Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

What have they done since 1964? Not a damn thing.

Biden's dumb ass comment was made in 1977, 13yrs after that bill passed and he was speaking on busing. Not the 64 CRA.
so you are happy being a virual slave to the dem party? "vote for democrats, we will keep the ghettos in place for you" "don't get uppity or we will cut off your free shit"

it amazes me that many continue to buy the dem lies.
What’s KKK about celebrating that admission officers can no longer consider what color a person’s skin is before deciding whether or not he gets accepted? It’s the very opposite of KKK.
You just focus on black folks, there are more unqualified whites getting into America's colleges and universities than there are unqualified black folks. You whine about stats and then when I show you that black folks make up the smallest group of folks in college, you come with the bullshit of "Oh the stats don't matter when it comes to that"
he KKK? you mean that racist democrat run cult that lynched blacks and burned churches?

No. I mean conservatives. who are now the Republicans.

You know that, because nobody can possibly be that fucking stupid.

Racist. Shit for brains. White. Christianist. Conservative. Republicans.
You are and have been the last person here that should be given moderator authority.
I do however respect the end of you harassing me m, for over a year now, as per the directions you were given.
What? I don’t any of that nor any “directions”. In fact barely recall interacting with you at all. Might want to check your meds.
An Asian with a 4.0 GPA and 1560 SAT score is entitled to be judged on their qualifications, and not rejected due to being the “wrong” color in favor of a black with a 3.5 and 1180 SAT due to being the “wanted” color.

Thankfully, the SCOTUS has made it much more difficult for leftists to favor some people and discriminate against others depending on what race they are.
She cries about a “diverse campus” to attempt to justify her racism. If I can running a university, I would rather be known for putting out the best, most qualified people in whatever the major field of my university is. If that means my campus has no blacks and is 80% Asians, then so be it. Those are the best people.
No, racist like you and most on this forum want back the Good Ole Days when racism and discrimination was running rampant. Black kids are not the ones stopping Asians from getting into college, a fact that will be known in the next 4yrs.

It is the less qualified whites who are stopping Asians from getting into school. I posted 20 colleges yesterday and at almost everyone of them, the Asian student body is larger than the black student body. So that is a lie that white racist have used to set this country back 50yrs.

You want to go back to the 50s, that is exactly what racist trash like you wants and this ruling is helping you to get there. There are many black folks who have had to fight to reach success inspite of racist garbage like you and they didn't do it boot licking and cooning like Thomas, Sowell, Owens and Tim Scott. Hell Coondace Owens was too damn dumb to get a college degree and I bet you weren't patting her on the head when she used the NAACP to sue a group of white boys who were calling her names.
More bullshit from a jealous, low education racist. Calling educated blacks boot lickers and coons just like the racist shitstain you are. Racist pieces of shit like you can stay in your ghetto. Thomas, Sowell, Scott and any educated black laughs at your pathetic whining and licking of your master’s feet. Now talk all tough and threaten to beat us up again. That’s always good for a laugh.
Black people like him exhibiting nothing but hatred against white people are certainly keeping racism alive. The bigger problem, as I see it, lies in the huge number of white people who roll on their back and pee on their belly in abject racial shame when encountering the blatant racism of those like him.

The left has infantilized blacks by enabling the very most childish attributes among them, the most salient of which involves taking any responsibility for their own actions and attitudes.
The only way people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton stay in business.
Lisa, I go by the threads you start and the comments you make regarding race and they follow a pattern. I am pro diversity and I support the right of colleges to be flexible in the criteria they use in order to achieve that outcome of it is what they want.

I don’t limit that to race either.

And yes, I do try to get your goat when you run around calling people anti-semitic.
No, you’re a stinking racist and now an admitted Anti-Semite moron. You’re anti Asian and have done nothing but cry since SCOTUS told racists like you that you lose. Now put up a funny face and run away like the cowardly racist you are.
No, you’re a stinking racist and now an admitted Anti-Semite moron. You’re anti Asian and have done nothing but cry since SCOTUS told racists like you that you lose. Now put up a funny face and run away like the cowardly racist you are.
Thank you! She actually admitted that she called me a word associated with an antisemitic slur to get my goat! And all because I support the prohibition of considering someone’s skin color when deciding whether to admit them or not.

Does she use racial slurs against IM2 when he goes around calling everyone a racist? Nope.
More bullshit from a jealous, low education racist. Calling educated blacks boot lickers and coons just like the racist shitstain you are. Racist pieces of shit like you can stay in your ghetto. Thomas, Sowell, Scott and any educated black laughs at your pathetic whining and licking of your master’s feet. Now talk all tough and threaten to beat us up again. That’s always good for a laugh.
He claims to be a college graduate. Now, I ask you….does he write and articulate his thoughts the way a college graduate would, or understand basic logic?

If he IS a college graduate, that proves right there how far they lower their admission standards in order to bring in more people of the “wanted” color.

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