Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

The only drawback now will be...

It will be harder to tell a darkie that he only got his job because of Affirmative Action....I mean, that was like a really popular go-to line when you were feeling inadequate because a darkie held a higher position than you....

But, what will we blame on our inadequacies on now?? Trans people?
The only drawback now will be...

It will be harder to tell a darkie that he only got his job because of Affirmative Action....I mean, that was like a really popular go-to line when you were feeling inadequate because a darkie held a higher position than you....

But, what will we blame on our inadequacies on now?? Trans people?
Those who hold different races to different standards are racist
Look at who is cheering about this country moving back to the 40s and 50s. What is the Supreme Court going to vote on next? Claiming that Jim Crow is constitutional again. They are working on repealing the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Wake up black folks, this is just the beginning.

Asians disagree .
Having worked in admissions for years, I can already predict how the liberals running the process will “get around” this ruling and proceed with their unconstitutional racism to continue to admit blacks over whites and Asians with better academic credentials.

The supreme court restored racial discrimination today.

I'm just glad I have my degrees and am retired.
The Supreme Court ended racial discrimination in university admissions in favor of unqualified blacks.

Now they need to extend this to hiring decisions. Hiring managers usually resent being pressured to hire unqualified blacks.
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Democrats are the racist they claim to hate.

When democrats today are asked why blacks need lower standards, they sound like 1910s kkk grand wizards.

They are argue "were fighting racism by being racist. We want equality so we're not going to be unequal. Yay blacks, fuck non blacks, especially whites you get double fucked".

Like Biden. He will put a black woman on the supreme court.

But, what he did was entirely illegal according to the federal government. He literally broke federal law because he discriminated against men and anyone that isn't black.

Good for the Supreme Court on this one. As we all know, racism has been steadily creeping into the public sector and especially in our public education institutions. To admit or hire ANYONE based on the color of their skin; sex; or sexual orientation is a major slap in the face of hardworking, enterprising Americans who seek to improve their lives with higher education. It appears that the Supreme Court agrees with the sensible answer to this problem. That is: admit or hire based on experience, talent, and ability. PERIOD!!

Supreme Court Strikes Down DEI College Admissions. Is Workplace DEI Next?

"In a major blow to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) doctrine, the Supreme Court struck down DEI-based racial discrimination in college admissions. The decision handed down Thursday morning also provides a foundation for workplace related actions against DEI racial discrimination.

“This is a huge statement by the Supreme Court, and one that’s sure to impact not just college admissions, but the broader workplace culture in America,” said RedBalloon CEO Andrew Crapuchettes. “The ruling basically labels race-based DEI policies unconstitutional, which means there’s a hurricane of constitutional reckoning coming to America’s woke workplaces.”
It's not wise to include those who have gotten a funky grade on the initial tests. The exclusion is scientific protocol, and will show up later in the semester if not respected.

Protection Rackets and Their Discontents

Janus-faced and just like capitalism, what SCOTUS apparently gives with the one hand above, it takes away with the other. Freedom from religion is just as Constitutionally valid and legitimate a value as freedom from having dangerously low IQs near one's physical body while moving on campus.

SCOTUS Exploits the Illusions of Religion in a New Ruling
' costs....'

These SCOTUS psychopaths know very well that capitalism is seriously fucked up as far as a value system goes.
Yes...and the chance of that happening? Zero. You'll likely see 90-95% non-black graduating classes at colleges in the South. The long term implications will be fewer lawyers who are willing to seek social justice in lieu of getting a nice paycheck from a law firm across town.
I think we're insulting people when we tell them that they're incapable of responding to higher expectations.

Will it completely change overnight? No. Culture doesn't turn on a dime. But I have a feeling it will take a lot less time that some may think.
??? Any links for that?
from current demonstrations.
Look at who is cheering about this country moving back to the 40s and 50s. What is the Supreme Court going to vote on next? Claiming that Jim Crow is constitutional again. They are working on repealing the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Wake up black folks, this is just the beginning.
So you believe you need special treatment because your skin color is darker than mine. Not too racist, huh.
Whites like you amaze me with your willful ignorance. Whites haven't got jack ---- based on merit. Ever.
At least not since Affirmative Action has been around. Instead the degrees, jobs, promotions, etc, have been going to guys like YOU, based NOT on merit.

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