Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

More bullshit from a jealous, low education racist.
Says the dumbass with a 4th grade education.
Calling educated blacks boot lickers and coons just like the racist shitstain you are.
Oh that's right, those are the GOOD ones aren't they, fucking idiot.
Racist pieces of shit like you can stay in your ghetto.
As long as, you keep your pasty, racist ass in the trailer park.
Thomas, Sowell, Scott and any educated black laughs at your pathetic whining and licking of your master’s feet.
Actually that is why you like them, because they kiss your racist ass and smile and laugh.
Now talk all tough and threaten to beat us up again. That’s always good for a laugh.
Why so that your punk ass can run and get 7 or 8 of your buddies like the little bitch you are.
He claims to be a college graduate. Now, I ask you….does he write and articulate his thoughts the way a college graduate would, or understand basic logic?

If he IS a college graduate, that proves right there how far they lower their admission standards in order to bring in more people of the “wanted” color.
That's funny, now your dumbass claims to be a Rhodes scholar. Just because an ignorant, racist coward runs to your rescue is that suppose to impress me? You are from the same racist ilk that punk is. AA got your weak ass over the top and now you want to see it gone.
That’s pretty weak. “I blame whitey” is hardly going to be of any benefit to you if you insist on being the forever victim of your own failings.
They descend like vultures when it’s pointed out that if they would adopt the values and behavior of Jews - another horrifically persecuted minority - they too could be successful.

1. No children before marriage
2. Study hard to get an education
3. Work hard upon completion
That's funny, now your dumbass claims to be a Rhodes scholar. Just because an ignorant, racist coward runs to your rescue is that suppose to impress me? You are from the same racist ilk that punk is. AA got your weak ass over the top and now you want to see it gone.
I didn’t say Rhodes Scholar. I said PhI Beta Kappa.

A college man would know the difference.
That’s pretty weak. “I blame whitey” is hardly going to be of any benefit to you if you insist on being the forever victim of your own failings.
Sorry Hollie, you can't run from history. I guess that is why folks don't want CRT to be taught, because you want to teach Disneyland history to children instead of the real history of America.
They descend like vultures when it’s pointed out that if they would adopt the values and behavior of Jews - another horrifically persecuted minority - they too could be successful.

1. No children before marriage
2. Study hard to get an education
3. Work hard upon completion
It's amazing how you love to throw out you are Jewish when it is convenient, but if someone calls you a Jew then you want to try and label them as antisemitic. What a stinking hypocrite.
It's amazing how you love to throw out you are Jewish when it is convenient, but if someone calls you a Jew then you want to try and label them as antisemitic. What a stinking hypocrite.
Oye vey. There’s more antisemitism than there is racism, but you don’t see Jews using that as an excuse for failure. Blacks need to man up and stop blaming other people for failures within their own community.
They descend like vultures when it’s pointed out that if they would adopt the values and behavior of Jews - another horrifically persecuted minority - they too could be successful.

1. No children before marriage
2. Study hard to get an education
3. Work hard upon completion
It’s funny to be lectured about “white privilege” learning from mentors that you won’t always feel privileged when you’re the first at the office in the morning and among the last to leave at night to get things done. That can eventually earn some privilege but among the prerequisites are:

1. No children before marriage✔️
2. Study hard to get an education✔️
3. Work hard upon completion✔️

That works.
Oye vey. There’s more antisemitism than there is racism, but you don’t see Jews using that as an excuse for failure. Blacks need to man up and stop blaming other people for failures within their own community.
LOL that's comical. Jewish folks in America have never experienced what black folks have in America, we manned up from the day we walked off the slave ships and worked for free for over 200yrs in this country. We manned up for almost 100yrs of Jim Crow that we lived through in America. It is always a weak ass, racist POS trying to tell black folks what we should do.
Says the dumbass with a 4th grade education.

Oh that's right, those are the GOOD ones aren't they, fucking idiot.

As long as, you keep your pasty, racist ass in the trailer park.

Actually that is why you like them, because they kiss your racist ass and smile and laugh.

Why so that your punk ass can run and get 7 or 8 of your buddies like the little bitch you are.
I wouldn’t need any help (or more than 15 seconds) to have you crying for your massa. Poor baby, still mad that educated blacks reject losers like you who live in the past and act tough while whining that you need special help to succeed. Your hatred of educated blacks is obvious. As is your jealousy of them.
Sorry Hollie, you can't run from history. I guess that is why folks don't want CRT to be taught, because you want to teach Disneyland history to children instead of the real history of America.

No one is running from history. I think you might find valuable lessons that history has taught, however.

How curious that folks in places such as Hong Kong, Vietnam, South Korea, the Jewish people in Europe and the Middle East who, in the past 100 years, suffered through real adversity but didn't adopt the "victim complex" that you want to trade on.

Those folks noted above took control of their destinies and made better lives for themselves. As a cultural dynamic, you’re content with being a victim. Why not spend your energies to better your own life lives and the lives of your children as opposed to enormous amounts of time and energy blaming others for conditions you can improve.
1. Really, if AA were to have worked, it would have taken just ONE generation: let blacks who are lesser qualified into great colleges, and then their children grow up in middle-class comfort and don’t need extra bonus points for their “blackness.”

2. Who is Jethro?

3. I agree that Superbro does not sound like a college graduate.

3. He sounds like diversity hire.
How do you know that it got black students over the top? Many of them have the academic accomplishments that you do and more.

Are you thanking your lucky stars that your ancestors suffered through the Holocaust.

So you as a white woman got into college because you are smart as hell, but me as a black man I got in through AA and you wonder why folks call you a dumbass racist.
So your grades and test scores were evenly matched with a white guy and through affirmative action, you got in?
LOL that's comical. Jewish folks in America have never experienced what black folks have in America, we manned up from the day we walked off the slave ships and worked for free for over 200yrs in this country. We manned up for almost 100yrs of Jim Crow that we lived through in America. It is always a weak ass, racist POS trying to tell black folks what we should do.

Slavery - Democrats
Jim Crow - Democrats.
Lynching laws - Democrats
Segregation - Democrats

And you're still doing exactly what Democrats telling you should do.

By the way, do you know who was running transatlantic slave trade?
That's not what AA does. AA does exactly what you're saying the "white man" did only for not white men. Again, justification aside if you can't even admit what the program is doing how can you be for or against it?

If there are 10 spots and any of them go to a less qualified candidate based on skin color, then someone is being racially discriminated against.

The numbers do say it's racial discrimination. They proved that in the court case. At Harvard a poor Asian or white kid who scores in the top decile has a lesser chance of being accepted for admission than a rich black kid who scored in the 40th decile. In other words Harvard (and colleges all over the country) are discriminating against Asian and white applicants because of their race. You can make all the justification for that you want but it doesnt change what was happening.

What this court case did was remove race from the equation. The people making the decision about who's accepted or not wont know what the race of the applicant is so how would they be able to discriminate based on a person's race?
This is a load of BS. Race was not removed because white is a race and whites are accepteed based on race. Asians weren't cheated, this case wasn't even really about Asians.

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