Breaking On Fox

Scum like Swallow...."Look over there, not over here at the shit Obamination put all over the place, look over there!!!"
Yeah..they did.

They said Iraq had a hand in it.

Stop deflecting. This isn't about Iraq and it's not about George Bush. It's about the fact that this administration DELIBERATELY misled the American people for political purposes.

Sure it is.

It absolutely is.

When you deal with incidents like this you have to use precedent.

You guys act as if nothing like this as ever happened before.

And that's not the case at all.

Bullshit. No president that I know of went out two weeks after a terror attack and claimed that they still didn't know if it was pre planned or not.
No he didn't.

And it wasn't the only incident occuring at the time. guys sure only hear the "news" you want to hear. There were demonstrations all over the middle east concerning that stupid film.

And the intelligence department said as much about the attack.

How do we know that those weren't all 9/11 attacks? I mean, it's obvious that this administration has no problem whatsoever putting out misinformation.

You have no way of knowing ANYTHING on Fox etc...LOL

And nobody who knows anything gives a rats ass about anything you say.

E-mails don't lie.
Stop deflecting. This isn't about Iraq and it's not about George Bush. It's about the fact that this administration DELIBERATELY misled the American people for political purposes.

Sure it is.

It absolutely is.

When you deal with incidents like this you have to use precedent.

You guys act as if nothing like this as ever happened before.

And that's not the case at all.

Bullshit. No president that I know of went out two weeks after a terror attack and claimed that they still didn't know if it was pre planned or not.

AND right before an election. :eusa_whistle:
Yeah..they did.

They said Iraq had a hand in it.

Stop deflecting. This isn't about Iraq and it's not about George Bush. It's about the fact that this administration DELIBERATELY misled the American people for political purposes.

Sure it is.

It absolutely is.

When you deal with incidents like this you have to use precedent.

You guys act as if nothing like this as ever happened before.

And that's not the case at all.

It's a bullshit deflection. G.W. didn't blame the 9/11 attack on some peon in California while all along KNOWING the truth. That guy is still in jail, perp-walked out for the cameras in the middle of the night over a possible probation violation. :eek:

Who was it who set the diplomatic mission in Libya? Who refused the pleas of our State Dept. personnel for better security? Who sent Susan Rice out to the cameras to claim this attack was about a YouTube video? You do realize, don't you, that the Obama administration itself did a better job promoting this obscure video than any Hollywood publicist could have possibly managed?
the cia, british intel, etc all said saddam had wmds....but bush gets blamed even today for the wmds being not at the levels expected in iraq.

Oh, but obamination and his goons inventing a "video" cover story to lie about their mistakes in big deal to liberal scum.

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And yet every one of those 4 is still as valuable as each and every one of those 4500.

It doesn't change the fact that the White House lied about it being about a video and not being a terrorist attack though.
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Obama said it was an act of terror.

not quite....

now where did i hear him flat out say......

THIS was an act of terror.
THIS act was an attack of terror.

Obama did not say in his rose garden address.... THIS indecent is a terrorist attack.

We're supposed to interpret "no acts of terror will shake our resolve" after the memory of 9/11/2001 was invoked as "the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist act", but we're not supposed interpret "America has been dismissive and derisive and hasn't lived up to her principles, but we're going to be better in the future" as an apology.

Doesn't that make perfect sense? :dunno:
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the cia, british intel, etc all said saddam had wmds....but bush gets blamed even today for the wmds being not at the levels expected in iraq.

Oh, but obamination and his goons inventing a "video" cover story to lie about their mistakes in big deal to liberal scum.

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Really?? Attempting to trivialize their deaths...that's as fucked up as making a comparison to how many died in other wars compared to Afghanistan/Iraq.
Typical demented mind of a liberal....keep talking about Iraq.

Oh, all the military that died in Iraq were "fighting" against the enemy. The Ambassador and 3 other Americans killed were in Libya for State Department business, not there to fight terrorists.

Don't worry, Obamination's fuck-ups in Iraq, Egypt and Libya will get more Americans killed. Bill Clinton set the standard for that....on 9-11.

the cia, british intel, etc all said saddam had wmds....but bush gets blamed even today for the wmds being not at the levels expected in iraq.

Oh, but obamination and his goons inventing a "video" cover story to lie about their mistakes in big deal to liberal scum.

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Urgent: Fox Exclusive: State Department mails declare al Qaeda-linked group claimed responsibility for Benghazi attack

Per Pergram-Capitol Hill

Fox has obtained a set of internal emails which declare that the group Ansar al Sharia claimed responsibility of the attack in Benghazi virtually as the raid played out on September 11th.

Ansar al Sharia has been declared by the State Department to be a an al Qaeda affiliated group. The emails were sent by the State Department to across a variety of redacted national security platforms including the White House Situation room, the Pentagon, the FBI, the Director of National Intelligence and the State Department. Fox is told that approximately 300-400 national security figures received these emails in real time almost as the raid was playing out and concluding. Fox is told that figures directly receiving these emails work directly underneath the nation’s top national security, military and diplomatic officials.

The first email indicates that Ambassador Chris Stevens and other personnel were “in the compound safe haven.”

Emails show the Obama administration knew Ansar al Sharia was behind the attack in Benghazi « Gretawire

State Department emails from day of Libya attack show Al Qaeda-tied group on radar | Fox News
the cia, british intel, etc all said saddam had wmds....but bush gets blamed even today for the wmds being not at the levels expected in iraq.

Oh, but obamination and his goons inventing a "video" cover story to lie about their mistakes in big deal to liberal scum.

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I thought 4 deaths was 'not optimal'.....
The war in Iraq that was finished by Bush Jr wasn't started by him, that was Saddam back in the 90s.

Now the mess in Libya was started by Obamination....and he is busy covering up his bullshit to get re-elected.

It shows how much of a scumbag he is to openly lie about getting an Ambassador killed, an Ambassador that he personally sent to the hellhole called Libya without protection.

I don't recall Bush sending troops to Iraq without protection/weapons to defend themselves.
gonna be hard for hillary to take the fall for that one.

She shouldn't have to. :)

she is taking one for the team.... and i am sad she is going to be the fall guy in all of this.

She shouldn't have to fall alone, but she deserves her share of the blame for letting that consulate go unprotected. She should have known better. If Obama wouldn't ok the increased security, she could have brought it to the public.
No, but most definitely the sort of shit that the terrorists jerk off to when they can rejoice in how we disrespect the deaths of our fellow Americans with such petty nonsense.
Obamination is a criminal, he made fraudulent statements to the American public on this issue, Fast & Furious, Top Secret leaks to the NYTimes, etc.

And, they made an American citizen a fall guy. Shameful

I always took heart that our Presidents took an oath to protect Americans, not persecute them and cause them to have to go into hiding because of actual terrorists, committing terror in another country.
Obamination is a criminal, he made fraudulent statements to the American public on this issue, Fast & Furious, Top Secret leaks to the NYTimes, etc.

And, they made an American citizen a fall guy. Shameful

I always took heart that our Presidents took an oath to protect Americans, not persecute them and cause them to have to go into hiding because of actual terrorists, committing terror in another country.

That guy is in solitary confinement because Barack let him be the fall guy.

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