Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

Well fuck boy, of course white racist are going to whine when they think someone is threatening their white privilege
Except that’s not what’s happening. Blacks like you are whining because your grandchildren and great-grandchildren won’t get “black privilege” at the Harvard Admissions Office.
We have never had any damn black privilege. You deny the fact that AA has done more for you than it ever has me.
Funny. I was at the top of my class and got in on my own merits. Unless you are claiming that EVERY white woman got into her college due to AA.

You'd be screaming RACISM If someone ever said that every black got into his college due to AA, but you can exhibit that level of disdain for whitey.

You’re too dumb to even realize how obvious your double standards are.
Funny. I was at the top of my class and got in on my own merits. Unless you are claiming that EVERY white woman got into her college due to AA.
That is how you are claiming every black person got in.
You'd be screaming RACISM If someone ever said that every black got into his college due to AA, but you can exhibit that level of disdain for whitey.
That is your claim about black folks.
You’re too dumb to even realize how obvious your double standards are.
When has black folks went to the Supreme Court whining about white women being the biggest beneficiaries of AA.
That is how you are claiming every black person got in.

That is your claim about black folks.

When has black folks went to the Supreme Court whining about white women being the biggest beneficiaries of AA.
Why do you have to lie? I never said all blacks got in due to AA. I said two out of three.

You OTOH are claiming that every white woman got in due to AA. What a racist you Are!
No dude, some whites like you are the cause of racism in America.
maybe 200 years ago, but not today, the race mongers of today are all black. Lincoln fixed it then the republicans passed the civil rights act of `1965, while the dems in congress tried to block it with a fullibuster. YOUR party is the party of racism, deal with reality and stop believing the lies being pumped into your head by the likes of Sharpton and Jackson.
That is how you are claiming every black person got in.

That is your claim about black folks.

When has black folks went to the Supreme Court whining about white women being the biggest beneficiaries of AA.
It will be interesting to see if a case gets manufactured to take down legacy admissions
Racial discrimination is back. Thxs to a racist Supreme Court, Mitchell McConnell knew what he was doing. That is why he backed that orange idiot until he got what he wanted.
Why do you continue to demand that because you are intellectually inferior to other races, you must be given the places of far more qualified candidates?


Did you actually listen to what he said? He said inclusion of those who had been left out should not disadvantage others who had not discriminated, that quotas and including people only because of their skin color disadvantaged people by denying them the dignity and perception of merit and deserving of their place in the organization. In other words he definitely said the right thing to do is not exclude people who had previously been excluded but he opposed affirmative action as it diminished their real achievements. He holds that same opinion now.

In simplest terms he was simply saying that black people, etc. who qualify should be admitted to the university and/or be hired and not denied a position instead of being excluded as was once the case.

Scene from the movie "Changing Places" starring Eddie Murphy who plays Billy Ray Valentine. Billy Ray is in a bathroom stall and overhears his employers, Randolph and Mortimer, discussing him:

[Billy Ray overhears the Dukes talking in the bathroom]
Pay up, Mortimer. I've won the bet.
Here, one dollar.
[chuckling] We took a perfectly useless psychopath like Valentine, and turned him into a successful executive. And during the same time, we turned an honest, hard-working man into a violently, deranged, would-be killer! [laughs] Now, what are we going to do about taking Winthorpe back and returning Valentine to the ghetto?
I don't want Winthorpe back, after what he's done.
You mean, keep Valentine on as managing director?
Do you really believe I would have a n*gger run our family business, Randolph?
[Valentine's eyes widen with outrage]
Of course not. Neither would I.
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You just focus on black folks, there are more unqualified whites getting into America's colleges and universities than there are unqualified black folks. You whine about stats and then when I show you that black folks make up the smallest group of folks in college, you come with the bullshit of "Oh the stats don't matter when it comes to that"
Why are you so proud of the fact that "black folks" are the least qualified segment of our society to be in college?
maybe 200 years ago, but not today, the race mongers of today are all black.
The racist of today are still folks like you.
Lincoln fixed it then the republicans passed the civil rights act of `1965, while the dems in congress tried to block it with a fullibuster.
Here is another lost soul who doesn't have a clue. The 64 CRA was passed by region, I had educate another idiot on that. How many Republicans in the South voted for it?
YOUR party is the party of racism, deal with reality and stop believing the lies being pumped into your head by the likes of Sharpton and Jackson.
See numbnuts, that is where you are lost again. Neither party is mine, nit the Jackass or the Elephant.
Don't hold your breath, they are going to keep that white privilege going.
I forget the podcast I was listening to but they were discussing how the people behind the initial complaint about Harvard admissions would not get behind African Americans who approached them; they insisted on having an Asian "face" on the case.

On one hand, I think you're right. Liberals are not saints to be sure. They just look saintly compared to conservatives. At the end of the day, it will have to be an uber wealthy person/consortium behind it. At the end of the day though, having your kid or grand kid being able to write their own ticket may be more important than the social justice aspect of it.
What is the excuse?
You responded, "It has its good ole boy system" which is an excuse and a deflection to the point that military service has its perks, benefits and a social system that is based on equal support from each serviceman. Pull your weight, succeed. Don't pull your weight, you'll feel the pressure from your CO and peers.
Did you serve in the military?
No I did not. Irrelevant. But have many friends who have served. Plus nothing I stated or asked can't be asked because I didn't serve.

When America treats ALL of her citizens equally, in all aspects of life.
Your answer is flawed. Show me one federal law that exists today that is racist? You won't. Now, is there some small hick town that has some biased/racist law still on the books, maybe, and I'd fight with you to end it. But there is no law in "America" today that is racist.

Will there always be racism and racists? Yes. Blacks, Asians, Jews, Latinos will always face personalize racism from racist a-holes. Maybe, in some unknown future date racism can be vanquished, but that's not a reality. The black community has to come to terms with the idea that "Systemic" racism is now, no longer a thing. Are their new-nazis white supremacist scumbags, yes. But the vast majority of this country is NOT racist. The vast majority of whites would see you as a fellow American. The vast majority of America wants to judge a man/woman on the content of their character.
The problem, is the many on the left label whites primarily because they are white and nothing based on their character. How does that fit in with your response?
The problem is that superbro thinks that unless blacks are given favoritism over whites, its white privilege. NOW, thanks to this ruling, a white or Asian has just as good a chance of getting in over a black as the reverse when their qualifications are equal. That’s not privilege - that’s EQUAL opportunity.
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It just keeps getting better and after 3 hits to lib loons last week, we had a federal judge last night acknowledge and prohibit the WH from utilizing Tech as a speech censoring mechanism .
Libs cheating and lying is drying and dying.

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