BREAKING: Rep. Madison Cawthorn – Requests Invocation Of The 25TH AMENDMENT And REMOVAL OF JOE BIDEN FROM HIS OFFICE.” (VIDEO)

That's speculation. If he left himself in the same position as he put Joe in with only 25 hundred troop to support a withdrawal, you simply don't know what the Afghan Army would do. Our military leaders didn't think they would fold. At some point the Americans would have to leave and the Afghan Army would have to face the Taliban.

The Taliban is still living up to the agreement in not targeting Americans.
Trump or biden could have easily brought in re-inforcements if more troops were needed to maintain the status quo.

Biden would not even allow our Air Force to help the afghan forces when the taliban man began his great offensive.
Trump got bad advise on pulling out and unfortunately the majority of people fail to understand that it was vital that we maintained the status quo which we could easily have continued to do with very few boots on the ground and low casualties.

We have had troops in Germany and Japan since WWII and lots of them. We did not need lots of boots on the ground in Afghanistan.

The big mistake we made in Afghanistan was to follow bush's mandate of nation bldg. which is what cost us trillions of dollars.

What the issue of the moment is the chaos that biden created by his announcement of un-conditional withdrawal.

If biden had followed Trumps plan there would have been a orderly withdrawal.
Why do you think it is vital we maintain the status quo?

I'm kind of worried we may find out. There do seem to be a lot of weirdo-religious fanatics flocking to this particular Sandland right now. As long as they stay there and kill each other, I don't care --- they deserve each other. But I am beginning to wonder if they WILL organize another bombing of New York.
More to it than that; as in more and more are demanding that joe gotta go.
There are a lot of voices, I agree, but it does look to me like just payback time. Still, you could be right --- I'm an awful predictor. Even Lindsay Graham called for Biden's ouster yesterday. He tends to pop off, however.
More to it than that; as in more and more are demanding that joe gotta go.
Not a good analysis as in you fail to note how all the chaos came about or how biden caused it.

Trump made a mistake by deciding to get out of Afghanistan but he would have done it in a decent and orderly fashion if the taliban met his conditions and if he had not been illegally ousted.

Biden along with most also wanted to get out. After his regime was able to grasp power biden had to make a decision; get out or maintain the status quo.

He decided to get out but he had no clue as to how to do that. If his advisors did and I am not sure they did then biden rejected their advise and declared a un-conditonal surrender which is what motivated the taliban to begin their grand offensive which resulted in Chaos and a great victory for them.
The surrender was already made by Trump... Logistically speaking you are correct, Biden screwed up the withdraw, he was put in a position to either fight the Taliban or bail and he bailed. You don't know if Trump would have committed more troops to that fight or not. Everything Trump has said about the situation was geared towards getting out of the area. And when we leave the Taliban takes over whether that is under Trump or Biden.
Why do you think it is vital we maintain the status quo?

I'm kind of worried we may find out. There do seem to be a lot of weirdo-religious fanatics flocking to this particular Sandland right now. As long as they stay there and kill each other, I don't care --- they deserve each other. But I am beginning to wonder if they WILL organize another bombing of New York.
We needed to maintain the status quo to keep terroists organizations like alquaida and ISIS from setting up shop there.

We are seeing already that ISIS is there now; hundreds of them surrounding the kabul airport.

By pulling out we are allowing China to come in and ally with Afghanistan...huge disaster.

Afghanistan not only has trillions of dollars of rare metals but occupies a very strategic geo-political location.

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We needed to maintain the status quo to keep terroists organizations like alquaida and ISIS from setting up shop there.

We are seeing already that ISIS is there now; hundreds of them surrounding the kabul airport.

By pulling out we are allowing China to come in and ally with Afghanistan...huge disaster.

Afghanistan not only has trillions of dollars of rare metals but occupies a very strategic geo-political location.

Good arguments. I guess we woudda if we coudda, but we got defeated.
Correct. We should always be inclusive and understanding of the Muslims. Obama said we will go to Hell if we don't kiss Muslim ass.
That means we must kill all homos. But if we kill homos we’re homophobic. But if we tolerate homos we’re islamophobic.
It’s a democrat rock/paper/scissors game.
I think this realization that biden needs to be removed is picking up steam and that many democrats will be willing to go along with it.

I realize kamel toe is not the ideal replacement by far but in my opinion she will be better than biden.

I think that once in the offal office she will abandon her most radical positions and she is married to a jew who no doubt will have a lot of influence on her.

I would not say Kamala would be better, and after her it just gets worse.

Nope, I'm out.
I would not say Kamala would be better, and after her it just gets worse.

Nope, I'm out.
Is there anything worse than a senile old fool occupying the offal office?

The kamel toe is younger, not senile, and I believe she would abandon her over the top radicalism once she takes over and is hit with the reality of our situation in the world.
Is there anything worse than a senile old fool occupying the offal office?

The kamel toe is younger, not senile, and I believe she would abandon her over the top radicalism once she takes over and is hit with the reality of our situation in the world.
After that excellent speech, I am sure he's not senile. I don't like Biden's slide toward communism, but I like Caramel Harris even less. She's basically a member of The Squad.
Section four of the Twenty-fifth Amendment provides two distinct avenues for removing a President against his will. In one, the Vice-President joins with a majority of the Cabinet to send Congress a written declaration that the President is unable to serve. In the other, the Vice-President does so along with a majority of “such other body as Congress may by law provide.” The purpose of the House bill is to provide the congressionally appointed body that the Amendment contemplates, by creating a commission of seventeen members to be chosen by both parties, consisting of physicians and former high executive-branch officials. According to the Twenty-fifth Amendment, once Congress receives a declaration of the President’s incapacity, both houses could then decide, by two-thirds votes, to replace him with the Vice-President.
Is there anything worse than a senile old fool occupying the offal office?

The kamel toe is younger, not senile, and I believe she would abandon her over the top radicalism once she takes over and is hit with the reality of our situation in the world.
Yea, well I don't

I think Joe's nonfunctioning brain is better than the crazy train twits on steroids.
After that excellent speech, I am sure he's not senile. I don't like Biden's slide toward communism, but I like Caramel Harris even less. She's basically a member of The Squad.
Speech??? What it really is ---sloe joe bumbling his way through reading a script.

On his own biden cannot put 2 coherent sentences together.

That is the reality.

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