Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Everyone realized that "affirmative action" was racial discrimination, but it was hoped to be constructive. The experiment had its run.
Two FULL generations! If a poor, uneducated, persecuted minority can come to these shores and become successful college graduates in ONE generation, then two generations was more than enough times for the black underclass to do the same. If they haven’t, then it shows that there are other reasons for their failures.
Yup. Let’s do what United Airlines in doing re their racial quotas in hiring pilots (only on the flip side). HALF of all NBA players must be white.
Its getting there, the best player in the NBA now is white and just won the MVP and finals champion
Question: What will losers use as an excuse when they don't get into a college or get a job anymore?
They will say "im not being accepted because im black". You just KNOW that is going to happen a lot.
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Having worked in admissions for years, I can already predict how the liberals running the process will “get around” this ruling and proceed with their unconstitutional racism to continue to admit blacks over whites and Asians with better academic credentials.

It said in the ruling that applicants can describe, in their essays, how they overcame racism. So even though there can no longer be a box marked “black,” admissions officers can still identify which applicants are black. And believe me, EVERY black kid will claim they overcame racism. They will be coached by the liberals in the HS counselors’ office.

Then, to close the circle, colleges will add a factor involving “overcoming racist obstacles” - and blacks will get the advantage that way.

Believe me, I know how these people think. They are determined to give blacks extra advantages in their pursuit of “social justice,” and they will figure out a workaround to do just that.
Liberals never adhere to the law.

Just look how these despicable Democrats are ignoring the right to keep and bear arms rulings and the laws established by Congress for immigration, as examples.
Having worked in admissions for years, I can already predict how the liberals running the process will “get around” this ruling and proceed with their unconstitutional racism to continue to admit blacks over whites and Asians with better academic credentials.

It said in the ruling that applicants can describe, in their essays, how they overcame racism. So even though there can no longer be a box marked “black,” admissions officers can still identify which applicants are black. And believe me, EVERY black kid will claim they overcame racism. They will be coached by the liberals in the HS counselors’ office.

Then, to close the circle, colleges will add a factor involving “overcoming racist obstacles” - and blacks will get the advantage that way.

Believe me, I know how these people think. They are determined to give blacks extra advantages in their pursuit of “social justice,” and they will figure out a workaround to do just that.
The numbers will expose that scam.
Liberals never adhere to the law.

Just look how these despicable Democrats are ignoring the right to keep and bear arms rulings and the laws established by Congress for immigration, as examples.
They’re the most unbelievable hypocrites.
Having worked in admissions for years, I can already predict how the liberals running the process will “get around” this ruling and proceed with their unconstitutional racism to continue to admit blacks over whites and Asians with better academic credentials.

It said in the ruling that applicants can describe, in their essays, how they overcame racism. So even though there can no longer be a box marked “black,” admissions officers can still identify which applicants are black. And believe me, EVERY black kid will claim they overcame racism. They will be coached by the liberals in the HS counselors’ office.

Then, to close the circle, colleges will add a factor involving “overcoming racist obstacles” - and blacks will get the advantage that way.

Believe me, I know how these people think. They are determined to give blacks extra advantages in their pursuit of “social justice,” and they will figure out a workaround to do just that.

The good news is that students and their parents will be able to file lawsuits when those practices become apparent.
USA Today, June 29, 2023

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Thursday invalidated race-conscious admissions policies used by Harvard College and the University of North Carolina to diversify their campuses, a decision with enormous consequences not only for higher education but also the American workplace.

In a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court held that the policies violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Supreme Court blocks use of race in Harvard, UNC admissions in blow to diversity efforts

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This makes me feel good all over! :D
This will be a great boon for Democrats in the next election. A small price to pay to stave off the terrorist right.
The numbers will expose that scam.
True. And then more lawsuits.

I wonder if the smart Asian kids who were blocked from acceptance to TJ High School (the top public high school in the country) because the school devised new policies to get more blacks in over them have recourse to apply again for the coming year.

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