BREAKING: One of the Witnesses at the Trump Bedminster meeting testified they had no memory of Trump displaying Classified Documents to interviewers're just talking smack about what I'm saying, while you're rephrasing what I said from the beginning. The meaning is the same.
The PRA quite clearly says presidential records are government property. This is a simple fact you cannot accept because it exposes you as a moron who swallowed the bullshit being fed to you by Trump and your propagandists.

The language is unequivocal: The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records.
When you read the PRA in sequence, it is very plain. A former president must turn over presidential records to the archivist. Later, the former president may be provided access to that government property in the custody of the Archivist.

Now you can plug your ears and shout, "LA-LA-LA I can't here you!" I frankly don't care.

Also the PRA says one thing....but it appears that there are exceptions when it comes to Biden, Obama, and Bill Clinton.

Obama immediately turned over his presidential records to the National Archives. They took immediate custody when he left office.

So much for that argument.

After fighting and resisting for more than a year after he left office, Donald Trump finally turned over SOME of the government property he had absconded with, including 197 classified documents.

Trump is not being charged for taking any of that.

Let that sink in.

Trump is not being charged for any of the government property he turned over to the Archivist.

And that is where any comparison to Biden ends. Got it?

All Trump had to do was turn over ALL the government property he had and he would not be indicted today.

Think about that. Think real hard about that.

Trump set himself up. His ego bleevs he is above law.

Instead, he chose to keep at least 31 classified documents and then he did something really fuckin dirty.

Trump lied to his lawyer and told him he had turned everything over. This is why I have been saying for a long time that only an idiot would go to work for Trump, because they all end up scandalized or in prison.

So the lawyer, based on Trump's lie to him, signed a statement that everything had been turned over.

That's one of the charges against Trump. Lying to his lawyer and having his lawyer sign a false statement.

Finally, the Archivist had no other alternative than to forcibly take the government's property from Trump lying fingers by force.

Trump Prosecutors Struggled Over Motives. Then They Heard the Tape.

What turned the tide was an audio tape and other evidence investigators confirmed around February from meetings Trump held almost two years earlier and a thousand miles from the former president’s Palm Beach, Fla., resort, according to people familiar with the matter.

That crucial evidence, along with notes from a Trump lawyer describing his response to the investigation, helped spur prosecutors to push forward with a criminal case, the people said—
an unprecedented step that might have been avoided if Trump had cooperated even late last year, as some of his lawyers had urged him to do.

And now, since you do nothing but tell lies, I am done with you.

31 classified documents were found in Trump's possession.

Read. The. Indictment.

Yes, the records are made available to former presidents.

But they still have to be in custody of the archives.
Excalibur has parroted this same hoax at least 20 times on this forum. He's a real dipshit.
A former President has a right to any and all of his records.

At (3).
Why do you keep parroting this hoax over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over on this forum?

You know damned well by now that when the PRA is read IN ORDER, it states a former president must turn over his presidential records to the custody of the archivist.

Only AFTER he does that is access to the records available to him.

I am so fucking done with you, dipshit.

You've made my very short ignore list.
The Court construes this language as requiring the Archivist to take responsibility for records that were designated as Presidential records during the President's term. Even plaintiff tentatively agreed that the obligation to assume custody and control arises after a determination has been made that the documents are Presidential records. Tr. at 30:3–6. If certain records are not designated as Presidential records, the Archivist has no statutory obligation to take any action at all, and there is nothing to compel under the APA.

In order to accept plaintiff's theory that section 2203(f)(1) of the PRA creates a mandatory duty for the Archivist to assume custody and control of what he or she considers to be Presidential records regardless of how the President designated the documents, the Court would be required to ignore the rest of the PRA's statutory scheme. This it cannot do. See Chemehuevi Tribe of Indians v. Fed. Power Comm'n, 420 U.S. 395, 403, 95 S.Ct. 1066, 43 L.Ed.2d 279 (1975) (stating that a statutory provision must be “read together with the rest of the Act”).

Now it looks like Jack Smith also has the document Trump was talking about.


Regardless, since Milley publicly discussed this alleged document before Trump allegedly referred to it, it was automatically declassified by Milley's public disclosure.
A former President has a right to any and all of his records.

At (3).

So do the employees at the national archives

persons employed by the National Archives and Records Administration who are engaged in the performance of normal archival work shall be permitted access to Presidential records in the custody of the Archivist;

But none of them are allowed to take any of the documents home.

Regardless, since Milley publicly discussed this alleged document before Trump allegedly referred to it, it was automatically declassified by Milley's public disclosure.
It's chrged under the espionage act. That doesn't deal with classified documents, it deals with military information.

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