Breaking! President Trump Orders Syria Attacked

There is NO way Assad made this!

so dissapointed with you Mr Trump.

so freaking dissapointed!

Possibly true Assad did not MAKE the Sarin gas. Most likely it is part of the truckloads of WMD's shipped from Sadam Hussein in Iraq to Syria.

The correct spelling of "dissapointed" is DISAPPOINTED. No one is surprised.

on nooooooooo...a typo

so kill me now

another moron here....oh well

If you remember FORMER President Obama's speech on Syria from a few years ago, he basically rambled on for several minutes without saying anything.
Oh, okay. Your inability to grasp big words makes it okay for Trump to bomb Syria without Congressional approval.

I seeeee...

Why do you call yourself JGalt...exactly?

Congressional approval is only needed for a formal declaration of war.

This is more like shooting fish in a barrel, which is technically a "sport."
So a guy who calls himself John Galt is cool with bombing a country so long as it isn't done by a black guy who uses big words.

You like things simple.

I seeeee...

The black guy with big words never had enough balls to bomb them. He just drew an imaginary red line and dared them to cross it. Then there were no consequences when they did.

Was that "simple" enough that you could understand it?
And yet pseudocons demanded Obama be impeached if he bombed Syria. That's what started this conversation between you and I. Remember?

All caught up?
Congressional approval is only needed for a formal declaration of war.

This is more like shooting fish in a barrel, which is technically a "sport."
Ah. Bombing a country is not an act of war. So if Kim Jong Un bombed DC, that would be sport, not war.

Got it.
If you remember FORMER President Obama's speech on Syria from a few years ago, he basically rambled on for several minutes without saying anything.
Oh, okay. Your inability to grasp big words makes it okay for Trump to bomb Syria without Congressional approval.

I seeeee...

Why do you call yourself JGalt...exactly?

Congressional approval is only needed for a formal declaration of war.

This is more like shooting fish in a barrel, which is technically a "sport."
So a guy who calls himself John Galt is cool with bombing a country so long as it isn't done by a black guy who uses big words.

You like things simple.

I seeeee...

The black guy with big words never had enough balls to bomb them. He just drew an imaginary red line and dared them to cross it. Then there were no consequences when they did.

Was that "simple" enough that you could understand it?
And yet pseudocons demanded Obama be impeached if he bombed Syria. That's what started this conversation between you and I. Remember?

All caught up?

Yes you are a far left drone and no that is not what happened.
We're fixing to attack Syria. Buckle up and pray for our troops, especially the Navy in the Mediterranean

I pray for the poor civilians. The air force or navy are safe and sound bombing others like play a video games.

no doubt some civilians were hit------

Fascinating how 40 civilians being killed somehow justifies killing a whole bunch more.

And the thing is, NO EVIDENCE has been presented that is was Assad that killed them with Chemicals. All logic points to exactly the reverse, the other interested parties did the deed.
The Assad regime has a track record of the use of chemical weapons. They have stockpiled them for years and have used them in the past.

Douma was a stronghold for rebels opposing the regime. Negotiations between the leader of rebels had broken down last Thursday. Attacks on Friday failed and the rebels refused to surrender and the gas attack followed a day later. This same scenario played out a few years ago with Assad releasing what he had described as the ultimate weapon of terror. Assad had the means, the motive, and the blood tests of victims confirm a nerve agent and chlorine gas of the same type used by Assad in the past. Is it possible Assad was not responsible? Yes, just as it's possible Muslim terrorists didn't attack the World Trade Center, Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assignation, John Wilkes Booth didn't assassinate Lincoln, and the Japanese didn't attack Peal Harbor.

A compelling theory explains the latest chemical attack in Syria — and it looks like Assad got what he wanted
Thank you. That is some compelling information.
The US is not the world's policeman.

Specifically, who would fill the vacuum and how is that a good thing for America.

When failed former President Barack Hussein Obama disastrously pulled all of our troops out of Iraq, who filled the vacuum? ISIS and Russia. Why do you consider that a good thing?

Firstly it's Trump who invited Putin to the White House.
Secondly she was part of an administration which bombed Libya.
Thirdly she was part of an administration which bombed Syria.

Yet she failed to protect innocent people.

You just said she wouldn't have done it, like "Hillary's so bad, she wouldn't have done it."

Then I provide support for she might have done it, and you attack her again.

Let me guess, anything Hillary would have done, you'd have attacked, no matter if Trump did it.

Trump farts = amazing
Hillary farts = ridiculous.

Partisans huh? Fucking annoying.

Hillary didn't do anything except embarrassing US with her stupid Russian 'reset' button. Putin understands power and Trump showed him power tonight.

Your contradictions are noted.

What contradictions? Is that neo-Marxist, post-modern thinking?

No, just plain old using one's brain.
Oh, totally. Works both ways too. Those who are Democrat partisans will be against this action, but would have been for it had Hillary been president.

Hillary wouldn't have done it, she'd be sucking Assad's Schmitar.


Firstly it's Trump who invited Putin to the White House.
Secondly she was part of an administration which bombed Libya.
Thirdly she was part of an administration which bombed Syria.

Yet she failed to protect innocent people.
The US is not the world's policeman.

We, with the help of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Israel helped create Daesh.

They killed far more "innocent people," than Assad could ever dream to. They are also the ones that are more than likely probably responsible for this latest attack, and you would have us kill more people targeting the wrong boogeyman.

Yeah, so let's continue THAT bullshit. Trump just took out Assad's chemical warfare capabilities. Putin did nothing to stop Trump. Enough said.

Hasn't done anything yet.
If you remember FORMER President Obama's speech on Syria from a few years ago, he basically rambled on for several minutes without saying anything.
Oh, okay. Your inability to grasp big words makes it okay for Trump to bomb Syria without Congressional approval.

I seeeee...

Why do you call yourself JGalt...exactly?

Congressional approval is only needed for a formal declaration of war.

This is more like shooting fish in a barrel, which is technically a "sport."
So a guy who calls himself John Galt is cool with bombing a country so long as it isn't done by a black guy who uses big words.

You like things simple.

I seeeee...

The black guy with big words never had enough balls to bomb them. He just drew an imaginary red line and dared them to cross it. Then there were no consequences when they did.

Was that "simple" enough that you could understand it?
And yet pseudocons demanded Obama be impeached if he bombed Syria. That's what started this conversation between you and I. Remember?

All caught up?

Well now, Obama bombing and Trump bombing are two different things. Obama's bombing did nothing. It remains to be seen if Trump's bombing is any more successful.
Trump let the Russians know what he was going to do in advance of what we were going to do.

He didn't show them anything, and nothing we did came as a surprise to them.

There was never any need or intent for the attack to be a surprise. Where did you get the idea there was any intent for it to be a surprise?

Firstly it's Trump who invited Putin to the White House.
Secondly she was part of an administration which bombed Libya.
Thirdly she was part of an administration which bombed Syria.

Yet she failed to protect innocent people.

You just said she wouldn't have done it, like "Hillary's so bad, she wouldn't have done it."

Then I provide support for she might have done it, and you attack her again.

Let me guess, anything Hillary would have done, you'd have attacked, no matter if Trump did it.

Trump farts = amazing
Hillary farts = ridiculous.

Partisans huh? Fucking annoying.

Hillary didn't do anything except embarrassing US with her stupid Russian 'reset' button. Putin understands power and Trump showed him power tonight.

Trump let the Russians know what he was going to do in advance of what we were going to do.

He didn't show them anything, and nothing we did came as a surprise to them.

I keep seeing this, but there is no basis for the claim except in far left religious dogma.
First, I don't know why everything has to be partisan with folks around here.

If you disagree with someone's position on an issue, that doesn't necessarily mean, they are at an opposite side of the political spectrum than you are.

Second, the administration and it's generals seem to have put out some murky information on what they told the Russians.

It seems they notified them it was coming, but then they deny they told them when and where? :dunno:

I doubt any of that. I think they are just playing CYA. I am pretty sure it was coordinated with the Russians, and the Russians have previously stated they would not tolerate chemical weapon use by anyone.

"Dunford added that the U.S. had used a pre-existing “deconfliction” line of communication with Moscow, adding: “We did not do any coordination with the Russians on the strike, nor did we pre-notify them.”
Trump strikes Syria

So they talked about this with them, Putin knew it was coming, but they didn't pre-notify them? I really don't know what that is supposed to mean, if "deconfliction" doesn't mean, "this is where our forces will be, just so we don't accidentally engage one another. . . "

I don't know how that isn't a "pre-notification." For those of you who want to know how the Syrians were so effective in shooting down ordinance? There ya go.
There is NO way Assad made this!

so dissapointed with you Mr Trump.

so freaking dissapointed!

Possibly true Assad did not MAKE the Sarin gas. Most likely it is part of the truckloads of WMD's shipped from Sadam Hussein in Iraq to Syria.

The correct spelling of "dissapointed" is DISAPPOINTED. No one is surprised.

on nooooooooo...a typo

so kill me now

another moron here....oh well

So you intentionally had a duplicate "typo". Got it!

But that begs the question, why strike and destroy any evidence before forensic analysis can be completed?

Where did you see that the town of Douma was bombed by U.S. forces?

Macron 'has Syria chemical attack proof'

I don't. Just in what I am reading, it is speculated.

As it was speculated in that artical YOU posted.

"On Thursday a foreign ministry spokeswoman asked whether the aim of Western strikes might be "to quickly remove the traces of the provocation"."

Likewise, the article you posted only has French claims of proof, it has no evidence provided or substantiated either way.

Those traces of chemicals could have come from government forces or rebel forces, who can say?

Yet she failed to protect innocent people.

You just said she wouldn't have done it, like "Hillary's so bad, she wouldn't have done it."

Then I provide support for she might have done it, and you attack her again.

Let me guess, anything Hillary would have done, you'd have attacked, no matter if Trump did it.

Trump farts = amazing
Hillary farts = ridiculous.

Partisans huh? Fucking annoying.

Hillary didn't do anything except embarrassing US with her stupid Russian 'reset' button. Putin understands power and Trump showed him power tonight.

Trump let the Russians know what he was going to do in advance of what we were going to do.

He didn't show them anything, and nothing we did came as a surprise to them.

I keep seeing this, but there is no basis for the claim except in far left religious dogma.
First, I don't know why everything has to be partisan with folks around here.

If you disagree with someone's position on an issue, that doesn't necessarily mean, they are at an opposite side of the political spectrum than you are.

Second, the administration and it's generals seem to have put out some murky information on what they told the Russians.

It seems they notified them it was coming, but then they deny they told them when and where? :dunno:

I doubt any of that. I think they are just playing CYA. I am pretty sure it was coordinated with the Russians, and the Russians have previously stated they would not tolerate chemical weapon use by anyone.

"Dunford added that the U.S. had used a pre-existing “deconfliction” line of communication with Moscow, adding: “We did not do any coordination with the Russians on the strike, nor did we pre-notify them.”
Trump strikes Syria

So they talked about this with them, Putin knew it was coming, but they didn't pre-notify them? I really don't know what that is supposed to mean, if "deconfliction" doesn't mean, "this is where our forces will be, just so we don't accidentally engage one another. . . "

I don't know how that isn't a "pre-notification." For those of you who want to know how the Syrians were so effective in shooting down ordinance? There ya go.

Yeah, it's called strategy and disinformation. Do yourself a favor and don't try this at home.
Trump let the Russians know what he was going to do in advance of what we were going to do.

He didn't show them anything, and nothing we did came as a surprise to them.

There was never any need or intent for the attack to be a surprise. Where did you get the idea there was any intent for it to be a surprise?

I'm not even sure I want to respond to this.

You probably think the the folks that run the Republican Party and the Democrat Party have a different agenda, so if I tell you that the elites that run America, Russia, the EU, Israel and China are all on the same page, it would probably just blow your tiny mind.

I really probably shouldn't shatter the absurd little illusion and fantasy that corporate media works so hard to create for you.
You just said she wouldn't have done it, like "Hillary's so bad, she wouldn't have done it."

Then I provide support for she might have done it, and you attack her again.

Let me guess, anything Hillary would have done, you'd have attacked, no matter if Trump did it.

Trump farts = amazing
Hillary farts = ridiculous.

Partisans huh? Fucking annoying.

Hillary didn't do anything except embarrassing US with her stupid Russian 'reset' button. Putin understands power and Trump showed him power tonight.

Trump let the Russians know what he was going to do in advance of what we were going to do.

He didn't show them anything, and nothing we did came as a surprise to them.

I keep seeing this, but there is no basis for the claim except in far left religious dogma.
First, I don't know why everything has to be partisan with folks around here.

If you disagree with someone's position on an issue, that doesn't necessarily mean, they are at an opposite side of the political spectrum than you are.

Second, the administration and it's generals seem to have put out some murky information on what they told the Russians.

It seems they notified them it was coming, but then they deny they told them when and where? :dunno:

I doubt any of that. I think they are just playing CYA. I am pretty sure it was coordinated with the Russians, and the Russians have previously stated they would not tolerate chemical weapon use by anyone.

"Dunford added that the U.S. had used a pre-existing “deconfliction” line of communication with Moscow, adding: “We did not do any coordination with the Russians on the strike, nor did we pre-notify them.”
Trump strikes Syria

So they talked about this with them, Putin knew it was coming, but they didn't pre-notify them? I really don't know what that is supposed to mean, if "deconfliction" doesn't mean, "this is where our forces will be, just so we don't accidentally engage one another. . . "

I don't know how that isn't a "pre-notification." For those of you who want to know how the Syrians were so effective in shooting down ordinance? There ya go.

Yeah, it's called strategy and disinformation. Do yourself a favor and don't try this at home.
Sure sparky, they are using strategy and disinformation on the Russians via the MSM.

Ummm. NO. That shit is for YOU.

All these elites are the same. Don't forget that. None of them give a shit about you.

Yet she failed to protect innocent people.

You just said she wouldn't have done it, like "Hillary's so bad, she wouldn't have done it."

Then I provide support for she might have done it, and you attack her again.

Let me guess, anything Hillary would have done, you'd have attacked, no matter if Trump did it.

Trump farts = amazing
Hillary farts = ridiculous.

Partisans huh? Fucking annoying.

Hillary didn't do anything except embarrassing US with her stupid Russian 'reset' button. Putin understands power and Trump showed him power tonight.

Trump let the Russians know what he was going to do in advance of what we were going to do.

He didn't show them anything, and nothing we did came as a surprise to them.

I keep seeing this, but there is no basis for the claim except in far left religious dogma.
First, I don't know why everything has to be partisan with folks around here.

If you disagree with someone's position on an issue, that doesn't necessarily mean, they are at an opposite side of the political spectrum than you are.

Second, the administration and it's generals seem to have put out some murky information on what they told the Russians.

It seems they notified them it was coming, but then they deny they told them when and where? :dunno:

I doubt any of that. I think they are just playing CYA. I am pretty sure it was coordinated with the Russians, and the Russians have previously stated they would not tolerate chemical weapon use by anyone.

"Dunford added that the U.S. had used a pre-existing “deconfliction” line of communication with Moscow, adding: “We did not do any coordination with the Russians on the strike, nor did we pre-notify them.”
Trump strikes Syria

So they talked about this with them, Putin knew it was coming, but they didn't pre-notify them? I really don't know what that is supposed to mean, if "deconfliction" doesn't mean, "this is where our forces will be, just so we don't accidentally engage one another. . . "

I don't know how that isn't a "pre-notification." For those of you who want to know how the Syrians were so effective in shooting down ordinance? There ya go.

Once again disinformation is the way of the far left in this matter.

Everyone knew something was going to happen.

The only notification was about use of air space, nothing else was discussed in advanced with Russia!
I don't. Just in what I am reading, it is speculated.

As it was speculated in that artical YOU posted.

"On Thursday a foreign ministry spokeswoman asked whether the aim of Western strikes might be "to quickly remove the traces of the provocation"."

Likewise, the article you posted only has French claims of proof, it has no evidence provided or substantiated either way.

Those traces of chemicals could have come from government forces or rebel forces, who can say?

Kindly show us where is it "speculated" that Douma was bombed by Cruise missiles? Why would we target a small town?
I don't. Just in what I am reading, it is speculated.

As it was speculated in that artical YOU posted.

"On Thursday a foreign ministry spokeswoman asked whether the aim of Western strikes might be "to quickly remove the traces of the provocation"."

Likewise, the article you posted only has French claims of proof, it has no evidence provided or substantiated either way.

Those traces of chemicals could have come from government forces or rebel forces, who can say?

Kindly show us where is it "speculated" that Douma was bombed by Cruise missiles? Why would we target a small town?

To make it impossible to find out who was responsible for the chemical weapons attack.

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