[BREAKING] Shots Fired on Capitol Hill

expect the headline to be "a gun nut"!!!

The story is likely already written!!!:D:D

Another ahhh haaa moment for mental cases like JoeB.
Nah I'm sure it's just the blacks. Am I right? High five!

Tank? Matthew?
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expect the kooks to find a way to blame Obama

The story is likely already written!!!:D:D

Another conspiracy theory to cling to for the righties!
It's some Tea Party gun nut who flipped out and we'll hear about it for eons to come to ramp up the cry for gun control...until we find out it's really some left wing wackjob and we'll never hear about it again.
At least when the Reichstag Fire broke out there were flames. All we have here is "reports" and "lock downs."
Sounds like it's an outside incident that spilled into that area. Doesn't look like an attack on the Capitol. Still early obviously, but it looks like an outside crime moving into that area.
One report says a female suspect was killed.

And a baby was taken away.
They are saying it started with attempted breach of the White House
That can't be right. Guns are verboten in DC.

WASHINGTON — The mass shooting Monday at the Navy Yard is the deadliest shooting in the country so far this year, yet it occurred in a city that according to gun control advocates has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

Even though the Supreme Court struck down D.C.’s ban on the possession of handguns in the home in 2008, the District still has a litany of laws on the books that make it more difficult to obtain some firearms, impossible to obtain others, and illegal to carry any loaded gun in the city.

By just being in the city with a loaded firearm, regardless of whether he was the legally registered owner, the suspect Aaron Alexis would be in violation of D.C. law. Carrying a concealed firearm or carrying a firearm openly in D.C. are both against the law. Bringing a firearm from out of state without registering it in D.C. is illegal. Assault-style rifles are banned. And even traveling through D.C. with a firearm is illegal.

D.C. Gun Laws Some of the Strictest in the U.S. - ABC News


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