Breaking: President to Give Speech on Obamacare at 11:35 ET

Love the hater dupes boasting how they've blocked the black guy on everything, wrecking the recovery too, yet call him a dictator...Absolutely brainwashed and off the

Ah, yes...feeling that he's losing the debate on this issue, Franco goes to the RACE CARD!

Don't you get tired of being so predictable?
Hit Ctl Alt Del twice and reboot ObamaCare
They should have tested it first in 'Safe Mode', but that would have made far too much sense, and is quite beyond your average Gubmint Bureaucrat or Elected Putz...
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Love the hater dupes boasting how they've blocked the black guy on everything, wrecking the recovery too, yet call him a dictator...Absolutely brainwashed and off the

^ low Information Prog Dupe thinks the Tea party crashed
I am so suspicious of this waving the proverbial wand just in time for an important vote that he doesn't like. He's not doing anything for the people he leads... he does this to save his ass.

He can't work with Congress like any other president. He lies t get the vote he wants from Congress and then does the same to get the votes from voters.

I just hope Congress doesn't fall for this scam. You would have thought they had learned by now. If they vote no on the Upton bill tomorrow, take notice. They deserve to be voted out of office!
Oh Boy another speech.


I'm actually glad because I've been having a particularly bad bout of insomnia this week
He's planning to reinstate everyone who lost their insurance because of Obamcare. Even if he does put all 5 million people back on, it will take months to reinstate them all. Also you have the employer mandate to deal with. He just undermined his own law. Now nobody will have to buy Obamacare. Or so he says.
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I wonder what time the 11:35 speech starts.

Anyone else notice Obama has NEVER been on time for a press conference that HE called? Same with political speeches. He either gets off on making people wait or he's lazy. Insulting, low class and rude.

Great traits for the world's most important job.
He's planning to reinstate everyone who lost their insurance because of Obamcare. Even if he does put all 5 million people back on, it will take months to reinstate them all. Also you have the employer mandate to deal with. He just undermined his own law. Now nobody will have to buy Obamacare. Or so he says.

Isn't that interfering with his own law? I mean, an entire law of 2800 pages was passed. How can he change the ramifications of that law willy nilly?

The law said, it would result in cancelling some poor policies but better policies would be available on the exchange. To change a law, one has to go through Congress, where votes have to take place from representatives.

He has to stop changing law to meet his own political needs!

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