remains no evidence to support that claim.
One of the arguments that the Democratic Party I was a member of objected to databases was the inevitable abuse of the information. There has never been a collection of data that was not abused. All the safeguards, and all the protections never work. It is impossible to have complete data and restricted access.
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?

It matters not if it was illegal or legal. Your whole party has been caught in lie, after lie after lie.
You can debate that all you want. The fact is, Obama was conducting Surveillance on Donald Trump, and probably other GOP Candidates. I would lay a bet on ALL OF THEM, and was passing the information along to Hillary Clinton.

And that most DEFINATELY IS ILLEGAL, and a Felony, and is Considered Felony Espionage.
You can make a case for Treason and Sedition as well.

I told all of you Leftists, that you were overplaying you hand, and that your Russian Narrative was too outlandish and sensationalist to be true, and that is was nothing but a crafted lie to distract from the corruption of the DNC and served as deflection for a stinging loss.

Now those lies are going to sink you.

Welcome to 2018, where people will not forget all the bullshit you put everyone through the moment you tapped a Criminal Clinton to be your Queen of The Damned.

At first I wasn't sure when you stated that the left was overplaying their hand, now I tend to agree. They milked this cow and beat this horse dead and all it did was allow this other surveillance activity abuses to linger and rise to the surface.

Fox: This unmasking was done for political purposes, not National Security. Investigated for a year, had nothing to do with Russia. Powerful 6 min clip:

Sources: Trump, associates surveilled for up to year
Sources: Trump, associates surveilled for up to year

Now NY Post getting into it with their head story:
Susan Rice tried to ‘unmask’ Trump associates in intelligence reports

I have to state as an edit, that I have read MANY books on the NSA, CIA and FBI. Including some books on Canadian intelligence. I have the utmost respect for those agencies and agents who do vital work, some who risk their lives (others who have lost their lives) for liberty and American security. I could share some absolutely amazing stories I have read about the NSA capabilities in particular that go back many decades. None other than a former Stasi member who emigrated to America after the wall fell expressed just how far ahead of the rest of the world the NSA was in the 1970's and 80's. That's saying a great deal coming from someone like him.

Anything done for political purposes does not fall under the heading of admiration for me. In fact, it runs contrary to American interests and what they have always stood for. If ordered to engage in political surveillance and abuse, it has to be reported and there must be consequences for anyone in a position of authority who abused their powers.

The Problem is that Obama placed Political Operatives at the heads of many of these organizations. Often he would take Sycophants and fill out the organizational tree with them.

The men, the foot soldiers, the career guys in my opinion are probably loyal, serious and faithful to their jobs and Constitution, but these scum Obama planted everywhere need to be taken out back and shot.

And I am not kidding.

Of course, they should get due process.

I will get some popcorn to watch their trials on TV.

You have The Obama Administration Conducting Surveillance for over a year, and there is nothing to even hint of charging a single Trump Team Member with so much as even a Jay Walking Offense.

There was no justification for unmasking, and it sure as HELL was illegal to share this information with The Media, and The Clinton Campaign.

The Surveillance Itself, despite being called "INCIDENTAL" was denied....that it ever occurred.
There is nothing "INCIDENTAL" about having a Presidential Candidate and his team under surveillance for over a year!
Thank you Boomberg! We now know it was done legally and for a REASON:

The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.

And we now know it had NOTHING to do with Trump's lying tweets.

Rice's requests to unmask the names of Trump transition officials does not vindicate Trump's own tweets from March 4 in which he accused Obama of illegally tapping Trump Tower. There remains no evidence to support that claim.

leaking information and names were not.
she obviously lied when she said she knew nothing of the surveillance.
Wow, You & El Rushbo are mental twins. Both of you dumbasses trying tio protewct your orange buddy pby placing blame with the Obama administration.

It is perfectly legal to request the names of those Russian Lovin Trumpettes as long has national security implications.

You think that if we are tapping some Russian official & Trump calls & wants to know where to send the payment that this would be ignored?
Wow, You & El Rushbo are mental twins. Both of you dumbasses trying tio protewct your orange buddy pby placing blame with the Obama administration.

It is perfectly legal to request the names of those Russian Lovin Trumpettes as long has national security implications.

You think that if we are tapping some Russian official & Trump calls & wants to know where to send the payment that this would be ignored?

Actually it's not. If you weren't a political whore you would admit it too. But we know exactly what you are.
It is perfectly legal to request the names of those Russian Lovin Trumpettes as long has national security implications

There were no national security implications.

There were ELECTION implications the Dems hated.
Wow, You & El Rushbo are mental twins. Both of you dumbasses trying tio protewct your orange buddy pby placing blame with the Obama administration.

It is perfectly legal to request the names of those Russian Lovin Trumpettes as long has national security implications.

You think that if we are tapping some Russian official & Trump calls & wants to know where to send the payment that this would be ignored?

But.....But....But.... "There was NO SURVEILLANCE!"

Never happened, right?


Never Happened, Right?

Hillary Clinton, only had one Electronic Device, Right?

She had 33,000 emails about Yoga Pants, Right?

That she just had to Bleach Bit, Right?

No, nothing wrong here.

And where is Obama Bin Lying?

You think this loud mouth punk would try to defend himself even once, Right?

He can't. He is in hiding, and anything he says he will be held accountable for.
Same with Hillary Clinton who has been keeping a low profile, which is amazing to me seeing she had so much venom to hurl at President Trump every day, and she wants to run for Mayor of New York.

Where is Lois Lerner's Hard Drive?
Where is The DNC Server?
Thank you Boomberg! We now know it was done legally and for a REASON:

The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.

And we now know it had NOTHING to do with Trump's lying tweets.

Rice's requests to unmask the names of Trump transition officials does not vindicate Trump's own tweets from March 4 in which he accused Obama of illegally tapping Trump Tower. There remains no evidence to support that claim.

leaking information and names were not.
she obviously lied when she said she knew nothing of the surveillance.
As she should have lied if this story is true, when asked about classified information in an on going investigation, in a public interview.

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