Breaking: President to Give Speech on Obamacare at 11:35 ET

55% Americans think Obama tried to deceive us about Obamacare
38% think he didn't know what he was talking about

I think he did not do himself any good today. I think Democratic Congressmen may vote against him tomorrow.
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Holy shit! Here are tweets from the press during the speech and Q & A. They didn't buy his excuses.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 58s
RT [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein: Ah, I remember WH people yelling at me for saying the problems were “systemic.”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT [MENTION=26308]ethan[/MENTION]klapper: Longest. Answer. Ever.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 49s
RT @JRubinBlogger: [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty you call the great Oz a liar!

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 15s
RT [MENTION=24414]Andy[/MENTION]levy: this is actually painful to watch

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 32s
RT @POTUSPressPool: Pres Obama: “Clearly we, and I, did not have enough awareness of the problems with the website”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 6s
RT [MENTION=11599]David[/MENTION]MDrucker: .@BarackObama still dancing around political aspect of broken promise.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT [MENTION=37006]Jonah[/MENTION]NRO: So who informed the president incorrectly?

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @jpodhoretz: what the hell is he saying?

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Ooh, he said he’s “not going to walk away” from ObamaCare, which means they see that as a looming possibility.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 33s
RT [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty: Now Obama’s saying his staff lied to him. Anybody getting fired over that, Mr. President?

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 30s
RT @NumbersMuncher: Shorter Obama: I lied 37 times so I could reelected, and that’s on me.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Here we go: “The insurance companies may come back and say we need to charge you more...”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @RichLowry: so the president always knew his promise wasn’t strictly true
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Holy shit! Here are tweets from the press during the speech and Q & A. They didn't buy his excuses.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 58s
RT [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein: Ah, I remember WH people yelling at me for saying the problems were “systemic.”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT [MENTION=26308]ethan[/MENTION]klapper: Longest. Answer. Ever.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 49s
RT @JRubinBlogger: [MENTION=40940]Ezra[/MENTION]klein [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty you call the great Oz a liar!

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 15s
RT [MENTION=24414]Andy[/MENTION]levy: this is actually painful to watch

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 32s
RT @POTUSPressPool: Pres Obama: “Clearly we, and I, did not have enough awareness of the problems with the website”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 6s
RT [MENTION=11599]David[/MENTION]MDrucker: .@BarackObama still dancing around political aspect of broken promise.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT [MENTION=37006]Jonah[/MENTION]NRO: So who informed the president incorrectly?

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @jpodhoretz: what the hell is he saying?

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Ooh, he said he’s “not going to walk away” from ObamaCare, which means they see that as a looming possibility.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 33s
RT [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty: Now Obama’s saying his staff lied to him. Anybody getting fired over that, Mr. President?

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 30s
RT @NumbersMuncher: Shorter Obama: I lied 37 times so I could reelected, and that’s on me.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Here we go: “The insurance companies may come back and say we need to charge you more...”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 1m
RT @RichLowry: so the president always knew his promise wasn’t strictly true

:lol: :lol: :lol:
More tweets. It's a sign they are turning on the president.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 25s
RT [MENTION=30056]Tom[/MENTION]BevanRCP: D’oh! Obama chucks Congressional Dems under bus, reminds country they made same “you-can-keep-it” promise.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 36s
RT @JGreenDC: Mr. Obama, you’re in a mess, so I’ll change the subject for you!

Sean Geary Higgins [MENTION=36888]Sean[/MENTION]GHiggins 1m
It is the rare press conference where a question about being humiliated by Iran counts as a moment of relief for the president.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 57s
RT @verumserum: You know it’s bad when the Iran question is a life preserver.

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 18s
RT [MENTION=24026]ace[/MENTION]ofSpadesHQ: These cancellations are not due to some test of their fairness, but over things like a trivial $5 increase in a co-pay.

jimgeraghty [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty 6m
Obama keeps talking about all these things he’s “discovering” and “just realizing” and “just learning.”

jimgeraghty [MENTION=20506]jim[/MENTION]geraghty 7m
Somewhere right now, Mark Sanchez is saying, “man, this guy fumbles a lot.”

Katie Pavlich [MENTION=31027]katie[/MENTION]Pavlich 3m
And here we go with Obama passing the buck to insurance companies “we’re saying Obamacare won’t be the factor for what happens to folks”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 15s
RT [MENTION=22824]Bret[/MENTION]tLoGiurato: Obama, media critic: “The things that go right, you guys aren’t going to write about.”

WhiteHousePressCorps @whpresscorps 26s
RT [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]Fix: Aha! It’s the media’s fault!

And lastly, liberal golden boy Howard Dean chimes in.

Howard Dean: I Wonder If Obama Has the ‘Legal Authority to Do This’

“I wonder if he has the legal authority to do this, since this was a congressional bill that set this up,” said Dean of Obama’s proposed fix.

Howard Dean: I Wonder If Obama Has the 'Legal Authority to Do This' | The Weekly Standard
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According to CNN TV a few minutes ago...

Looks like it's going to be a One-Year Delay for insurance policies to comply with new ObamaCare criteria.

And requiring insurance companies to call their soon-to-be-cancelled customers, to tell them that they've been given a one-year reprieve.

I think.

And, if all that is correct, after all, then...

The Delay is probably well within the realm of legitimate Executive Fiat, although I'm not so sure about the Feds' ability to (1) force insurance companies to listen or (2) make those phone calls about the reprieve.

And, there's precedent, like the Delays and Waivers authorized by the Feds in other areas of ObamaCare in recent months.

It's another band-aid on top of a severed artery but it will stop the hemorrhaging for a little while, anyway.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... what a Clusterf--k and Bad Joke this has turned out to be.

I thought the ACA was the law of the land now? I find it hard to believe that anyone can set aside a law because they fucked up when the law was passed and they are now trying to cover their asses.

The insurance companies are obeying the law of the land. I don't see how they can put those recinded polices back in play. They will be breaking the law.

If I were them I'd tell that jackass to pound fucking sand.
According to CNN TV a few minutes ago...

Looks like it's going to be a One-Year Delay for insurance policies to comply with new ObamaCare criteria.

And requiring insurance companies to call their soon-to-be-cancelled customers, to tell them that they've been given a one-year reprieve.

I think.

And, if all that is correct, after all, then...

The Delay is probably well within the realm of legitimate Executive Fiat, although I'm not so sure about the Feds' ability to (1) force insurance companies to listen or (2) make those phone calls about the reprieve.

And, there's precedent, like the Delays and Waivers authorized by the Feds in other areas of ObamaCare in recent months.

It's another band-aid on top of a severed artery but it will stop the hemorrhaging for a little while, anyway.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... what a Clusterf--k and Bad Joke this has turned out to be.

I thought the ACA was the law of the land now? I find it hard to believe that anyone can set aside a law because they fucked up when the law was passed and they are now trying to cover their asses.

The insurance companies are obeying the law of the land. I don't see how they can put those recinded polices back in play. They will be breaking the law.

If I were them I'd tell that jackass to pound fucking sand.

The insurance companies have spent a few years setting everything up. In 2010, the obama and his team changed the grandfather rules so that nearly everyone who had an individual plan wouldn't be grandfathered in and those plans got cancelled. So the obama thinks that by waving his magic rambling voice the insurance companies can undo in six weeks what took two years to set up? My God, just how much of an idiot is this guy??

He also insists that the individual market is bad, rips people off, provides bad insurance policies. Bad by whose standard? How is a catastrophic plan that covers just what you need and is there for the big stuff bad? Because he says so?

I have never seen a more inept, fumbling, clueless president in my life ... and I'll go so far as to throw Dan Quayle and Joe Biden into the mix. This guy is utterly hapless. And for heavens' sake, someone teach the man how to actually answer a question without taking 15 different detours along the way.
He is going to order insurance companies to reinstate the cancelled policies

Ordering private businesses how to operate internally would be right up his alley. I don't think that is allowed under our constitution.

Barry and Holder have their own interpretation of the Constitution and this is what they think of the original:


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