Breaking: President to Give Speech on Obamacare at 11:35 ET

He is going to order insurance companies to reinstate the cancelled policies

Which is counterproductive.

Why don't rw's get it that insurance companies have been screwing us over and that ObamaCare can end that.

Why are rw's on the side of big business instead of fellow Americans AND their own self interest?

We already know that Rs are against the people and for big business.
Not a thing wrong with what he has said but nothing will ever be enough for the haters.

If we could get rid of the GObP/pub and potties, not much could stop our country.
To all you ObamaCare Supporters:

Obama fooled you once, shame on him.
If he fools you again with the extralegal delaying tactic, then SHAME ON YOU.

In a year, we'll have the same Rate Shock for worse coverage, only it will spread to a broader victim pool with the inclusion of people who receive coverage from their employers.
To all you ObamaCare Supporters:

Obama fooled you once, shame on him.
If he fools you again with the extralegal delaying tactic, then SHAME ON YOU.

In a year, we'll have the same Rate Shock for worse coverage, only it will spread to a broader victim pool with the inclusion of people who receive coverage from their employers.

They don't care.
At least he admitting that the website won't be fixed by the end of November. It might be working better.
Not a thing wrong with what he has said but nothing will ever be enough for the haters.

If we could get rid of the GObP/pub and potties, not much could stop our country.

Ted Cruz still a Domestic Terrorist?

PROVE I said that.

Post the link to my post where I called Ted Cruz a "domestic terrorist".

You're doing what you always do - you LIE so you don't have to address the issue.
Not a thing wrong with what he has said but nothing will ever be enough for the haters.

If we could get rid of the GObP/pub and potties, not much could stop our country.

Well good luck with getting rid of us there Dudley Needledick, but it seems we have all the guns and you libs claim you'd never own one. So, when can I expect a merry band of limp wristed commies to come prancing down my street yelling "citizens array-est, citizens array-est?"
Not a thing wrong with what he has said but nothing will ever be enough for the haters.

If we could get rid of the GObP/pub and potties, not much could stop our country.

Ted Cruz still a Domestic Terrorist?

PROVE I said that.

Post the link to my post where I called Ted Cruz a "domestic terrorist".

You're doing what you always do - you LIE so you don't have to address the issue.

We don't have to prove anything. You implicitly say "I never called him that" well no you didn't. You do however belong to a party that did, who spewed forth such invective, while you sat there nodding your head.
Is anyone listening to him? He rambles on and on and onnnn. omg.

When he said people could keep their old individual plans (for now)he also said there were things that they would not cover? Does he mean the "essential benefits" stuff?

He keeps saying the individual plans weren't working, the companies w/raise their rates by 15% or 20%. So when obama's law says "you can't keep that" and forces someone to buy a different plan that increases their rates by 100% ... that's much better.

Liberal logic, demented on so many levels.
Not a thing wrong with what he has said but nothing will ever be enough for the haters.

If we could get rid of the GObP/pub and potties, not much could stop our country.

Jesus, idiots had super majorities for less than a year and you gave us ObamaCare...quite possibly the most flawed piece of legislation ever passed...something that is going to screw up the healthcare of millions of Americans..and add trillions of dollars to the national debt.

The only reason we haven't sunk back into a full fledged recession under this President is that we're pumping 85 billion dollars of free Fed money into the stock market each month. Unemployment is still off the charts when you factor in all the people who have simply quit looking for work and Barry has no idea what to do about it other than cry for a "do over" on his stimulus that didn't work four years ago.

The only thing that's kept Barack Obama from REALLY screwing this country up is that the American people took away his rubber stamp in the House. If you had got "rid" of the GOP then we would we would be well and truly FUBARRED right now!
President to allow insurance companies to reinstate canceled policies for 1 year...

What good is that? The insurance companies are not going to go to all that trouble, it's very costly to undue all of that! What's done is done!
For all those That 70's Show fans:

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Notice how the Obama folks are always pushing things back to beyond the next election? Gee, a one year exemption that runs out EXACTLY when the 2014 mid-terms take place? Imagine that! What a coincidence!!!
Not a thing wrong with what he has said but nothing will ever be enough for the haters.

If we could get rid of the GObP/pub and potties, not much could stop our country.

Not a thing wrong with what he's said???? He doesn't have the authority to demand insurance companies to reinstate non compliant policies.

This will take a bill from Congress and his signature.

Scrap the whole damned thing!

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