Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

I love your optimism. My concern is that the far-left administrations of these institutions will work hard to find workarounds in order to continue with the same discriminatory behavior.
Their admission numbers will show it, and they will once again be sued for discrimination and they will lose, again.
On a Twitter Space, AFT President Randi Weingarten called the SCOTUS affirmative action decision "horrible" and "as bad as Dobbs."
You're not asking for an answer or looking for a solution. Americans can see nothing but more police brutality and force.

Where will it all end? Americans have created race issues that have no solution.

I think I as a Canadian am qualified to talk about the problem, but only if some Americans want to listen.
Stopping Affirmative Action discrimination is connected to
"police brutality and force" ? Is that what you say ? Huh ?

And it will also extend to the workplace, and lawsuits there. And what about the government itself? Will Biden be allowed to announce that the next cabinet position or whatever will be filled by a black? How can he make that a factor when the SCOTUS has ruled that making race a factor is unconstituional.

I hope this is the start of dismantling racist practices In various arenas.
POTUS' can appoint whomever they wish for cabinet positions for any reason they want.
But who's going to fill those low paying government welfare offices jobs that require a college degree? Minorities that do enter under AA often don't graduate, and those who do often graduate with degrees that don't provide high paying employment opportunities.
when episodes where blackface is CONDENMED are cancelled, you know there's something wrong with the liberal mob and their march for "equity"

The supreme court restored racial discrimination today.

I'm just glad I have my degrees and am retired.
You are a moron. SCOTUS finally BANNED racial discrimination. The ruling says that race CAN NOT be used in admissions. You don't end racism by changing the favored group. You end racist policies by banning racism. You've had more than two generations of favorable treatment, now it's time for you to pull up your big boy underwear and compete.

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