BREAKING: Shannon Cortez Gooden, 38 is the alleged shooter who killed 2 officers and a paramedic in Burnsville, Minnesota according to @AlphaNewsMN .

And will these three have moments of silence in their name? Their photos on storefronts? Statues erected in their honor? The nation erupt in riots over their murders?

Nope. That’s reserved for a violent, ex-felon druggie.

I wonder if Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are going to pose for the cameras and take a knee for the murdered LEOs?

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Those sick hypocrites are so shallow it's offensive. Well, except to their Party's base, who should all be deported.
Yep, typical negro violence against whitey. Nothing to see here.

Remember people, 7% of the population commits HALF of the violent crime. Let that sink in.
Those jobs need to go to citizens.
Despite Race-Traitor Propaganda, Innocent Men Weren't Lynched

By the way, the reason there was lynching even under a White Supremacist judge and jury was that the Southern landowners bribed the judge not to give the death penalty, which would have deprived them of chain-gang labor.
Soft on crime = BIG on coffins.
Preppies' Pet Pit Bulls

The pitchfork-skewerable hereditary ruling class needs to keep us distracted by turning these feral races loose on us, and keep us peasants humiliated by not allowing us to finish the subhumans off. That, of course, includes the false friends who preach "law and order."

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