Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

First the court ended the bloody reign of Roe v. Wade, now they have put an end to racist college admissions policies.

The racist, anti-civil rights left has suffered another HUGE defeat at the hands of human rights and decency!

Also, the racist justices on the SCOTUS outed themselves with their dissent. Not that we didn't already know...

The Supreme Court struck down racial preferences in college admissions on Thursday after an Asian-American advocacy group challenged policies at Harvard and the University of North Carolina as discriminatory.

The case, Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, will go down in history as one of the landmark cases of the court, and marks a milestone in decades of affirmative action litigation.

The decision was a 6-3 split between conservative and liberal justices, with the majority opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts. Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson dissented.
It was definitely time. Whenever hiring, promotion, opportunity is based on anything other than efficiency, competence, merit, earned credentials, experience, track record etc. you reduce the quality of the work force/faculty/organization/student body etc. and encourage mediocrity, inefficiency, incompetence and sometimes malfeasance. Affirmative action anywhere is unfair because it denies opportunity to those who have most earned it and even the qualified among those who benefit are diminished because no one can know if they qualified or got their position, promotion, appointment or whatever on merit or just because they belong to a particular demographic.

This SCOTUS decision is one more major step in restoring common sense and fairness to the system and will be good for the person in a minority group because there will be no doubt that he/she qualified for and earned his/her position.

I agree with others that this is a huge step forward to help eliminate racism.
How does putting a shadow over every black professional, giving people the idea that they are all Affirmative Action and not really competent- how does that "bring down racial tension"?
You're not asking for an answer or looking for a solution. Americans can see nothing but more police brutality and force.

Where will it all end? Americans have created race issues that have no solution.

I think I as a Canadian am qualified to talk about the problem, but only if some Americans want to listen.
Music to me ears! :biggrin:

Schumer denounces affirmative action ruling as 'giant roadblock' to racial justice​

You're not asking for an answer or looking for a solution. Americans can see nothing but more police brutality and force.

Where will it all end? Americans have created race issues that have no solution.

I think I as a Canadian am qualified to talk about the problem, but only if some Americans want to listen.
WTF are you talking about, brutality and force? You pulled that out of your butt?

This is a victory for equal opportunity and a level playing field. Something the leftards used to value, till they left orbit.
Music to me ears! :biggrin:

Schumer denounces affirmative action ruling as 'giant roadblock' to racial justice​

"Racial justice"

lmao :lmao:
Since it was revealed that the US Supreme Court would be ruling on Affirmative Action (partially), protesters have been showing up with signs protesting against the abolition of AA. These protesters are doing 2 things ..

1. Displaying their anti-white and anti-Asian racism.
2. Displaying their inability to compete fairly for college admissions


Interesting how some of these pro-Affirmative Action protesters are Asian. The very VICTIM group who sued Harvard University, and for whom the SCOTUS cast its decision.
Are these kids so brainwashed in their classrooms, that they don't who's who ?

Here are the more enlightened ones >>>



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President Trump does it again!


Libs are BIG MAD today! Bigly!

Clarence Thomas lays the smackdown!


President Trump does it again!

View attachment 799862

Libs are BIG MAD today! Bigly!

Clarence Thomas lays the smackdown!

You can now just call universities like Harvard and Yale "Chinatown"!

So if all these super human intelligent Asian students who have a 4.0 plus grade average that have been getting stiff armed by the Left in these universities actually are able to attend their colleges, could the students maybe start teaching the professors instead?


Then again, nothing will convince the Left-wing faculty that men can't have babies.

Never mind.

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