Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

history lesson:

Barry Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act because he thought it was government over reach and would lead to affirmative action. He voted for the 1957 CRA and in favor of the 24th Amendment. He voted to desegregate the Senate cafeteria and founded the Arizona NAACP
This is a load of BS. Race was not removed because white is a race and whites are accepteed based on race. Asians weren't cheated, this case wasn't even really about Asians.
Asians weren’t cheated? You need to email Judy Chu. She has thoughts.

Send a follow-up email to me. The white race is being discriminated against. We’re the new, in vogue, racial group that requires free government stuff as a result of systemic oppression.

I want all my loans paid off and reparations in the form of cash direct deposit.

How did it get me over the top? I just laid out my academic accomplishments, which shows I got in and succeeded without benefit of favoritism.

You should be down on the ground thanking your lucky stars that your ancestor was taken here in a slave ship. Not only did you likely gain admission to college due to AA, we taxpayers funded your education!
He looks at it all as being reparations based upon your comment about his ancestors coming here on slave ships. However, after everything that has been done in order to right the wrongs including a nasty war, and all the money that has been spent, the favoritism and in many cases special status or preferences given, it's now time to cut the cord, and let everyone stand up on merit's and their character.

How did it get me over the top? I just laid out my academic accomplishments, which shows I got in and succeeded without benefit of favoritism.

You should be down on the ground thanking your lucky stars that your ancestor was taken here in a slave ship. Not only did you likely gain admission to college due to AA, we taxpayers funded your education!
AA benefitted White women the most. Just like the Black valedictorian you denigrated, who got accepted into all 8 Ivy League schools….shouldn’t we assume (as YOU do) that AA helped you?
AA benefitted White women the most. Just like the Black valedictorian you denigrated, who got accepted into all 8 Ivy League schools….shouldn’t we assume (as YOU do) that AA helped you?
1) One lie after another! You are either misconstruing what I‘ve said, or attributing something other people said to me.

2) You admitted that you addressed me - a Jewish woman - with an antisemitic slur in order to “get my goat.” What would happen if I addressed a black here with a racist slur, admitting I did it to get his goat? You’d be all over me, screaming racist - and yet you are guilty of the same thing, only to a Jew.

3) I will no longer longer myself to a moderator who admits she intentionally calls a Jewish lady an antisemitic slur to get her goat. I don’t associate with your kind in real life, and I will no longer do so now.
I wouldn’t need any help (or more than 15 seconds) to have you crying for your massa
I hear you internet tough guy.
Poor baby, still mad that educated blacks reject losers like you who live in the past and act tough while whining that you need special help to succeed. Your hatred of educated blacks is obvious. As is your jealousy of them.
LOL, you think only the boot lickers are educated. Obviously Uncle Thomas needed special help to succeed. My hatred is for boot licking, sellouts and pussy ass, white racist like you.
So your grades and test scores were evenly matched with a white guy and through affirmative action, you got in?
How do you know my grades and test scores weren't better than the white guys? Don't a lot of them get in through AA or would that be the Good Ole Boy Network.
Your point is pointless because you have yet to show any evidence that is the case. If “outing themselves” DECREASES their chances then 7% of the American population would not comprise 27.9% of Harvards incoming freshman.

The ONLY group you ever talk about is Blacks. Despite the fact that AA also helped White women and Asians. Asians aren’t losing seats to Blacks, they are losing them to legacy and donor admits but you only pick on Black admits.
Explain the grooming with CRT and curriculums whether hidden or blatant that discriminate against the white race ? Oh yeah it's out there, and it's being tried no matter how much push back it's getting. The entire racist cabal needs to be outed, and decisions like we got on affirmative action needs to be applied in all levels of education. Enough with the grooming and attempting to bend the iron into a pretzel already. Favoritism and special status quota's need to become a new belief in one's character, and based on the merit's that derive from good character
I wonder if she will need AA to get in.
She cries about a “diverse campus” to attempt to justify her racism. If I can running a university, I would rather be known for putting out the best, most qualified people in whatever the major field of my university is. If that means my campus has no blacks and is 80% Asians, then so be it. Those are the best people.
Diversity is dilution
I’m going by what you said about that Black valedictorian and the entire thread tearing her down and justifying it. Not one word of praise for an incredible accomplishment. Do you deny this?

I called you Princess not “JAP”. You’ve accused others of being anti-semitic and racist, and used “Princess” yourself. All of these are slurs of varying degrees, in one form or another. Why do you use them if you have a fit when someone turns around and aims it back at you?

Cool. I prefer not to associate with racists who pretend to be ladies. :)
Great. We’re done. You’ll have to find another Jewish lady to direct your resentment towards.
Great. We’re done. You’ll have to find another Jewish lady to direct your resentment towards.
Pfft. None of the Jewish ladies I know, including my cousin, act like you. :rolleyes:

Have a good day :)
I’m going by what you said about that Black valedictorian and the entire thread tearing her down and justifying it. Not one word of praise for an incredible accomplishment. Do you deny this?

I called you Princess not “JAP”. You’ve accused others of being anti-semitic and racist, and used “Princess” yourself. All of these are slurs of varying degrees, in one form or another. Why do you use them if you have a fit when someone turns around and aims it back at you?

Cool. I prefer not to associate with racists who pretend to be ladies. :)
way back circa 1960 when I was {sob} still young--of us with
discernment evaluated affirmative action as a kind of awkward
temporary attempt to level the playing field. Even back then it
How do you know my grades and test scores weren't better than the white guys? Don't a lot of them get in through AA or would that be the Good Ole Boy Network.
Almost 40 percent of my high school class in the 80s was Black. Plenty of my Black classmates had better GPAs and SAT scores than myself and they deservedly got into selective colleges on their merits. (my grades were above average and not good test scores). And, I knew kids of ALL races and ethnicities who got entrance into a school through a “connection” and not grades and test scores.

You are against the Good Ole Boy Network. But, would you have issue with the same type of behavior if a Black Woman was a school system superintendent and she appointed black women who belonged to the same sorority as her to be schools’ principals and administrators in the school system over more qualified candidates?

Are you against the practice or is it really about sticking it to Whitey?
I see the KKK thread is still going strong.

No stronger threads on usmb than KKK threads.

The neo nazis on this board just live for we stuck it to them black folks threads.

The singular focus of their existence.
Such a disingenuous thought you just had. You leftist have started plenty of anti-white conservative christian threads (whether direct or indirect), that got it's legs and was off and running. Now the post may not have gone your ways within the thread's, and this is because the thread might actually be defeated at some point by those in disagreement, so don't go lying about certain thread's being created or their strengths after being created.

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