Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

"Diversity" Policies Are Anti-Asian:

“Medical schools nationally admitted 57 percent of black applicants with a low MCAT of 24 to 26, but only 8 percent of whites and 6 percent of Asians with those same low scores.”

I lost brain cells reading Ketanji Brown Jackson's dissenting opinion

Actually, this ruling is likely to lead to the end of AA across the board in all aspects of our lives.
I love your optimism. My concern is that the far-left administrations of these institutions will work hard to find workarounds in order to continue with the same discriminatory behavior.
We have the most consequential SCOTUS rulings of a generation, and it’s basically because of Donald Trump and his 3 appointments. Those on the right should openly acknowledge this achievement even amidst all this GOP primary acrimony.
"Diversity" Policies Are Anti-Asian:

“Medical schools nationally admitted 57 percent of black applicants with a low MCAT of 24 to 26, but only 8 percent of whites and 6 percent of Asians with those same low scores.”

My PCP is retiring next year, and I will be looking to go to someone new. This factoid is why I would prefer that my new doc is oriental. 7 years ago now, I had dental implants done by my periodontist who is an asian chick. Worked out great.

I don't care about "race", I care about competence.
We have the most consequential SCOTUS rulings of a generation, and it’s basically because of Donald Trump and his 3 appointments. Those on the right should openly acknowledge this achievement even amidst all this GOP primary acrimony.
I think Trump should incorporate this into his campaign speeches. It is thanks to him that racist policies and practices in college admissions have been struck down.
We have the most consequential SCOTUS rulings of a generation, and it’s basically because of Donald Trump and his 3 appointments. Those on the right should openly acknowledge this achievement even amidst all this GOP primary acrimony.

Those supposedly on the right who are Never-Trumpers deserve no credit for this decision, for if they had their way, it would have never happened.
Clarence Thomas is only 5 years away from being the longest serving Supreme Court justice in history
Not everything. Just to the usmb dolts,

Everyone with a brain understands this decision came at a point in history where it will have minimal, if any impact at all.

The imbeciles of usmb believe this changes anti discrimination laws, which it doesn’t. You know what else doesn’t change? College admissions boards. They can still continue using the same criteria for admissions they always have. The court just says they don’t have to based upon racial quotas anymore. I’ll bet my bottom dollar nothing is changed by any of the university admission boards, accept Ivy League, and state colleges that receive large donations from billionaire alumni.

And watch what happens when students with athletic scholarships go to rival colleges, and take all of that television revenue with them, because their sports teams are now pasty white losers who don’t make it to anymore bowl games. As long as college sports teams draw the money they do every year, it might not be affirmative action getting certain students scholarships, but no university is going to take some Asian kid looking for a science degree, over a black kid that is the next NFL, or NBA star.

Congratulations on the big win.
You were just too stupid to know what I was talking about.
But I hope you feel better getting your rant out there.
The way to stop discrimination, is to stop discriminating.

No one can change their DNA, or has anything to do with the way they were born. To use their DNA as a basis for rejecting or accepting them is clearly illogical and illegal.

Hallelujah! Now let's move on to remove race, ethnicity, and gender from every federal/state/local government form.
Of course, you're right but, maybe give credit?

Chief Justice Roberts, in the Supreme Court’s 2007 Parents Involved decision, stated: “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race. .”

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions​

Good ruling.
AA is becoming obsolete anyway since the original intent was to protect equal rights and opportunities for minorities.
By 2045 Anglos are expected to become a minority in the U.S. so any laws designed to protect current minority classes from white discrimination/oppression are going to be moot.
Toni Morrison: "The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being"

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