BREAKING REVELATION: New Cell Phone Video of DC Officer on J6 saying “We Go Undercover as Antifa in the Crowd”

Not Fed plant Infiltrators ?
TRUMP was the "fed" at the time you may recall. they worked for him under his loyalist appointees.

the op describes a cadre of provocateurs dressed to support trump by pretending to be what they, nor the violent mob, were. if there were a dozen "antifa" in that crowed of diversionary q nuts i would be surprised.
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Look here guys,the latest sock puppet shill to post,these socks keep growing and growing don’t they?:abgg2q.jpg:proof we are getting to them here they keep coming in in different user names and deflect going into evade mode.:rofl:

sorry , there us only one of me, and i am new here. maybe i should sue you for that "sock puppet" accusation. i do not "evade" anyone, but i do ignore the stupid ones. good bye.
Not needed for them. They saw it on the internet, so it's The Truth.
For some reason none of this skullduggery stuff cannot happen here in the United States. There are endless numbers of people who will sell out and have sold out the principles of the nation in recent decades. People like this have always existed in human history. When we had small government, the damage was slight even though there were the then localized and small corporate asses looking for the easy life on the backs of the peasants.
Not needed for them. They saw it on the internet, so it's The Truth.

Do you mean like the litnany of partial and out of context Trump “quotes“ that have been dissimentated by the MSM to create an anti-Trump narrative that so many uninformed, ignorant people have accepted as fact? Kind of like that?
And you think this is a plus for your side? If this is even half true, what you've uncovered is the fact that Capitol Police were acting as antagonists, trying to portray the insurrectionists as antifa sympathizers, not Trump supporters.

An investigation needs to be focused immediately on these officers, and their immediate arrest. Their actions warrant the maximum sentence the DC judge can give them.
antagonizing the trump supporters, is exactly what we said was happening. You even say so. What a fking idiot you are. too fking funny. thanks simp!
so the video is what?
A snippet in time with zero (0) context. It could be a sign that they're corrupt. It could be nothing.

A normal, intelligent adult would have a few questions:
  1. Exactly who is this person?
  2. Exactly what did he say?
  3. Exactly what did he mean?
  4. Exactly what was the context?
When we have those answers, we'll know more than we do now. I'm patient.

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