Breaking! President Trump Orders Syria Attacked

Well, he gave Assad and Putin plenty of time to get their airplanes and heavy military equipment out of harms way. Such a buffoon.
For Trump, this is a big self-staging.


What is France and the UK's excuse for participating. Dumbass.
"I only followed my orders. Don´t punish me."

At least educate yourself before responding.
We're fixing to attack Syria. Buckle up and pray for our troops, especially the Navy in the Mediterranean

I pray for the poor civilians. The air force or navy are safe and sound bombing others like play a video games.

no doubt some civilians were hit------

Fascinating how 40 civilians being killed somehow justifies killing a whole bunch more.

And the thing is, NO EVIDENCE has been presented that is was Assad that killed them with Chemicals. All logic points to exactly the reverse, the other interested parties did the deed.
The Assad regime has a track record of the use of chemical weapons. They have stockpiled them for years and have used them in the past.

Douma was a stronghold for rebels opposing the regime. Negotiations between the leader of rebels had broken down last Thursday. Attacks on Friday failed and the rebels refused to surrender and the gas attack followed a day later. This same scenario played out a few years ago with Assad releasing what he had described as the ultimate weapon of terror. Assad had the means, the motive, and the blood tests of victims confirm a nerve agent and chlorine gas of the same type used by Assad in the past. Is it possible Assad was not responsible? Yes, just as it's possible Muslim terrorists didn't attack the World Trade Center, Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assignation, John Wilkes Booth didn't assassinate Lincoln, and the Japanese didn't attack Peal Harbor.

A compelling theory explains the latest chemical attack in Syria — and it looks like Assad got what he wanted
Allah akbar, my brother. Business Insaner now belongs to Jaysh al-Islam.
There is NO way Assad made this!

so dissapointed with you Mr Trump.

so freaking dissapointed!

'Made this?' What does that matter, he USED it to GAS innocent people.

he used gas? the Al qaeda scum ? the rebels? yes they did it!

give us a break... this was NOT Assad, this was another false flag....scum all of them
Well, he gave Assad and Putin plenty of time to get their airplanes and heavy military equipment out of harms way. Such a buffoon.
For Trump, this is a big self-staging.

Trump wasn't president then and didn't have knowledge of the intelligence information about Syria at that time.

So, you people elected him when he was clearly talking out of his ass, and you cheered him and said he was right.

Now he's attacking you're cheering him and saying he's right.
He's always right.

Zeig Heil.

That's why I think you're taking the piss on this site, I don't think these are really your opinions at all.

I think you're on this site to promote certain webpages and you've made a persona who is 100% pro-Trump just for the shits and giggles behind it.
The attack against Syrian President Assad - a long term ally of North Korea will complicate Trump's planned summit with Kim, expected to take place in May or June. In fact, the attack provides Kim the answer as why he needs nuclear weapons.
Well, he gave Assad and Putin plenty of time to get their airplanes and heavy military equipment out of harms way. Such a buffoon.
For Trump, this is a big self-staging.

Trump wasn't president then and didn't have knowledge of the intelligence information about Syria at that time.

So, you people elected him when he was clearly talking out of his ass, and you cheered him and said he was right.

Now he's attacking you're cheering him and saying he's right.
Imagine the different spin they’d have if hillary were behind this

Oh, totally. Works both ways too. Those who are Democrat partisans will be against this action, but would have been for it had Hillary been president.
Well, he gave Assad and Putin plenty of time to get their airplanes and heavy military equipment out of harms way. Such a buffoon.
For Trump, this is a big self-staging.

Trump wasn't president then and didn't have knowledge of the intelligence information about Syria at that time.

So, you people elected him when he was clearly talking out of his ass, and you cheered him and said he was right.

Now he's attacking you're cheering him and saying he's right.
Imagine the different spin they’d have if hillary were behind this

Oh, totally. Works both ways too. Those who are Democrat partisans will be against this action, but would have been for it had Hillary been president.

Hillary wouldn't have done it, she'd be sucking Assad's Schmitar.
So, Trump has already announced to Syria and Russia that this was a "one-time shot". Gee, so much for the element of surprise.
No dumbass, a one time shot unless Assad gases his people again.
He never gassed them a first time.

You have been duped by globalist media.

Hell, Trump calls it fake news, yet you gobble that shit up when it suits you.


Intel says Assad did it.
What "Intel?"

There is none. It's just propaganda. And you are gobbling it up.

The only evidence is a VIDEO. It might have been staged, or they might have used gas on their own people, we really don't know. Even the NYT uses words like, "suspected, if, allegedly," etc. It was a propaganda effort. Critical thinking, and critical reading skills are necessary.

U.S., Britain and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack
U.S., Britain and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack

Dozens Suffocate in Syria as Government Is Accused of Chemical Attack
Dozens Suffocate in Syria as Government Is Accused of Chemical Attack

How about some truth?

Trump Attacks Syria With Chemical Experts on the Way
Trump Attacks Syria With Chemical Experts on the Way

"OPCW Team Was on the Way

A team of experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was on its way to Syria after accepting an invitation from the Syrian government to study soil and other samples in Duma, the Damascus suburb where the alleged attack took place.

It’s not clear whether the U.S.-led operation would complicate their mission as the team was due to arrive later on Saturday. It is also not certain whether the timing of the U.S.-led attack was intended to prevent the team from gathering evidence.

Trump had threatened earlier in the week, in perhaps his strangest Tweet yet, to send “smart” and “clean” missile strikes into Syria to attack “Animal Assad.” He also blamed Russia for supporting Assad, which may have been intended to get critics, who accuse him of being a Putin puppet, off his back. Indeed this latest display of American militarism may also be driven by Trump’s anti-Russian critics.

Trump had backed off his threat when it was revealed that his aides had not yet agreed to the attack.

In April 2017 the U.S. fired 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase that Washington believed was used to carry out a chemical attack. U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis later said the U.S. did not have concrete evidence that Syria was responsible.

No Proof Made Public

Likewise no public proof has been offered that Syria was behind the alleged chemical attack last weekend in Duma, where as many as 70 people may have been killed.

The gas allegedly used in the Duma attack is chlorine. In 2016 Syria was certified by the OPCW to have given up its entire chemical weapons arsenal in a deal with the United States and Russia. The chemicals were destroyed on a U.S. Navy ship.

Chlorine, however, is not on the OPCW list of banned chemicals, and is not considered a chemical weapon, though it can be used as one. U.S. officials know this but say incorrectly in any case that Russia had failed to give up the stocks that were on the OPCW banned list. The military strikes were as usual egged on by influential U.S. pundits, some masquerading as reporters. Christiane Amanpour said on CNN after the attack was launched that Russia had stopped President Obama from attacking Syria by agreeing to eliminate its chemical weapons.

“The allies have been forced into this,” Amanpour said, adding that they had no choice. “Russia promised that they would remove Syrian chemical weapons but they have chlorine,” she said, clearly uniformed that it was a joint-U.S.-Russia operation and the chlorine is not classified as a chemical weapon.

Consortium News this week published two pieces calling on Trump to obtain evidence of Syria’s guilt and legal authorization before launching an act of war. The U.S. has neither demonstrated that it is acting in self-defense nor did it get U.N. Security Council approval, making tonight’s actions clearly illegal. Nor has Trump received authorization from Congress, making it illegal under U.S. law. Dunford told the Pentagon briefing that Trump acted legally because U.S. interests were involved."
There is NO way Assad made this!

so dissapointed with you Mr Trump.

so freaking dissapointed!

'Made this?' What does that matter, he USED it to GAS innocent people.

he used gas? the Al qaeda scum ? the rebels? yes they did it!

give us a break... this was NOT Assad, this was another false flag....scum all of them

Your proof?

Nope, there isn't any, for either side.

The verification team was on the way.
For Trump, this is a big self-staging.

Trump wasn't president then and didn't have knowledge of the intelligence information about Syria at that time.

So, you people elected him when he was clearly talking out of his ass, and you cheered him and said he was right.

Now he's attacking you're cheering him and saying he's right.
Imagine the different spin they’d have if hillary were behind this

Oh, totally. Works both ways too. Those who are Democrat partisans will be against this action, but would have been for it had Hillary been president.

Hillary wouldn't have done it, she'd be sucking Assad's Schmitar.


Firstly it's Trump who invited Putin to the White House.
Secondly she was part of an administration which bombed Libya.
Thirdly she was part of an administration which bombed Syria.
But that begs the question, why strike and destroy any evidence before forensic analysis can be completed?
I hate Assad, trump and Putin equally. But I'm skeptical that Assad did it. He is not stupid. But he did kill thousands before...what boggles us the US didn't do much to save 1000's and now acting because 40?
There is so much we dont know, that goes behind the curtains. We pay the dollars and others pay with their lives..

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