Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

Honey, you have been working diligently to try to shut this thread down and the post you quoted of mine was of the police news conference..
Honey, I am reporting what the police have said at their news conference.

You don't like me posting what is happening, either leave the thread or put me on ignore. You will not silence me.
News conference
They are after 3 attackers, so far 5 people have died
call on all emergency services to assist, looking at back up from the region
too early to speak of wounded
priority to get the attackers
no more info on shooters, other than short pistol/gun
please share all you have in video and pictures to get more about the shooters
share it with the police, not on social media,
Oh, a thin skinned ****, what a surprise.

I simply added that the police said to share videos with them, and not on social media.

You will not silence me, what a dramacunt.
Honey, I am reporting what the police have said at their news conference.

You don't like me posting what is happening, either leave the thread or put me on ignore. You will not silence me.
News conference
They are after 3 attackers, so far 5 people have died
call on all emergency services to assist, looking at back up from the region
too early to speak of wounded
priority to get the attackers
no more info on shooters, other than short pistol/gun
please share all you have in video and pictures to get more about the shooters
share it with the police, not on social media,
Oh, a thin skinned ****, what a surprise.

I simply added that the police said to share videos with them, and not on social media.

You will not silence me, what a dramacunt.

I also saw someplace where they were asking people not to share things that could give away their positions or tactics.
yes, sadly this has to be repeatedly stated. nothing learned from 72, when tv showed police approaching the terrorists, and they watched it on tv.

Social media is a huge problem in situations like these - huge :(
ISIS had nothing to do with it. They may have helped this guy along. But the guy's reasons for doing this had nothing to do with them.
Who said the left spins and lies to cover for their Muslim masters?

This is a debate forum right? You want to make a point, why don't you make it properly. Can you find any evidence that this is ISIS only and there's nothing to do with what I said?
Aloha Snackbar. All these attacks are done in the name of their god.

Maybe so. That doesn't mean they were done for the God.

It's easy to do something in the name of something simply because you know it'll have an impact.

In Columbine the kids wanted to go out in "style", to be famous, and they are famous. They got what they want.

The media attention on these people who do these attacks is because they do it in the name of a God that doesn't have much to do with them. They get the shock factor they want.

If you wanted to go out in style, you could pick and choose a group to latch on to.

The reality, on the other hand, is that these people have done what they have done for far more personal reasons that don't have much to do with religion.

In France it's about integration, or the lack of it.
In Germany it was a crazy teenager.
Who these in Munich are we don't know yet. Perhaps they are something actually to do with ISIS. But ISIS isn't Islam.
I mean...women don't go around telling men that they're just jealous they don't have boobs.

That's because most men don't hate women... or didn't you thank that one through.
And most women don't hate men either. But when we measure violence and violent acts like rape and terrorism and mass murder, the male "wins" hands down.
yes but women win in domestic violence. As lesbian domestic violence is far more prevalent than in hetero relationships.
Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts

Sad facts.
where does it mention lesbian relationships?
Here's one on lesbian relationships:

Domestic violence in lesbian relationships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Honey, you have been working diligently to try to shut this thread down and the post you quoted of mine was of the police news conference..
Honey, I am reporting what the police have said at their news conference.

You don't like me posting what is happening, either leave the thread or put me on ignore. You will not silence me.
News conference
They are after 3 attackers, so far 5 people have died
call on all emergency services to assist, looking at back up from the region
too early to speak of wounded
priority to get the attackers
no more info on shooters, other than short pistol/gun
please share all you have in video and pictures to get more about the shooters
share it with the police, not on social media,
Oh, a thin skinned ****, what a surprise.

I simply added that the police said to share videos with them, and not on social media.

You will not silence me, what a dramacunt.
i did what? get a grip.
But when we measure violence and violent acts like rape and terrorism and mass murder, the male "wins" hands down.

But that's not what you previously stated. To this point I say so what? Why do you continually say it's all men over and over. I get one more BS answer from you and you'll be on my ignore list.
I have never said it's "all men". Please go back and check all my posts in this regard.
Polizei München



Eine traurige Nachricht: Die Zahl der Toten steigt auf 8.#Schießerei #oez #münchen

View details ·

police Munich @PolizeiMuenchen 57s Sad news : The number of deaths to 8. # shootout # #oez munich View details ·
I'm so glad we pay Billions for dept of state so 4 hours after than can warn Americans in Germany to stay inside. Whew. Thank God!
ISIS had nothing to do with it. They may have helped this guy along. But the guy's reasons for doing this had nothing to do with them.
Who said the left spins and lies to cover for their Muslim masters?

This is a debate forum right? You want to make a point, why don't you make it properly. Can you find any evidence that this is ISIS only and there's nothing to do with what I said?
Aloha Snackbar. All these attacks are done in the name of their god.

Maybe so. That doesn't mean they were done for the God.

It's easy to do something in the name of something simply because you know it'll have an impact.

In Columbine the kids wanted to go out in "style", to be famous, and they are famous. They got what they want.

The media attention on these people who do these attacks is because they do it in the name of a God that doesn't have much to do with them. They get the shock factor they want.

If you wanted to go out in style, you could pick and choose a group to latch on to.

The reality, on the other hand, is that these people have done what they have done for far more personal reasons that don't have much to do with religion.

In France it's about integration, or the lack of it.
In Germany it was a crazy teenager.
Who these in Munich are we don't know yet. Perhaps they are something actually to do with ISIS. But ISIS isn't Islam.
Amazing the extra spin cycle the left go for their Muslim masters.

Every Muslim mass murderer did it for jihad.

While integration of cultures is important, it is not a root cause. Every mass murderer in America was integrated into the American culture.
ISIS had nothing to do with it. They may have helped this guy along. But the guy's reasons for doing this had nothing to do with them.
Who said the left spins and lies to cover for their Muslim masters?

This is a debate forum right? You want to make a point, why don't you make it properly. Can you find any evidence that this is ISIS only and there's nothing to do with what I said?
Aloha Snackbar. All these attacks are done in the name of their god.

Maybe so. That doesn't mean they were done for the God.

It's easy to do something in the name of something simply because you know it'll have an impact.

In Columbine the kids wanted to go out in "style", to be famous, and they are famous. They got what they want.

The media attention on these people who do these attacks is because they do it in the name of a God that doesn't have much to do with them. They get the shock factor they want.

If you wanted to go out in style, you could pick and choose a group to latch on to.

The reality, on the other hand, is that these people have done what they have done for far more personal reasons that don't have much to do with religion.

In France it's about integration, or the lack of it.
In Germany it was a crazy teenager.
Who these in Munich are we don't know yet. Perhaps they are something actually to do with ISIS. But ISIS isn't Islam.

Defending them again I see.

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