Breaking: SCOTUS ends Affirmative Action in university race-based admissions

It just keeps getting better and after 3 hits to lib loons last week, we had a federal judge last night acknowledge and prohibit the WH from utilizing Tech as a speech censoring mechanism .
Libs cheating and lying is drying and dying.
The fact that the Biden Administration cannot work with social media to suppress negatives about him - particularly as more comes out about the millions in extortion money - is HUGE as we approach the 2024 election.
1) One lie after another! You are either misconstruing what I‘ve said, or attributing something other people said to me.

2) You admitted that you addressed me - a Jewish woman - with an antisemitic slur in order to “get my goat.” What would happen if I addressed a black here with a racist slur, admitting I did it to get his goat? You’d be all over me, screaming racist - and yet you are guilty of the same thing, only to a Jew.

3) I will no longer longer myself to a moderator who admits she intentionally calls a Jewish lady an antisemitic slur to get her goat. I don’t associate with your kind in real life, and I will no longer do so now.
Antisemites blame Jews for everything.

....INCLUDING the very fact that they are antisemites.
You responded, "It has its good ole boy system" which is an excuse and a deflection to the point that military service has its perks, benefits and a social system that is based on equal support from each serviceman. Pull your weight, succeed. Don't pull your weight, you'll feel the pressure from your CO and peers.

No I did not. Irrelevant. But have many friends who have served. Plus nothing I stated or asked can't be asked because I didn't serve.
I served in the military and you didn't, so how in the hell are you going to tell me about military service when your ass was never in the military. Yea the military has it's ups and downs like anything else in life and it also has the Good Ole Boy Network alive and well in it also.
Your answer is flawed. Show me one federal law that exists today that is racist? You won't. Now, is there some small hick town that has some biased/racist law still on the books, maybe, and I'd fight with you to end it. But there is no law in "America" today that is racist.
The Justice System is still racist as hell in America. The Education system is still racist in America, you see black kids who will be suspended from school for certain offenses and whites kids will not for the same offense. Kids are still taught that everything good comes from white folks and all the bad comes from minorities, that is why you are afraid of CRT being taught in school. Employment and wealth are examples of systemic racism in this country, there is still a lot of racism in hiring. The attack on Affirmative Action is going to move from getting into college and roll right on down into employment practices. See a black person can get a car loan to get any car, we can get a mortgage to buy any house, now when it comes to getting a business loan that is a horse of a different color.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that 58% of employed Asians worked in management, professional, and related occupations — the highest-paying major occupational category — compared with 43% of employed whites, 35% of employed Blacks, and 26% of employed Hispanics.

This, in part, can be explained by racist hiring practices that kept Blacks out of business for decades under Jim Crow. It can also be explained by more subtle forms of prejudice today.

One Harvard University study found that when Blacks and Asians "whitened" their resumes — for example, used "American" or "white"-sounding names — they got more callbacks for corporate interviews. 25% of Black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10% got calls when they left ethnic details on their resume.

In 2021, overall income for Black Americans was 49% lower than for whites.

Will there always be racism and racists? Yes. Blacks, Asians, Jews, Latinos will always face personalize racism from racist a-holes. Maybe, in some unknown future date racism can be vanquished, but that's not a reality. The black community has to come to terms with the idea that "Systemic" racism is now, no longer a thing. Are their new-nazis white supremacist scumbags, yes. But the vast majority of this country is NOT racist. The vast majority of whites would see you as a fellow American. The vast majority of America wants to judge a man/woman on the content of their character.
The problem, is the many on the left label whites primarily because they are white and nothing based on their character. How does that fit in with your response?
It is amazing how a white boy is always trying to tell black folks what is racist and what is not. You kill me trying to use that Dr. King bullshit about judging someone by their content of their character and not the color of their skin. America has never done that and you know it. Since you want to quote Dr. King, tell me what do you think of this that Dr. King said.

I served in the military and you didn't, so how in the hell are you going to tell me about military service when your ass was never in the military. Yea the military has it's ups and downs like anything else in life and it also has the Good Ole Boy Network alive and well in it also.

The Justice System is still racist as hell in America. The Education system is still racist in America, you see black kids who will be suspended from school for certain offenses and whites kids will not for the same offense. Kids are still taught that everything good comes from white folks and all the bad comes from minorities, that is why you are afraid of CRT being taught in school. Employment and wealth are examples of systemic racism in this country, there is still a lot of racism in hiring. The attack on Affirmative Action is going to move from getting into college and roll right on down into employment practices. See a black person can get a car loan to get any car, we can get a mortgage to buy any house, now when it comes to getting a business loan that is a horse of a different color.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that 58% of employed Asians worked in management, professional, and related occupations — the highest-paying major occupational category — compared with 43% of employed whites, 35% of employed Blacks, and 26% of employed Hispanics.

This, in part, can be explained by racist hiring practices that kept Blacks out of business for decades under Jim Crow. It can also be explained by more subtle forms of prejudice today.

One Harvard University study found that when Blacks and Asians "whitened" their resumes — for example, used "American" or "white"-sounding names — they got more callbacks for corporate interviews. 25% of Black candidates received callbacks from their whitened resumes, while only 10% got calls when they left ethnic details on their resume.

In 2021, overall income for Black Americans was 49% lower than for whites.

It is amazing how a white boy is always trying to tell black folks what is racist and what is not. You kill me trying to use that Dr. King bullshit about judging someone by their content of their character and not the color of their skin. America has never done that and you know it. Since you want to quote Dr. King, tell me what do you think of this that Dr. King said.

So white peoples should not comment on racism you feel,
A 50+ year racist policy just got ended so I think I will comment about how fair and just that is.
You are not “Superbad…”
You are Stuporsad
So white peoples should not comment on racism you feel,
A 50+ year racist policy just got ended so I think I will comment about how fair and just that is.
You are not “Superbad…”
You are Stuporsad
50yr racist policy? So it was ok when black folks were denied the right to attend a white college because they were black. It was good when black folks were denied opportunites at certain types of employment because they were black. So you pretty much want to go back to the Good Ole Days when you could legally discriminate against folks of color.
50yr racist policy? So it was ok when black folks were denied the right to attend a white college because they were black. It was good when black folks were denied opportunites at certain types of employment because they were black. So you pretty much want to go back to the Good Ole Days when you could legally discriminate against folks of color.
50yr racist policy? So it was ok when black folks were denied the right to attend a white college because they were black. It was good when black folks were denied opportunites at certain types of employment because they were black. So you pretty much want to go back to the Good Ole Days when you could legally discriminate against folks of color.

Your whining is getting old.
To shut up whiners like you who couldn't compete on your own merit and didn't even want to try.

It didn't exactly succeed in that regard, did it?
It’s been going on for 40 years, and giving Grandpa a seat over a better-qualified white, and then 25 years later giving Dad a seat over a better-qualified, when then sorry, Son, you’re going to have to get in on your own!

You‘ve had two TWO generations of college-educated professionals before you, which is more than my cousins, sibling, and friends had. Yet among us we have a lawyer, two doctors, two pharmacists, one scientist, one accountant, an MBA executive, and a Ph.D.

Race-based policies have run their course.
To shut up whiners like you who couldn't compete on your own merit and didn't even want to try.

It didn't exactly succeed in that regard, did it?
You racist moron, black folks couldn't compete on merit because racist like you denied them the opportunity.
The fact that the Biden Administration cannot work with social media to suppress negatives about him - particularly as more comes out about the millions in extortion money - is HUGE as we approach the 2024 election.
I hope the leftards get the censorship reamed up their butts with a red hot poker.
400yrs of racist trash like you got old a long time ago.
Don't go there, man.

I already told you, try that racist bullshit on me and I'll tear you apart.

No mercy.

You know, for someone who claims to hate bootlickers you're the biggest bootlicker on the planet.

Typical leftard hypocrite.

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