Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

ISIS had nothing to do with it. They may have helped this guy along. But the guy's reasons for doing this had nothing to do with them.
Who said the left spins and lies to cover for their Muslim masters?

This is a debate forum right? You want to make a point, why don't you make it properly. Can you find any evidence that this is ISIS only and there's nothing to do with what I said?
Aloha Snackbar. All these attacks are done in the name of their god.

Maybe so. That doesn't mean they were done for the God.

It's easy to do something in the name of something simply because you know it'll have an impact.

In Columbine the kids wanted to go out in "style", to be famous, and they are famous. They got what they want.

The media attention on these people who do these attacks is because they do it in the name of a God that doesn't have much to do with them. They get the shock factor they want.

If you wanted to go out in style, you could pick and choose a group to latch on to.

The reality, on the other hand, is that these people have done what they have done for far more personal reasons that don't have much to do with religion.

In France it's about integration, or the lack of it.
In Germany it was a crazy teenager.
Who these in Munich are we don't know yet. Perhaps they are something actually to do with ISIS. But ISIS isn't Islam.
Amazing the extra spin cycle the left go for their Muslim masters.

Every Muslim mass murderer did it for jihad.

While integration of cultures is important, it is not a root cause. Every mass murderer in America was integrated into the American culture.
"Their muslim masters"? Huh?
I mean...women don't go around telling men that they're just jealous they don't have boobs.

That's because most men don't hate women... or didn't you thank that one through.
And most women don't hate men either. But when we measure violence and violent acts like rape and terrorism and mass murder, the male "wins" hands down.
yes but women win in domestic violence. As lesbian domestic violence is far more prevalent than in hetero relationships.
Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts

Sad facts.
The fact that 90% of people in prison are males just shows how biased and bigoted the judicial system is.
Perhaps.....I'm sure that some of them (as we can see thru DNA evidence) are falsely imprisoned.
ISIS had nothing to do with it. They may have helped this guy along. But the guy's reasons for doing this had nothing to do with them.
Who said the left spins and lies to cover for their Muslim masters?

This is a debate forum right? You want to make a point, why don't you make it properly. Can you find any evidence that this is ISIS only and there's nothing to do with what I said?
Aloha Snackbar. All these attacks are done in the name of their god.

Maybe so. That doesn't mean they were done for the God.

It's easy to do something in the name of something simply because you know it'll have an impact.

In Columbine the kids wanted to go out in "style", to be famous, and they are famous. They got what they want.

The media attention on these people who do these attacks is because they do it in the name of a God that doesn't have much to do with them. They get the shock factor they want.

If you wanted to go out in style, you could pick and choose a group to latch on to.

The reality, on the other hand, is that these people have done what they have done for far more personal reasons that don't have much to do with religion.

In France it's about integration, or the lack of it.
In Germany it was a crazy teenager.
Who these in Munich are we don't know yet. Perhaps they are something actually to do with ISIS. But ISIS isn't Islam.
Amazing the extra spin cycle the left go for their Muslim masters.

Every Muslim mass murderer did it for jihad.

While integration of cultures is important, it is not a root cause. Every mass murderer in America was integrated into the American culture.

It's amazing how you'll just attack people and make everything seem how you want it to seem.

Have you looked up who did these attacks and why they did these attacks and what their lives have been like?

Or is it just simple to say "they look Muslims, so they must be Muslim, therefore they must be ISIS, therefore we must do this and that to stop all Muslims"?

Seriously dude, there's some REALITY going on here and you're ignoring ALL OF IT to make this fit your agenda. Then you'll just go off on one labeling everyone who doesn't agree with as this or that.

I'm not talking about all mass murderers, so I don't know why you brought that up. I'm talking about people who are in Europe, attacking and killing people on a mass level, in the name of a god, but for reasons that we know what they are. You can do the research, but I doubt you want to, because your agenda is more important than understanding the truth.
ISIS had nothing to do with it. They may have helped this guy along. But the guy's reasons for doing this had nothing to do with them.
Who said the left spins and lies to cover for their Muslim masters?

This is a debate forum right? You want to make a point, why don't you make it properly. Can you find any evidence that this is ISIS only and there's nothing to do with what I said?
Aloha Snackbar. All these attacks are done in the name of their god.

Maybe so. That doesn't mean they were done for the God.

It's easy to do something in the name of something simply because you know it'll have an impact.

In Columbine the kids wanted to go out in "style", to be famous, and they are famous. They got what they want.

The media attention on these people who do these attacks is because they do it in the name of a God that doesn't have much to do with them. They get the shock factor they want.

If you wanted to go out in style, you could pick and choose a group to latch on to.

The reality, on the other hand, is that these people have done what they have done for far more personal reasons that don't have much to do with religion.

In France it's about integration, or the lack of it.
In Germany it was a crazy teenager.
Who these in Munich are we don't know yet. Perhaps they are something actually to do with ISIS. But ISIS isn't Islam.

Defending them again I see.

Do you have anything to say?
If it's actual Germans aka WHITE people then it's a direct response to its government declaring war on its people by allowing mass invasion of shitskins if it was Germans I hope they managed to take out as many non German scum as possible and anti German whites
This thread seems to have lost it's way.

Is the attack still going on?
If it's actual Germans aka WHITE people then it's a direct response to its government declaring war on its people by allowing mass invasion of shitskins if it was Germans I hope they managed to take out as many non German scum as possible and anti German whites
So....let me clarify your comment. You are throwing your support to this shooting IF it's white German males doing the shooting?
police Munich @PolizeiMuenchen 7 m In another dead person , we are currently investigating a possible complicity . #oez # shootout # munich

Reports are the police have said there is another area, possibly 2 where a shooting has taken place
That's because most men don't hate women... or didn't you thank that one through.
And most women don't hate men either. But when we measure violence and violent acts like rape and terrorism and mass murder, the male "wins" hands down.
yes but women win in domestic violence. As lesbian domestic violence is far more prevalent than in hetero relationships.
Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts

Sad facts.
The fact that 90% of people in prison are males just shows how biased and bigoted the judicial system is.
Perhaps.....I'm sure that some of them (as we can see thru DNA evidence) are falsely imprisoned.
SOME???? 90% in prison are male. This is a major act of bias taking place in our judicial system.
22 JULY 2016 • 9:45PM
  • Gunman in Munich opens fire at a McDonalds by the Olympia shopping centre
  • Police describe shooting as terrorism
  • Police hunt three gunmen, believed to still be in Munich
  • Eight confirmed dead
  • Unconfirmed reports that there could be shootings in city centre
  • Islamic State supporters celebrate on social media

Munich police are hunting for a possible three gunmen who they believe have carried out an attack at a shopping centre and McDonalds restaurant.

On Twitter, the local forces said shootings had taken place at Hanauer street, which is the location of both the Olympia shopping center and the adjoining McDonalds.

Reports of the gunman's behaviour were confused and contradictory.

A Muslim woman told CNN that she heard the gunman yell: "Allahu Akbar," yet video footage showed a gunman ranting against foreigners and Turks, suggesting a Neo Nazi attack.

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