Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

It always amazes me when you hear people, like the president and even some of the Justices themselves, having a meltdown about ending a "precedent" that has stood for many years. Just because a law or policy has been in effect for years, doesn't mean it was right.
If that were the case, we'd still have slavery.
You are truly an idiot at times.
How about you give up that internalized racism?
Anyway, the Supreme Court did what it did today.

What are American blacks and browns supposed to do now? Quit? Give up? Fold like a cheap suit?

Yeah, I don't think that's what's going to happen. I think they'll respond just fine, as long as the doomsayers stay out of their way.
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Whites like you amaze me with your willful ignorance. Whites haven't got jack ---- based on merit. Ever.
Negroes like you amaze me with your willful ignorance. Negroes are too sorry to make it on their own merits so they think they are entitled to have it handed to them.
Anyway, the Supreme Court did what it did today.

What are American blacks and browns supposed to do now? Quit? Give up? Fold like a cheap suit?

I don't think that's what's going to happen. I think they'll respond just fine, as long as the doomsayers stay out of their way.
At least they will not have designated (AA) programs discriminating AGAINST them, as whites & Asians have suffered for 58 years.
So you believe you need special treatment because your skin color is darker than mine. Not too racist, huh.
If democrats ran a restaurant you'd hear things like...

"You get this for free because you're black"

"You need to pay extra because you're Asian"

"Hey boy, that restroom is for whites only"

Democrats are the racist they claim to hate.
It always amazes me when you hear people, like the president and even some of the Justices themselves, having a meltdown about ending a "precedent" that has stood for many years. Just because a law or policy has been in effect for years, doesn't mean it was right.
If that were the case, we'd still have slavery.

That's the DemoKKKrat dream. We had to defeat them in a war to take away their slaves.
Negroes like you amaze me with your willful ignorance. Negroes are too sorry to make it on their own merits so they think they are entitled to have it handed to them.
They BETTER make it on their own merits, becasue with bidens open borders as they are nowm low wage migrants are quickly filling up all the domestic, maintenance, janitorial positions that blacks have made a decent living from in the past.

But we still aren't seeing an abolition of AA in the job market and financial aids. Maybe that's next ? Perhaps, it will take more lawsuits to correct those ills.
Democrats approve of laws that please them which is not many which is why they get on board for BLM and Defund.
I think we're insulting people when we tell them that they're incapable of responding to higher expectations.

Will it completely change overnight? No. Culture doesn't turn on a dime. But I have a feeling it will take a lot less time that some may think.
Has anything you've seen on this board indicated to you that culture is turning? If anything, MAGA has given the hard right license to be even more intolerant.
This is why they hate Thomas and are beginning to lay the ground work for removing him and the other conservative Justices.....

"The solution to our Nation’s racial problems thus cannot come from policies grounded in affirmative action or some other conception of equity," Thomas writes. "Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism. Instead, the solution announced in the second founding is incorporated in our Constitution: that we are all equal, and should be treated equally before the law without regard to our race," he adds. "Only that promise can allow us to look past our differing skin colors."

Elsewhere in his concurring opinion, Thomas lays bare the left's flawed — and quite racist — beliefs about different races.

"In fact, all racial categories are little more than stereotypes, suggesting that immutable characteristics somehow conclusively determine a person’s ideology, beliefs, and abilities. Of course, that is false," Thomas notes. "Members of the same race do not all share the exact same experiences and viewpoints; far from it," he explains. "A black person from rural Alabama surely has different experiences than a black person from Manhattan or a black first-generation immigrant from Nigeria, in the same way that a white person from rural Vermont has a different perspective than a white person from Houston, Texas."


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