Breaking: shooting at Munich mall

I agree and if I were a German citizen I'd be demanding my Govt. kick every Muslim out of my country.

This is only the beginning
I don't understand why there is not such a movement ongoing and strong enough that we would have heard about it. The German people seem to be passively tolerating what is in fact an invasion of their country by hostile barbarians. And I haven't heard a murmer about any agitation to be rid of Merkel and her supporters.

What the hell is going on in Europe?
I mean...women don't go around telling men that they're just jealous they don't have boobs.

That's because most men don't hate women... or didn't you thank that one through.
And most women don't hate men either. But when we measure violence and violent acts like rape and terrorism and mass murder, the male "wins" hands down.
yes but women win in domestic violence. As lesbian domestic violence is far more prevalent than in hetero relationships.
Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts

Sad facts.
The fact that 90% of people in prison are males just shows how biased and bigoted the judicial system is.
Do you need help with the definition of generalities? I have the time.
In general, the police that responded to this are males, feel better now?
Yes they are. I'm glad to see that some males are stepping up. But that doesn't change the FACT that almost all these kinds of attacks are done by men.
Black & Muslim men. of all kinds. For the most part, that is the common denominator.

Well...they do commit the vast majority of rapes too....

The bastards pee standing up too!

That to.
Honey, I am reporting what the police have said at their news conference.

You don't like me posting what is happening, either leave the thread or put me on ignore. You will not silence me.
News conference
They are after 3 attackers, so far 5 people have died
call on all emergency services to assist, looking at back up from the region
too early to speak of wounded
priority to get the attackers
no more info on shooters, other than short pistol/gun
please share all you have in video and pictures to get more about the shooters
share it with the police, not on social media,
Oh, a thin skinned ****, what a surprise.

I simply added that the police said to share videos with them, and not on social media.

You will not silence me, what a dramacunt.
I agree and if I were a German citizen I'd be demanding my Govt. kick every Muslim out of my country.

This is only the beginning
I don't understand why there is not such a movement ongoing and strong enough that we would have heard about it. The German people seem to be passively tolerating what is in fact an invasion of their country by hostile barbarians. And I haven't heard a murmer about any agitation to be rid of Merkel and her supporters.

What the hell is going on in Europe?
Germans have a very long history of not being able to recognize evil. And when they finally do they just go along with it.
But when we measure violence and violent acts like rape and terrorism and mass murder, the male "wins" hands down.

But that's not what you previously stated. To this point I say so what? Why do you continually say it's all men over and over. I get one more BS answer from you and you'll be on my ignore list.
Note completely. That would just deal with the Muslim males....what about the other males committing most of violent acts?

What others commit most of violent acts? 99% terrorism is M-O-S-L-E-M.
I'd like to see where you get that figure. Where ever you got is, I can guarantee that whatever the percentage is Muslim....a HIGHER % is male.

So what? You're a sexist now?
Is it sexist to point out a Fact?

Is it racist to point out a black man committed a crime? Only in America.

No, it isn't racist to point out a black man committed a crime.

Nor is it sexist to point out a black man committed a crime.
Honey, I am reporting what the police have said at their news conference.

You don't like me posting what is happening, either leave the thread or put me on ignore. You will not silence me.
News conference
They are after 3 attackers, so far 5 people have died
call on all emergency services to assist, looking at back up from the region
too early to speak of wounded
priority to get the attackers
no more info on shooters, other than short pistol/gun
please share all you have in video and pictures to get more about the shooters
share it with the police, not on social media,
Oh, a thin skinned ****, what a surprise.

I simply added that the police said to share videos with them, and not on social media.

You will not silence me, what a dramacunt.

I also saw someplace where they were asking people not to share things that could give away their positions or tactics.
Remember when Obama said mass shootings were a US phenomena? Wonder if auntie Merkal autographed all the bullets
ISIS had nothing to do with it. They may have helped this guy along. But the guy's reasons for doing this had nothing to do with them.
Who said the left spins and lies to cover for their Muslim masters?

This is a debate forum right? You want to make a point, why don't you make it properly. Can you find any evidence that this is ISIS only and there's nothing to do with what I said?
Aloha Snackbar. All these attacks are done in the name of their god.
But when we measure violence and violent acts like rape and terrorism and mass murder, the male "wins" hands down.

But that's not what you previously stated. To this point I say so what? Why do you continually say it's all men over and over. I get one more BS answer from you and you'll be on my ignore list.
I have also never said it was "all men"....why do you misrepresent what I post?
I predicit the liberals that were conspicusly absent on the Nice terrorist attack thread will come out in droves on this thread. Any guesses as to why?
Not sure why....explain.

Because they hate men
Interesting theory.

No it isn't. No need to play coy, you know the reason.
Why can't you say?

Because its so obvious I don't need to.
The 2 I saw had dark hair, which don't most neo-nazis there have blonde hair or are bald?
I just heard police are saying they can't say who is responsible at this point and they are now in crisis mode.
Barry is on his prayer mat facing Mecca hoping the shooter was white.
I think they are white. At least only anyway. Look at the Footage showing the shooter outside McDonalds - he looks white.
women organize the rape of other women all the time and women organize the gang bashing of men all the time.
It's only beginning for Germany. As Muslims gain their footing and carve out insulated communities governed by Sharia Law, violence and discord will only get worse. If I were a German citizen I would be mad as hell.

I agree and if I were a German citizen I'd be demanding my Govt. kick every Muslim out of my country.

This is only the beginning

You'd support Germans picking an entire religion of people and shipping them en masse? I think we can see where your politics are.
Why postpone the inevitable? The need for such action is becoming more apparent day-by-day, terrorist-action-by-terrorist-action. The longer we wait the more innocents will be killed by the Muslim terrorists.

Yes, many innocent Muslims will be harmed by a purge, but that is the ugly aspect of any war and what we are seeing is the imminent stage of a war -- a kind of war which is new to us but a war nonethless.

Our people are being killed, a few at a time, and we are tolerating it.
Honey, I am reporting what the police have said at their news conference.

You don't like me posting what is happening, either leave the thread or put me on ignore. You will not silence me.
News conference
They are after 3 attackers, so far 5 people have died
call on all emergency services to assist, looking at back up from the region
too early to speak of wounded
priority to get the attackers
no more info on shooters, other than short pistol/gun
please share all you have in video and pictures to get more about the shooters
share it with the police, not on social media,
Oh, a thin skinned ****, what a surprise.

I simply added that the police said to share videos with them, and not on social media.

You will not silence me, what a dramacunt.

I also saw someplace where they were asking people not to share things that could give away their positions or tactics.
yes, sadly this has to be repeatedly stated. nothing learned from 72, when tv showed police approaching the terrorists, and they watched it on tv.

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