Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Biden also called this a “setback” to America. How is being colorblind and rewarding the best and brightest for their merit a setback? We need more of that to be competitive with the rest of the world.
While Biden is lecturing us about his desire for racial quotas (oh yeah, and lecturing us about Putin’s war in Iraq - yeah, I know), the off the charts leftist universities such as Harvard are looking for ways to sidestep the S.C. ruling.

Their admission criteria is a total joke.

“An African American student placed within the 40th percentile of their academic index is more likely to gain admission than an Asian student who ranks in the topmost, 100th percentile. Similarly, black students who fall within the 50th percentile have greater chances of acceptance than White students who are at the pinnacle of their academic performance.”
Good for the Supreme Court on this one. As we all know, racism has been steadily creeping into the public sector and especially in our public education institutions. To admit or hire ANYONE based on the color of their skin; sex; or sexual orientation is a major slap in the face of hardworking, enterprising Americans who seek to improve their lives with higher education. It appears that the Supreme Court agrees with the sensible answer to this problem. That is: admit or hire based on experience, talent, and ability. PERIOD!!

Supreme Court Strikes Down DEI College Admissions. Is Workplace DEI Next?

"In a major blow to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) doctrine, the Supreme Court struck down DEI-based racial discrimination in college admissions. The decision handed down Thursday morning also provides a foundation for workplace related actions against DEI racial discrimination.

“This is a huge statement by the Supreme Court, and one that’s sure to impact not just college admissions, but the broader workplace culture in America,” said RedBalloon CEO Andrew Crapuchettes. “The ruling basically labels race-based DEI policies unconstitutional, which means there’s a hurricane of constitutional reckoning coming to America’s woke workplaces.”

Actually, Justice Thomas is a VICTIM of affirmative action, not a "beneficiary" at all. No one thought he was competent, even though he graduated from so-called elite colleges. Because of the color of his skin, they thought he was an affirmative action boob.

Of course, during his tremendous stay on the Supreme Court, he proved his worth, regardless of the taint of affirmative action. Thomas was the Jackie Robinson of the Supreme Court, breaking the color barrier , and achieving the greatest correct voting average in the history of the institution. Very few incorrect votes, almost a flawless career.
I don't know what the Negros are upset about.

They may not be able to have a box on the application for race but they can have that says "have you ever looted a 7-11?" That would always be a tell tell indicator.

Maybe having a section where it asked "what is your favorite beverage?". If they answer Colt Malt Liquor you know you have a Negro.
Good for the Supreme Court on this one. As we all know, racism has been steadily creeping into the public sector and especially in our public education institutions. To admit or hire ANYONE based on the color of their skin; sex; or sexual orientation is a major slap in the face of hardworking, enterprising Americans who seek to improve their lives with higher education. It appears that the Supreme Court agrees with the sensible answer to this problem. That is: admit or hire based on experience, talent, and ability. PERIOD!!

Supreme Court Strikes Down DEI College Admissions. Is Workplace DEI Next?

"In a major blow to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) doctrine, the Supreme Court struck down DEI-based racial discrimination in college admissions. The decision handed down Thursday morning also provides a foundation for workplace related actions against DEI racial discrimination.

“This is a huge statement by the Supreme Court, and one that’s sure to impact not just college admissions, but the broader workplace culture in America,” said RedBalloon CEO Andrew Crapuchettes. “The ruling basically labels race-based DEI policies unconstitutional, which means there’s a hurricane of constitutional reckoning coming to America’s woke workplaces.”
The woman Justice who doesn't know what a woman is didn't like the decision.

This is good news!!

Specifically, it has been white women who have benefitted the most from [affirmative action]. As long as you frame it as a racial issue, you will have animus towards it. It’s been an incredibly effective means to stimulate racial animus - it’s race-based affirmative action that draws the most controversy, and some of the loudest voices opposing it have been white women.

Although this may be a bit of an issue for white women since they benefitted a lot more from Affirmative Action than anyone else did....but, as long as those darkies get hurt worse...
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“I hold out enduring hope that this country will live up to its principles so clearly enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States: that all men are created equal, are equal citizens, and must be treated equally before the law.” -Justice Clarence Thomas in his concurring opinion
THIS MIGHT have the effect of improving education among blacks cause right now blacks and whites who DO. NOT. BELONG. in college are going there and coming out more stupid than when they went in thanks to liberal propagandizing. It's like listening to Professor Irwin Corey to hear some of these blacks on Gutter MEdia programs.
How HILARIOUS that he has no idea what a self-own this is: “The Court’s misguided decision reminds us how far we still have to go to ensure that all Americans are treated equally.” -- Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.).
It was a legitimate, "what?" Everything is racial, huh?

Not everything. Just to the usmb dolts,

Everyone with a brain understands this decision came at a point in history where it will have minimal, if any impact at all.

The imbeciles of usmb believe this changes anti discrimination laws, which it doesn’t. You know what else doesn’t change? College admissions boards. They can still continue using the same criteria for admissions they always have. The court just says they don’t have to based upon racial quotas anymore. I’ll bet my bottom dollar nothing is changed by any of the university admission boards, accept Ivy League, and state colleges that receive large donations from billionaire alumni.

And watch what happens when students with athletic scholarships go to rival colleges, and take all of that television revenue with them, because their sports teams are now pasty white losers who don’t make it to anymore bowl games. As long as college sports teams draw the money they do every year, it might not be affirmative action getting certain students scholarships, but no university is going to take some Asian kid looking for a science degree, over a black kid that is the next NFL, or NBA star.

Congratulations on the big win.

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