BREAKING: Portland police say anti-Trump protest is 'riot'

One way to stop this shit would be a Federal law! The protesters can March, yell. Bring signs, etc. BUT if you break windows, property destruction and INTIMIDATING, HARASSING citizens that want no part of the protest, lock them up and have a mandatory 1 year prison sentence. No option for some left wing judge to give them a fine...jail time is the answer!
Anyone that is caught destroying property or physically harming someone should be arrested, made to pay for any damage they caused and perform lots of community service. I don't understand this mentality, what do they think they are going to accomplish? I would be so ashamed if it was my child.

In their little brains they are brave soldiers in the fight against the Evul Hitler and his Nazis.

That they are the ones actually employing brown shirt tactics is to complex for them to understand.

This is the result of HIllary's Godwin campaign.

She has convinced a large portion of the population that the nation as a whole is being taken over by Evulness.
LOL......retards are creating more Trump supporters!!:fu: Go........go.......go.......

Cant wait for a vid of somebody like me getting their car hit and the k00k who did it laying on the ground with a bat 20" up their ass!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I'm listening to the Red Eye guys report on it. And what they duly noted that was different from other riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?

They called it "criminal". That's bloody refreshing.
The police are going to reap revenge now. It's probably peaceful.

In my city......this shit will be shut down by the NYPD faster than an eye blink.

Watch :deal:
To all of those protesting the election result Hillary has a question for you.
For what reason are they destroying people's cars? They have nothing to do with politics... :eusa_doh:
Correll I think you have a point on that. The question is, what the hell do we do about it when the MSM just keeps feeding the fire? I've tried talking to my snowflakes, they've decided I'm the enemy. Folks that I've known for years, decades, are so brainwashed that they can't even think straight anymore. I'm at a loss.
REGARDING: ( "Soros-paid thugs"? is there anything you neo nazis dont blame on the jews?") FIRST: IT'S Jews, not "jews" so your hypocrisy is showing. And there is plenty of proof that SOROS funded hideous, disruptive protests, so your ignorance is showing too.
I'm listening to the Red Eye guys report on it. And what they duly noted that was different from other riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?

They called it "criminal". That's bloody refreshing.
The police are going to reap revenge now. It's probably peaceful.

If my property was damaged in a riot and the powers that be didn't order the police to move in and disperse rioters a lawsuit would be hitting them big time. I don't know how people take this shit from these assholes.
Rioters fucking with my stuff would sing a different tune.
This is not just about Trump. These low-IQ criminals are trying to tell the rest of us who we should vote for. They are too stupid, too undisciplined to advise anyone. Hell, they need someone to take care of them.

That said, I'm sure that some, if not most, of the "protesters" are Soros-paid thugs. This is the way the anti-American POS operates.
"Soros-paid thugs"? is there anything you neo nazis dont blame on the jews?

Is there any lib that don't lie out his ass?
Correll I think you have a point on that. The question is, what the hell do we do about it when the MSM just keeps feeding the fire? I've tried talking to my snowflakes, they've decided I'm the enemy. Folks that I've known for years, decades, are so brainwashed that they can't even think straight anymore. I'm at a loss.

Right now, my plan is to spend the next four years pointing out to people that the nothing that the panic mongers said, actually happens(ed).

Which of course, it won't.

Maybe some bets with your (ex-)friends about what they think will happen that doesn't.

THe payoff if they lose?

They have to read this out loud.

"I understand now that our disagreement on policy was based on a disagreement on what was the best policy, NOT on you WANTING evul policies for the pure joy of being Evul."
Well I only had one of them unfriend me, the rest are too stuck in my "light" to quit me, despite my aversion to their liberal [terrorism] policies.

That said, I just post the occasional "Meet the real Trump" video and hope they'll eventually come around.
Gotta wonder about the integrity of the Lefties who claimed their party was about inclusion, peace, love.. etc. etc.

Is there not enough violence in the US now without this? Trump's in. Deal with it! Rioting will change nothing but land those doing it in jail. If they need an outlet for their anger, if they want to be destructive, here's an idea... Let them go over to Syria and take care of ISIS! Put their rage and anger to good use! Be all they can be.
How long should the authorities give them space to destroy?
The police are currently afraid to get involved. Now after some court decisions, the individual officer can be sued for their actions. Where before the municipality they worked for were held responsible.
Huh. They had no problem slaughtering LaVoy Finicum for daring to try to leave Harney County.
All this violence and protesting is ridiculous and it's not just in Portland. It's everywhere! It changes nothing. People have the right to vote as they want to. That's what makes this a FREE country. For those who are single minded-move to a communist country!
JUDGES-exercise your power! The most violent get two choices: Jail or The Military! It worked in the past, let's bring it back. Let them put their violence and anger to good use! Send them to Syria!
These selfish people have taken the attention away from our military personnel getting ready to deploy and veterans that serve(d)!
Police... No guns. Taze them. Get them under control. Round them up and take them to jail. Enough already!
Ladies, and genlemen... What you are witnessing is, the death throws of a failed movement. Today's youth, much like a poorly raised child haven't been taught how to handle losing with dignity. This is akin to a child throwing a tantrum in a store, after mommy says no to buying them a new toy.
Yes! Exactly!!!

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