BREAKING: President Trump has fired Chris Krebs, the director of CISA

What does a reference to Adolph Hitler whose WWII killed off over a hundred million people from Krystalnacht till the last day of that war and purges in the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic under Stalin and Maos Communist China while the rest of the world were trying to control Germany's multiple takeovers of all Europe, not to mention the Holocaust of Europe's Jews---have to do with President Trump?

Too easy. Hitler didn't start off as a mass murdering sociopath. Took a while, but he got there in the end. Started out by discrediting the media, had uneducated lapdogs/thugs do his bidding, and successfully hijacked the German political process. Sound familiar? Does to me....

What are you talking about? Our MSM was discredited long before Trump? Trump was one of the few presidents to point out that the MSM is a fraud.
Don't worry, it is only getting started. People won't believe what is coming through the next 2 months. Hold on to your hat, because it is going to be a wild ride.

no it's not. Trump lost, end of story. He'll bloviate and be a windbag, but it's over.
What are you talking about? Our MSM was discredited long before Trump? Trump was one of the few presidents to point out that the MSM is a fraud.

By who? Hannity? Limbaugh? Beck? Jones? <type in discredited neocon whackadoodle shill here>

Yea, I can't stand any of them either. Besides Jones the rest of those clowns were good at blocking any truth of what happened on 911. They are also an arm of the CIA and all those Neocons.
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Don't worry, it is only getting started. People won't believe what is coming through the next 2 months. Hold on to your hat, because it is going to be a wild ride.

no it's not. Trump lost, end of story. He'll bloviate and be a windbag, but it's over.

Would you like to place a bet? It is far from over and it's not because I am some kind of Trump supporter and I actually do real research. The next few months are going to be explosive. Mark my words. 2020 will be going out with a bang. It won't be good at all for all the entities who were part of the election fraud. I am just warning you so you don't lose your hat the next few months.
Hallelujah and Amen!! Thank you Mr President! :clap:
Cult of personality

Trump fires head of U.S. election cybersecurity who debunked conspiracy theories
Can you explain why this is so good?

Do you think Krebs was lying? Is he a commie?

Er,no. This is good because the Orange Buffoon - Skye's saviour - fired him. That is the only reason the Deplorable needs.

Skye’s saviour?

Why do you say nonsensical things?
Not to love der furher is a great disgrace,
So we heil(raspberry), hail(raspberry) right in der furher's orange face.
What does a reference to Adolph Hitler whose WWII killed off over a hundred million people from Krystalnacht till the last day of that war and purges in the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic under Stalin and Maos Communist China while the rest of the world were trying to control Germany's multiple takeovers of all Europe, not to mention the Holocaust of Europe's Jews---have to do with President Trump?
Cult of personality.
That's sick, moonie, as sick as 3 years of shutting down the House of Representatives to beat up on President Trump to get revenge in the name of Hillary Rodham Clinton. It came to nothing since that House of Cards fell flat so Pelosi went apeshit schizophrenic to impeach the President with charges that were unsubstantiated and which fell short of impeachment requirements.

What makes you think that being president is a cakewalk? Hell, You can't even get a blowjob as a president by yer fav intern without getting impeached.
Don't worry, it is only getting started. People won't believe what is coming through the next 2 months. Hold on to your hat, because it is going to be a wild ride.

no it's not. Trump lost, end of story. He'll bloviate and be a windbag, but it's over.

Would you like to place a bet? It is far from over and it's not because I am some kind of Trump supporter and I actually do real research. The next few months are going to be explosive. Mark my words. 2020 will be going out with a bang. It won't be good at all for all the entities who were part of the election fraud. I am just warning you so you don't lose your hat the next few months.
You still up for the bet?

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