Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

I think I agree with the decision, but ...

The moron you quoted who tells you what to think must be so stupid he believes there are no minority legacies, donors or employees of universities.

Sounds like just another Dimwinger racist.

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions​

So does this mean colleges can fire all the diversity officers making 200K per year? Somehow I doubt it.
The colleges and the largely sheep-like liberals who flock to get into colleges are still going to be of the mindset that we need “diversity” for the sake of diversity. They will demand “equity,” even though they seem unable to define it. And as for “inclusion,” they are merely repeating their demand for diversity.

This new SCOTUS decision seems to harken back to a day when the “liberals” made the demand for a “colorblind society.”

Apparently, a demand for a “colorblind society” is now deemed to be racist.

Liberals love it when words have no fixed meaning.
this will piss of the demklan who loves dividing the country up on race
Michelle Obama - Queen Racist - already shared her words of wisdom. She said her “heart breaks for any student who wonders about his or her future.”

What about the WHITE and Asian students who now will be able to get into these colleges where before they were rejected in favor of less qualified blacks?

Clearly, she cares only about blacks and doesn’t give a flying f about other races.
The colleges and the largely sheep-like liberals who flock to get into colleges are still going to be of the mindset that we need “diversity” for the sake of diversity. They will demand “equity,” even though they seem unable to define it. And as for “inclusion,” they are merely repeating their demand for diversity.

This new SCOTUS decision seems to harken back to a day when the “liberals” made the demand for a “colorblind society.”

Apparently, a demand for a “colorblind society” is now deemed to be racist.

Liberals love it when words have no fixed meaning.
You realize you are a racist just for questioning the Left.

So does this mean colleges can fire all the diversity officers making 200K per year? Somehow I doubt it.
They'll do it in ways that circumvent the SC ruling. to the left, laws are made to be broken. unless you're a rightwinger then they will make up rules as they go along.
Still won't help those who can't cut it on their own without the excuse of AA screwing them out of a college/job.
No kidding, Inspector Cleausno.
They'll do it in ways that circumvent the SC ruling. to the left, laws are made to be broken. unless you're a rightwinger then they will make up rules as they go along.
College administration staff exploded after the government agreed to back student loans.

I think Clinton was president then.
Question: What will losers use as an excuse when they don't get into a college or get a job anymore?

The ones who were getting special treatment due to their skin color?

You didn't perceive the irony of that question before you asked it, did you?

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