Breaking: President to Give Speech on Obamacare at 11:35 ET

He is going to order insurance companies to reinstate the cancelled policies

If he is going to order insurance companies to reinstate the cancelled policies, he is going to have to make those policies legal. The reason they were cancelled is because they became illegal when they didn't provide for obama's minimum standards.

Yup. Sounds like he's beginning to realize that his "signature legislation" is so full of holes it makes the Titanic look good.

He's also trying to let his Dem buddies, you know the ones up for re-election, know that he's going to try to save their asses.

Must be nice to think you can change things when you feel like it.

The ACA is a trainwreck and Barry Boy is just now realizinig it. He and the Dems have saddled this country with a POS.
If the president says you can keep your cancelled plan, DON'T BELIEVE HIM! Call your insurance person and ask! You may find out differently!

Fool me once... shame one you..
Fool me twice... shame on me!
So what about us that kept our insurance but the rates doubled in price? Is he gonna fix that, doub it.
I'd like to know where he gets the authority to just pull changes to "settled law" out of his ass whenever he needs to placate a group of people?
Here's the thing: the policies have already been cancelled, they don't exist, they have Ceased To Be. They are Ex-Policies..."
This is an Ex-Policy... a Deceased Policy... it's gone pine'ing down the fjord... off to join the Choir Celestial...

All this is, is a move to pass the blame onto the Insurance companies. I don't even know if it's possible for Insurance companies to reinstate these cancelled plans.
Pelosi has come out and announced the president is going to announce some sort of "fix" for Obamacare. He isn't going to wait and go through Congress. HE will take care of it.

Excuse me, but don't we have three branches of government?

Here's his "fix" ---
Blame the whole-fucking-mess on "un-cooperative" Republicans.


off to the fucking golf course.
I'd like to know where he gets the authority to just pull changes to "settled law" out of his ass whenever he needs to placate a group of people?

I would like to know, too. This is another case of "King Obama." He is so desperate! If the Upton bill passes tomorrow, it essentially guts the Obamacare legislation. Same with the Landrieu bill. This man is desperate from what I understand.
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 21m
Insurance source: WH fix places "onus on us even tho they know we can't" effectively extend cancelled policies given rates/logistics probs

John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 5m
More from insurance industry source on WH O-care fix: "This is a joke - doesn't change anything but allow WH to blame insurance companies"
All this is, is a move to pass the blame onto the Insurance companies. I don't even know if it's possible for Insurance companies to reinstate these cancelled plans.

From what I understand, it isn't. It takes months . The Insurance Company has to go to the Insurance Council.
The underpinning of obamacare is the individual mandate. It cannot exist just being another name for medicaid. It will crumble. There won't be enough paying customers to keep it going.
All this is, is a move to pass the blame onto the Insurance companies. I don't even know if it's possible for Insurance companies to reinstate these cancelled plans.

These simple pricks likely think they can just do a "system restore" kinda thing and reset everything.
Guy Benson ‏@guypbenson 3m
WH trashed 'junk' plans it will now try to restore -- and hammered Upton bill, which it will now impose via Obama decree.
So they want to delay people boarding the Titanic by a year. Terrific
Hell, the dining-hall orchestra is already warming up, practicing the swan-song for use on the lifeboat deck...

"Nearer, my government-approved, secularized, non-denominational, mandated, delayed-implementation, non-specific Deity, to thee..."
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All this is, is a move to pass the blame onto the Insurance companies. I don't even know if it's possible for Insurance companies to reinstate these cancelled plans.

From what I understand, it isn't. It takes months . The Insurance Company has to go to the Insurance Council.

Yeah, and the Insurance companies have to figure out all the rates etc. They changed their whole database/pricing system because of OC. It wouldn't be worth it for them to re-issue them.

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