Breaking: Sydney Powell and Chesebro Ratting

I gotta admire the patience and the tenacity of the posters here who attempt to engage with the prolific poster Li'l Bripat.
I used to attempt it, but......
But quickly learned there is no there there,
He/she is not a serious adult with gravitas.
14yrs old? Could be. I could be persuaded so.
But the little-guy/gal simply ain't worth the bandwidth.

But, if any wish to push the big rocks of logic, common sense, informed opinion..... up his steep hill of juvenile nonsense......well, good luck.
His opinion is not prosecutable....he is free to believe that the election was stolen and free to say it. Non of that is illegal.
you are correct. But that is not what he did at all. You don't seem to even remotely understand that at all.

Trump lied to people repeatedly and pressured officials to commit fraud. And then he also tried to steal the election for himself with his half-brained fake electors scheme.

Clearly you do not understand the facts of the case. Trump's trials are going to be a vicious gut punch of reality for you. Its gonna be great
Lie. How can you contest the vote before it has occured?

That's what campaigns and debates are all about - the contest for the votes. That's the ONLY contest that matters. When elections are "contested" in the courts, it's because the loser has evidence that there has been fraud or deceipt in the result, or that all votes have not been counted.

Trump filed no evidence of any improprieties in either the conduct of the elections, or in the counting of the votes. In fact, Trump tried to STOP the counting of the votes while he was leading, saying the mail-in votes should not be counted, knowing that most Democrats voted by mail, due to the pandemic.

The only attempt to "steal" the election, came from Trump's attempts to install fake electors, and to keep the House from certifying the states' counts, and when that failed, to send a mob to stop the certification and give him an excuse to declare Martial Law.

There is nothing that Trump ordered with respect to fake electors, or stopping the certification of the election on January 6th, that is either legal or Constitutional.

You don't "contest" the election in the courts. You contest the election during the campaign, and if you lose the contest for the votes, you put on your Big Boy pants and you concede that you lost. And then you retire.
Precisely!! The activities you mentioned above are the very cause for concerns held by Conservatives. Unfortunately, the Left has seen fit to persecute their opponents for voicing those concerns.
Trump and minions went outside of the Law, attempting to illegally install himself, as president....or illegally keep himself in power. An attempted self-coup.

The walls and vise keep on tightening viciously on Trump's neck.

2 key people, high ups who know exactly where all the bodies are buried, are set to testify and rat against Trump.
Sydney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, 2 VIPs in Trump's criminal cabal. These 2 big time criminals were key figures in Trump's crimes, and they know everything, their testimony is set to bury Trump. Most likely other rats will follow suit and rat against Trump as well, because these people are facing real prison time for their crimes and they are not prepares to do time at all.
Broke Rudy Giuliani is next to rat.
Worse yet Trump is facing a Federal stolen documents case and a separate Federal election interference case.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We are a nation of laws and nobody is above the law.

Most importantly, it requires that he [Chesebro] turn over any evidence in his possession and truthfully testify at all hearings and trials involving the case’s co-defendants, including Trump.

Attorney Sidney Powell, who was also set to stand trial beginning on Friday, accepted a plea deal on Thursday, potentially pressuring Chesebro into doing the same.

So the courts are throwing Attorney-Client privilege under the bus? And they are now prosecuting people who exercised freedom of speech?
I thought the Constitution set up a division of powers of the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. That's carrying TDS a little too far, IMHO.
Trump and minions went outside of the Law, attempting to illegally install himself, as president....or illegally keep himself in power. An attempted self-coup.

Trump was just huffing and puffing like he always did. He wasn't “attempting a coup.” The actual “coup” was accomplished by Bribe-'Em Biden. He even admitted that he had the best team of “voter-fraud” folks in history.

"So the courts are throwing Attorney-Client privilege under the bus? And they are now prosecuting people who exercised freedom of speech?"
Ummm, no. That is a sad misread of the developments.
I'm confident, good poster 'beautress', that a little more due diligence, a little more homework......will inform you.

First, 'privilege' goes away when there is an intent to de-fraud by the client. It is called the 'crime-fraud' exception.

".....according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to her attorney isn't privileged if she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud. Because the attorney-client privilege belongs to the client, the client's intent determines whether the exception applies."

Second, the 'freedom of speech' suggestion by poster 'beautress'. Well, if it was only speech. If it was only protected speech. Alas, it wasn't. It ain't. Don Trump, the prosecutors allege, did more than talk the talk.
He walked the walk.
Meaning, he took action ....illegal action hinder the election, to compromise it. It is those actions....not his acknowledged big mouth.....that have drawn the attention of the authorities.

And, by the way, your "TDS" badge......Trump Devoted readily visible to all.
And, doesn't flatter your figure whatsoever.
Just sayin'.

Trump was just huffing and puffing like he always did. He wasn't “attempting a coup.

Except for the fake electors scheme. Then the ball was put onto the field of play. It wasn't just catcalls from the sidelines. Actual actions took place. And the prosecution in several least Georgia, at least Michigan .... say those actions were criminal. And they are willing to charge on it, and go to court to prove it.

And I quite agree that Don Trump and his enablers weren't attempting a coup to replace Biden's governance.
Rather, they were attempting a coup to KEEP the existing governance in place. Their governance.

That seems more than obvious. After all, the attack/riot/insurrection and the fake electors....all took place while Don Trump was still in office. All those jackasses were trying to keep him there. Illegally trying.

Trump and minions went outside of the Law, attempting to illegally install himself, as president....or illegally keep himself in power. An attempted self-coup.

You are completely DELUSIONAL.
So the courts are throwing Attorney-Client privilege under the bus? And they are now prosecuting people who exercised freedom of speech?
I thought the Constitution set up a division of powers of the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. That's carrying TDS a little too far, IMHO.
Attorney-client privilege is not enforcable when the parties are committing a crime.

Speech is not enforcable when inciting or planning a crime.

Your TDS has you blinded to fundamental law.
So the courts are throwing Attorney-Client privilege under the bus? And they are now prosecuting people who exercised freedom of speech?
I thought the Constitution set up a division of powers of the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. That's carrying TDS a little too far, IMHO.
Your lawyer doesn't enjoy attorney client privilege when conspiring with you to comitt crimes, moron.
Trump was just huffing and puffing like he always did. He wasn't “attempting a coup.” The actual “coup” was accomplished by Bribe-'Em Biden. He even admitted that he had the best team of “voter-fraud” folks in history.

And you expect to be taken seriously, by that silly deflection? When any person listening to the full video, knows exactly what Biden was talking about!

Please don't waste your time pulling out that silly, stupid shit, with me! Thanks in advance!

Trump's sole goal, on 1/6 was election subversion....

And stealing my, and 81 million other American's vote from them.

You are the thieves, you are the fraudsters, you are the cheaters.
When did Trump's lawyer do that?
Powell when she stole coffee county election machines.

Chesboro when he came up with the illegal scheme for fake electors and having Pence and Congress critters deny the State election's certified votes....
And you expect to be taken seriously, by that silly deflection? When any person listening to the full video, knows exactly what Biden was talking about!

Please don't waste your time pulling out that silly, stupid shit, with me! Thanks in advance!

Trump's sole goal, on 1/6 was election subversion....

And stealing my, and 81 million other American's vote from them.

You are the thieves, you are the fraudsters, you are the cheaters.
What Biden inadvertently admitted to is generally referred to as a "Freudian Slip." He literally told the truth for once in his life.

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