Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

the notion that black people are suffering and downtrodden is the fraud of the century. blacks have never had it so good. the Supreme Court just decided to level the playing field
I know the outcomes.
Not only was this AA being practiced in college admissions, but an unofficial form of it exist strongly in the marketplace and elsewhere as well. Otherwise when you see a single race dominating a work place, then you know something is going on in the hiring at that workplace. Now one might say but, but, but the geographics or the community might represent the area in such a way... Ok, but in no way would that still cause a total single racially dominated staff to be on hand if this diversity thing is actually a real thing. Why ? Because white's, Hispanics , Chinese, Indian, and who ever else the race might be that lives in these areas also. At some point all races are going to be looking for a job, and racial quota's are a bad thing these day's, because the time has come for merit and character to dominate our American society.

And no it ain't that we can't get white or black people to work (although Americans don't want to work is the go to excuse when it is being challenged or questioned why race domination or in the case of across the board American's being targeted to be excluded, otherwise regardless of color in some cases (Mexicans on construction sites for one example), exist unequally in the work spaces on those sites is what we are seeing in a dramatic come back form today.

It's actually discrimination against white people, black people , and just plain ordinary American's, especially when it comes to quota's being used to show that companies are complying with the idea that races of people are to be categorized under certain special statuses or preferences when hiring them. It's all about corps getting cheap labor if we truly dig deep into the matters.

Some of it has led to a reverse discrimination situation, otherwise something that now exist in many workplaces that have CEOs buying into the idea or unwittingly pushing reverse discrimination hard in the areas of race through quota's in some cases, and due to their bottom lines in other, even though the claim is that no such thing exist... It exist, and that's what is causing these things to be seen in such a lopsided way.

No way will the leftist or anyone for that matter ever convince me that white's and black's aren't being openly discriminated against in 2023... When you see a chain store corporation having a single race staff, and this staff consist of stocker's, cashiers, customer service techs/reps, and other such staffed positions running a store in singular form (otherwise as if no white's or black's depending on the case), had applied for a position at the store, then I see quota's or store owners botching their hiring policies or practices.

I've also have witnessed certain company owned businesses having a singular race staff, in which should be in violation of the civil rights act that was to ensure fair and equal treatment in the work place, along with it's hiring practices for their staff.

Am I wrong ?
Almost 40 percent of my high school class in the 80s was Black. Plenty of my Black classmates had better GPAs and SAT scores than myself and they deservedly got into selective colleges on their merits. (my grades were above average and not good test scores). And, I knew kids of ALL races and ethnicities who got entrance into a school through a “connection” and not grades and test scores.

You are against the Good Ole Boy Network. But, would you have issue with the same type of behavior if a Black Woman was a school system superintendent and she appointed black women who belonged to the same sorority as her to be schools’ principals and administrators in the school system over more qualified candidates?

Are you against the practice or is it really about sticking it to Whitey?
Wow nice story. When have we ever stuck it to Whitey?
Wow nice story. When have we ever stuck it to Whitey?
You brought up the Good Ole Boy network…. Every culture has its version of it. Sticking it to Whitey was in the context of if that was your objective moving forward or do you just want the practice stopped? Or, do you only want the practice not to be done by Whites?
Wow nice story. When have we ever stuck it to Whitey?
Here’s one example: when the two blacks felt entitled to violate store policy at Starbucks, and cried “waaaaaasim!” when they weren’t allowed, Starbucks fired a white employee as a way of pandering to blacks.

I believe the white woman sued for unfair termination due to race, and won a jackpot. That will teach woke Starbucks that firing a whitey due to her skin color is every bit as racist as firing a black due to his.
I hear you internet tough guy.

LOL, you think only the boot lickers are educated. Obviously Uncle Thomas needed special help to succeed. My hatred is for boot licking, sellouts and pussy ass, white racist like you.
No, your hatred is for educated blacks who reject your whiny “victim” mentality and bettered themselves by leaving your racist shit in the rear view mirror you coward. Your constant projection of your lack of education and your constant blaming of whites for your inadequacy is why you will never get out of the ghetto.
Sorry Hollie, you can't run from history. I guess that is why folks don't want CRT to be taught, because you want to teach Disneyland history to children instead of the real history of America.

Talk about bootlicking...

CRT is communist propaganda. It's a load of leftard horseshit.
You brought up the Good Ole Boy network…. Every culture has its version of it. Sticking it to Whitey was in the context of if that was your objective moving forward or do you just want the practice stopped? Or, do you only want the practice not to be done by Whites?
Tell me a period when black folks have discriminated against whites, tell me a period when the black GOBN has subjected whites to racism. Please LOL give me the time periods.
Here’s one example: when the two blacks felt entitled to violate store policy at Starbucks, and cried “waaaaaasim!” when they weren’t allowed, Starbucks fired a white employee as a way of pandering to blacks.
How do we know they violated store policy, you haven't NEVER posted the damn policy.
I believe the white woman sued for unfair termination due to race, and won a jackpot. That will teach woke Starbucks that firing a whitey due to her skin color is every bit as racist as firing a black due to his.
Wow, how many black folks have been unfairly terminated due to race and didn't receive a damn thing. That is cool in your book isn't Lisa.
No, your hatred is for educated blacks who reject your whiny “victim” mentality and bettered themselves by leaving your racist shit in the rear view mirror you coward. Your constant projection of your lack of education and your constant blaming of whites for your inadequacy is why you will never get out of the ghetto.
Go hee haw somewhere else Jackass, your bullshit has gotten boring.
Tell me a period when black folks have discriminated against whites, tell me a period when the black GOBN has subjected whites to racism. Please LOL give me the time periods.
A Black man was just telling me the other day that today, many Blacks discriminate against whites and use the justification that discrimination that occurred against previous generations of Blacks.

Since you asked for a period of discrimination against whites by blacks, I would say over the last 35 years. I’ve experienced it.

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