Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

And here we see whites pretending they are not a race and that 247 years of white admissions were never based on race. Whites have NEVER flown anywhere without a net.

But this is the record of whites in America. It is why one of our great Native American brethren said this:"The white man speaks with forked tongue."

What was unconstitutional is what caused Affirmative Action for the past 60 years some whites have played Joseph Goebbels.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

And notice....all the left wingers on the court, pretending to be Justices sided with race based discrimination.......and yet the left and democrats push the lie that republicans and conservatives are the racists.....
All three of them were themselves diversity hires, especially the one that needed to consult a biologist to know what a woman is, so no surprise there.
It's past time to move on and treat everyone equally.

If that requires the increasing of expectations, good.
You are truly an idiot at times.

People weren't getting treated equally before AA or during it. Increasing expectations?

Are they going to do that for white legacy students?

How about you give up that internalized racism?
You sound bitter.

It’s a moot point. Educational based criteria in todays job market, isn’t the prerequisite it once was. The only exception are law firms, and they’re a bunch of racist good old boy fucks anyway. The majority of jobs that used to look at what university you attended, are now filled by students with online degrees, and state colleges. The current percentage of black enrollments at Harvard due to affirmative action is 14%. That will probably drop to around 10% now, and Hispanic enrollment will supersede that to maybe 13%.

What great victory you think you just one is laughable at best, and wont even register with the majority of people anyway. This case was brought by lawsuit manufacturer Ed Blum. Another conservative asshole who was probably ass raped by his own father. It’s what conservative assholes that nobody likes do.
The conservatives on the SC were right again. Let college be for, smart kids who are ambitious and will put the work in. At least half of todays college students are wasting everyone's time and money. They don't belong there, especially the ones who need to take remedial classes in their first year. Hopefully, their rejection will encourage them to work harder, compete and develop some drive that will help them in their working career.
Stop lying to yourself racist. YOU keep racism alive by practicing it.

The only racists are the leadership of the democrat party, and at the top...obama......the democrat party is a party of racism....sorting people by skin color, using skin color as a tool, a weapon and a shield....all in the service of increasing government, and their own, power.....
Having worked in admissions for years, I can already predict how the liberals running the process will “get around” this ruling and proceed with their unconstitutional racism to continue to admit blacks over whites and Asians with better academic credentials.

It said in the ruling that applicants can describe, in their essays, how they overcame racism. So even though there can no longer be a box marked “black,” admissions officers can still identify which applicants are black. And believe me, EVERY black kid will claim they overcame racism. They will be coached by the liberals in the HS counselors’ office.

Then, to close the circle, colleges will add a factor involving “overcoming racist obstacles” - and blacks will get the advantage that way.

Believe me, I know how these people think. They are determined to give blacks extra advantages in their pursuit of “social justice,” and they will figure out a workaround to do just that.
The very responses to this comment act as their own sort of S.A.T. test, don't they?
And notice....all the left wingers on the court, pretending to be Justices sided with race based discrimination.......and yet the left and democrats push the lie that republicans and conservatives are the racists.....

Yep, as usual.
Stop lying to yourself racist. YOU keep racism alive by practicing it.


It’s a moot point. Educational based criteria in todays job market, isn’t the prerequisite it once was. The only exception are law firms, and they’re a bunch of racist good old boy fucks anyway. The majority of jobs that used to look at what university you attended, are now filled by students with online degrees, and state colleges. The current percentage of black enrollments at Harvard due to affirmative action is 14%. That will probably drop to around 10% now, and Hispanic enrollment will supersede that to maybe 13%.

What great victory you think you just one is laughable at best, and wont even register with the majority of people anyway. This case was brought by lawsuit manufacturer Ed Blum. Another conservative asshole who was probably ass raped by his own father. It’s what conservative assholes that nobody likes do.

Actually, this ruling is likely to lead to the end of AA across the board in all aspects of our lives.

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