Breaking: President to Give Speech on Obamacare at 11:35 ET

Love the hater dupes boasting how they've blocked the black guy on everything, wrecking the recovery too, yet call him a dictator...Absolutely brainwashed and off the
Watching on Fox right now...lets get ready steady go!
Congrats, the website has been a mess. I think he'll announce alternate ways to buy insurance, and rightfully chastise insurers for non-cooperation....By next year, this mess will be forgotten and ACA will have 60 per cent approval and growing...

What a deal. Now, after the lies and absolute disasters, he's going to fix something??? LMAO!!
AGAIN! Another speech. How many is he going to give on obamacare. His speeches are the same, obamacare is good for us because he knows better than people who have the insurance. He's only helping people move from sub par insurance that doesn't give men benefits for lactation training to a better insurance that gives this and more like maternity care for seniors.

No, this is different. It's supposed to be a "fix" for all of the problems that Obamacare has caused. Speculation has been;

a) telling the insurance companies to reinstate the cancelled policies

b) giving subsidies to Americans that are paying more for insurance, creating a very large debt for the US which would mean taxes would raise to cover

c) another useful apology

Here's how the subsidy works.

A man was paying for his own insurance that he was happy with. The taxpayers paid nothing. A subsidy gives the man (who was paying his own way) the funds to buy insurance that he's not happy with. The subsidy is taxpayer money being spent where it was not spent before. This means that the government needs more money to pay for what the individual was able to provide for himself.

That's not going to work. Every time the money makes it's circular pattern, more is taken out to fund the bureaucracy of government.

According to CNN TV a few minutes ago...

Looks like it's going to be a One-Year Delay for insurance policies to comply with new ObamaCare criteria.

And requiring insurance companies to call their soon-to-be-cancelled customers, to tell them that they've been given a one-year reprieve.

I think.

And, if all that is correct, after all, then...

The Delay is probably well within the realm of legitimate Executive Fiat, although I'm not so sure about the Feds' ability to (1) force insurance companies to listen or (2) make those phone calls about the reprieve.

And, there's precedent, like the Delays and Waivers authorized by the Feds in other areas of ObamaCare in recent months.

It's another band-aid on top of a severed artery but it will stop the hemorrhaging for a little while, anyway.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... what a Clusterf--k and Bad Joke this has turned out to be.
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According to CNN TV a few minutes ago...

Looks like it's going to be a One-Year Delay for insurance policies to comply with new ObamaCare criteria.

And requiring insurance companies to call their soon-to-be-cancelled customers, to tell them that they've been given a one-year reprieve.

I think.

That's probably well within the realm of legitimate Executive Fiat.

And, there's precedent, like the Delays and Waivers authorized by the Feds in other areas of ObamaCare in recent months.

It's another band-aid on top of a severed artery but it will stop the hemorrhaging for a little while, anyway.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... what a Clusterf--k and Bad Joke this has turned out to be.

Absolute and utter disaster.
He's going to allow companies to sell illegal insurance policies. That's the fix. Of course unless the law is changed, those policies are still illegal! That's not a fix. It's an invitation to break the law on the faint hope that the government will not pull it out when they choose to prosecute someone.
I wonder if CJ Roberts is crying at the loss of his legacy of his ruling on ACA .....fuck him.
Congrats, the website has been a mess. I think he'll announce alternate ways to buy insurance, and rightfully chastise insurers for non-cooperation....By next year, this mess will be forgotten and ACA will have 60 per cent approval and growing...

The website is the least of the ObamaCare problems.

The Rate Shock for coverage people neither want nor need, while 50 time more people are losing policies than putting plans in their shopping cart is the Most Epic Fail Evah.
Pelosi has come out and announced the president is going to announce some sort of "fix" for Obamacare. He isn't going to wait and go through Congress. HE will take care of it.

Excuse me, but don't we have three branches of government?

Here is Obama's planned speech for why the launch of ObamaCare was an unmitigated disaster:

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He's going to allow companies to sell illegal insurance policies. That's the fix. Of course unless the law is changed, those policies are still illegal! That's not a fix. It's an invitation to break the law on the faint hope that the government will not pull it out when they choose to prosecute someone.

Here's the thing: the policies have already been cancelled, they don't exist, they have Ceased To Be.

They are Ex-Policies.

So nobody can sell them or keep them.

And does announcing this de facto delay to Obamacare make Obama a Trogolodyte Racist Terrorist?
Pelosi has come out and announced the president is going to announce some sort of "fix" for Obamacare. He isn't going to wait and go through Congress. HE will take care of it.

Excuse me, but don't we have three branches of government?

Here is Obama's planned speech for why the launch of ObamaCare was an unmitigated disaster:

Who is he gonna blame? you know he will pass the blame on to others..he will say, I was betrayed by my staff or some other bull shit
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Let's look at this politically, which is where Obama is. There is a bill up for a vote in the house tomorrow. It is Fred Upton's bill. Obama doesn't want it to pass. This could be his Hail Mary pass to get his Congressmen to vote no for that bill.

Obama has lied in the past to urge his people to vote his way. This could be the same trick. Watch out.

Rep. Fred Upton: Keep-Your-Plan Bill Fixes Obamacare Problem
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He's going to allow companies to sell illegal insurance policies. That's the fix. Of course unless the law is changed, those policies are still illegal! That's not a fix. It's an invitation to break the law on the faint hope that the government will not pull it out when they choose to prosecute someone.

Here's the thing: the policies have already been cancelled, they don't exist, they have Ceased To Be.

They are Ex-Policies.

So nobody can sell them or keep them.

Exactly and the insurance company will now be forced to write a temporary policy which expires again in another year. Just an epic disaster on every level.
Pelosi has come out and announced the president is going to announce some sort of "fix" for Obamacare. He isn't going to wait and go through Congress. HE will take care of it.

Excuse me, but don't we have three branches of government?

Here is Obama's planned speech for why the launch of ObamaCare was an unmitigated disaster:

Who is he gonna blame? you know he will pass the blame on to others..he will say, I was betrayed by my staff or some other bull shit

FOX news seems to be a popular choice
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He is going to tell some more lies; order some more unconstitutional shit; strong-arm the insurance companies.....and then hope that package is enough to keep the dumbass Democrats in Congress from jumping ship on that he is a Caught Liar....and also he'll be hoping his new pack of horse shit is enough to get his poll numbers back up to at least the people getting a government check.
He's going to allow companies to sell illegal insurance policies. That's the fix. Of course unless the law is changed, those policies are still illegal! That's not a fix. It's an invitation to break the law on the faint hope that the government will not pull it out when they choose to prosecute someone.

Here's the thing: the policies have already been cancelled, they don't exist, they have Ceased To Be.

They are Ex-Policies.

So nobody can sell them or keep them.

obama thinks they can be recreated. This is going to make things much much worse. Suppose the policies can be recreated. That money will not be available to use to support either subsidies or the people who have obamacare.

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