Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Negroes like you amaze me with your willful ignorance. Negroes are too sorry to make it on their own merits so they think they are entitled to have it handed to them.

I reject this wholeheartedly. This is not American conservative ideology; that is, it is not rooted in the Constitution. It is also immoral and frankly, abhorrent.
I lost brain cells reading Ketanji Brown Jackson's dissenting opinion

A good poster for why affirmative action needed to die would just have her on it.
Has anything you've seen on this board indicated to you that culture is turning? If anything, MAGA has given the hard right license to be even more intolerant.
MAGA, and all Americans, SHOULD be intolerant of law-breaking, immoral, systemic racism like Affirmative Action.

Although to the deranged liberal mind, racism is only something that can victimize non-Asian minorities. To them, racial discrimination is perfectly OK, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites & Asians are the victims :rolleyes:
Anyway, the Supreme Court did what it did today.

What are American blacks and browns supposed to do now? Quit? Give up? Fold like a cheap suit?

Yeah, I don't think that's what's going to happen. I think they'll respond just fine, as long as the doomsayers stay out of their way.
Obviously, Blacks will have to accept the fact that they're equal to every other American citizen and sink or swim by their own efforts.
Old fashioned, mouth breathing, ignorant, paranoid racism still exists in this country, and these folks jump on me quite a bit for saying that. You and I agree there. But I don't think that 100% of what we see here is based on that. Some of it is frustration. I got called a racist on this thread, when what I said wasn't remotely racist. That gets old, and it builds resentments. I've been saying this ever since I've been on this board. We have a profound problem here.

So the question is, what to do about it. We want to improve race relations, right? I know I do, but I'm not so sure about others.

Before Trump ever came down that escalator, I took a huge amount of heat from the Lefties here when I said there would be pushback from PC and Identity Politics, and while I definitely underestimated its intensity, I was right. What I don't understand is why the Left is so goddamn SET on doing everything it can to play right into the hands of the real racists who do exist.

As clear as I can possibly say this: PC & Identity Politics were at the very CORE of what animated people to vote for Trump. ASK THEM. In other words, THOSE TACTICS GOT THE COUNTRY, TRUMP. And far worse, Trumpism.

This is as good a time as any to stop giving the real racists all the material they need to keep doing what they're doing. Better yet, I think minorities are ready to go. So does the rest of my mixed-race family, and the mixed-race family into which I married 41 years ago. Enough. Time to stand up.

You ARE a racist, Mac1958.

You voted for this:

Though I vote Liberal most of the time, I agree with the Supreme Court on this one. I see no reason to deny a better qualified white person admission to college or a job simply because they are white.
Though I vote Liberal most of the time, I agree with the Supreme Court on this one. I see no reason to deny a better qualified white person admission to college or a job simply because they are white.
Hmmm your whiny buddies on here don't seem to agree.
Oh thank gawd!

I was just sayin- I don't think 147 threads on this matter are enough.
But legacy admissions are still allowed


Tough to get the black vote after that decision
In its history the Democrat Party has never supported EQUALITY.


whatever the discrimination of the moment is, the Democrat Party is 100% for discrimination and 100% against equality

Today it got smacked in the face by SCOTUS, and should have decades age except Sandra Day O'Connor had a moment of "white guilt" and sold out....

Put blacks in a university where they are competitive with everyone else and they will stop all flocking to "Black Studies" and other worthless majors...
First of all AA has nothing to do with lower standards.

Are you saying white women need lower standards, because they benefit more from AA than anyone in this country.

Actually,AA has everything to do with lower standards.

Its about admitting unqualified people to professions solely because of their race, and not because they know shit from shinola.

If you, SBB, saw your doctor who told you you needed roto-rootered by a proctologist, would you want to go to someone who knew what he was doing, or someone who only got the job because of the color of his skin.
First of all AA has nothing to do with lower standards.

Are you saying white women need lower standards, because they benefit more from AA than anyone in this country.
AA utilized lower standards via implementing the procedure that AA took precedent over existing standards

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions​

Now, it's time that anyone who condemns persons of any race, religion or national origin is guilty of racism and bigotry. No more critical race theory condemning white people for any reason unless the white person is showing racism or bigotry. We now need to get back to what MLK said, we should not judge each other by our skin color. Any skin color.

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