Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Actually,AA has everything to do with lower standards.

Its about admitting unqualified people to professions solely because of their race, and not because they know shit from shinola.

If you, SBB, saw your doctor who told you you needed roto-rootered by a proctologist, would you want to go to someone who knew what he was doing, or someone who only got the job because of the color of his skin.
Bullshit, AA gives folks who were denied opportunity the same opportunities that you were given just because you are white.
First of all AA has nothing to do with lower standards.

Are you saying white women need lower standards, because they benefit more from AA than anyone in this country.
AA is racist and sexist and so are the people who support it.

Why do you support such a racist policy?
First of all AA has nothing to do with lower standards.

Are you saying white women need lower standards, because they benefit more from AA than anyone in this country.

The entirety of the story is that AA's with lower abilities were given preferential treatment over another minority - Asians.

That is the story start to finish.
The existing standards were denying folks of color and women the same rights that white men were GIVEN.
How so? I am in agreement that if there are laws treating people differently because of their race, that has to go (which is what the SC just did). But I think we've eliminated most of that. Going to the college of your choice isn't a "right". More generally any "right", that compels people to accommodate others against their will, is not a right at all. What you're talking about is the power to force others to do what them to do.
This was no surprise, and it's amazing that it's taken this long.

Yes, but the ruling is over 200 pages long, which means a lot of waffling and exceptions to keep lawyers lining their pockets for decades more, I would guess. It's certainly got all the black race hustlers and con artists more TV time today, anyway.
Bullshit, AA gives folks who were denied opportunity the same opportunities that you were given just because you are white.

What was happening Bruh was that AA were getting into schools that they simply were not academically qualified for and were unable to keep up.

Now AA can attend schools where they can be successful.

Yeah, it keeps the Democrats from scoring false attaboy points from your leaders, but -

I would rather you just say thank you.
How so? I am in agreement that if there are laws treating people differently because of their race, that has to go (which is what the SC just did). But I think we've eliminated most of that. Going to the college of your choice isn't a "right". More generally any "right", that compels people to accommodate others against their will, is not a right at all. What you're talking about is the power to force others to do what them to do.
Why was AA created?

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