Breaking: The FBI just found the Wikileakers

Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous

Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.
Shitposting is definitely your speciality, fraud.
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous

Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Exactly. Worst case, we are talking Treason

If evidence turns up that Trump offered to lift sanctions, recognize Russian Crimea and stop arms sales to Ukraine in return for Russian help in getting him elected....That is Treason
"FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign".
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

The plot thickens.

Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous

Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Exactly. Worst case, we are talking Treason

If evidence turns up that Trump offered to lift sanctions, recognize Russian Crimea and stop arms sales to Ukraine in return for Russian help in getting him elected....That is Treason

Yes, that would be Treason, but IF that were the case after the investigation is completed, then Trump would either resign or face impeachment and take his chances to beat the impeachment...hard to say what he would do....either way, Pence would probably "absolve him of his sins"! :D Nobody will want the dirty laundry completely aired and will want the country to heal and move onward, like what was done with Nixon....imo....
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous

Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Exactly. Worst case, we are talking Treason

If evidence turns up that Trump offered to lift sanctions, recognize Russian Crimea and stop arms sales to Ukraine in return for Russian help in getting him elected....That is Treason

Definitely--they can't even attempt to cover this one up. Obama ordered this investigation to be done before he left office, he has preserved that intelligence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates
Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Exactly. Worst case, we are talking Treason

If evidence turns up that Trump offered to lift sanctions, recognize Russian Crimea and stop arms sales to Ukraine in return for Russian help in getting him elected....That is Treason

Yes, that would be Treason, but IF that were the case after the investigation is completed, then Trump would either resign or face impeachment and take his chances to beat the impeachment...hard to say what he would do....either way, Pence would probably "absolve him of his sins"! :D Nobody will want the dirty laundry completely aired and will want the country to heal and move onward, like what was done with Nixon....imo....

Republicans will probably try and make a deal with Trump to resign immediately to avoid charges of Treason--but let's face it--if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with this once they take over in 2018.
We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason

Considering both Podesta brothers were in deep with the Russians why do you think that it would be Trump they favored?

Because Russia hated Hillary and the Dems
Everybody with a brain does.
We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason

Considering both Podesta brothers were in deep with the Russians why do you think that it would be Trump they favored?

Because Russia hated Hillary and the Dems
Everybody with a brain does.
We have a winner folks
We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason
Thank you Uncle Vlad for defeating St Hillary the Inevitable. In 2018 Uncle Vlad will punish Dems severely and flip all 25 Democrat Senate seats
It's bad enough that the intel agencies have never examined the servers, but what is really wild is that the FBI was looking to hire that so calle M16 agent to continue his work digging up dirt on Trump.

Hello????????????????? What's wrong with that picture. Senator Grassley is on it though and is demanding freaking answers on why they would even consider it.

Bush tried to hire convicted felons to work in national security.

Just sayin'
The democrats couldn't protect their own information. They allowed their servers to be hacked. Why would America ever trust another democrat. The Russians did us a favor exposing how incompetent are the democrats.
Other than the Russians hacking, if they did so, what law was broken if Trump did talk to them even if they coordinated the release of information? Was security information hacked as it was with Hillary's server? Was someone hurt? Was our national interest threatened? This is absurd, it is BS, Comey let Hillary slide for far worse.
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous
Maybe things change with new information.
The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.
First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be itTrump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is
. If Obama, Hillary, Trump or anyone has been engaged in trying to take one another down, and they broke the law in doing so, then I expect all involved pay the price. You Trump haters think only Trump will go down, but others have broken the law to, and they aren't going to escape justice. In fact the Demon-rats are going to be the most unpopular gang this nation has ever known. If you dig a ditch for your brother to fall in, then don't be surprised when you find yourself in the same ditch you had dug for another. Judge not least ye be judged, he who is without sin, then let them cast the first stone. Denying the citizens of this nation a government that works, and all due to pure partisanship and evilness going on from the Demon-crats side, will come back to haunt, just you people wait and see.
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It's bad enough that the intel agencies have never examined the servers, but what is really wild is that the FBI was looking to hire that so calle M16 agent to continue his work digging up dirt on Trump.

Hello????????????????? What's wrong with that picture. Senator Grassley is on it though and is demanding freaking answers on why they would even consider it.

Bush tried to hire convicted felons to work in national security.

Just sayin'
The democrats couldn't protect their own information. They allowed their servers to be hacked. Why would America ever trust another democrat. The Russians did us a favor exposing how incompetent are the democrats.
. Agree... Isn't it funny how they fell victim to their own incompetence bullcrap concerning border securities, and this being so whether the border is actually a physical one or a technological one ??? Just way to funny that their ignorant ideologies or philosophies also follow them even into the technological areas of life. LOL.... Can they do anything right ???
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous

Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Exactly. Worst case, we are talking Treason

If evidence turns up that Trump offered to lift sanctions, recognize Russian Crimea and stop arms sales to Ukraine in return for Russian help in getting him elected....That is Treason
. And if Americans think that Trump was right in his supposed dealings with Russia, because the prior administration was wrong in their dealings with Russia, then Trump has said or done nothing wrong in the eyes of the majority of Americans. Now if Obama was meddling in other countries affairs and business, and his actions were the indirect threat to another countries business and people in a world theater that shouldn't concern us, then should a country that was hurt by his meddling, otherwise be highly upset at our intervention or meddling in a region where sovereign powers are trying to work something out, where as to the Victor's goes the spoils ?? Are we right to meddle in other world powers affairs when they are just as civilized and strong as we are ?
Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Exactly. Worst case, we are talking Treason

If evidence turns up that Trump offered to lift sanctions, recognize Russian Crimea and stop arms sales to Ukraine in return for Russian help in getting him elected....That is Treason

Yes, that would be Treason, but IF that were the case after the investigation is completed, then Trump would either resign or face impeachment and take his chances to beat the impeachment...hard to say what he would do....either way, Pence would probably "absolve him of his sins"! :D Nobody will want the dirty laundry completely aired and will want the country to heal and move onward, like what was done with Nixon....imo....
This is a little more serious than what Nixon did. A Presidential pardon for a coverup is one thing. A pardon for treason is another
Nixon was allowed to resign and Ford made sure there was no trial
I don't think Trump would get the same deal
Other than the Russians hacking, if they did so, what law was broken if Trump did talk to them even if they coordinated the release of information? Was security information hacked as it was with Hillary's server? Was someone hurt? Was our national interest threatened? This is absurd, it is BS, Comey let Hillary slide for far worse.

If Trump coordinated with Russia in the hacking he is complicit in a crime. A crime that helped get him elected. It is grounds for impeachment

If Trump offered anything in return for the hacking......It is Treason
As Ronnie Reagan used to say, "here we go again". The spin created by the left wing media is enough to make you dizzy. Now it's unnamed "U.S. Officials" and unnamed "associates of President Trump" allegedly related to "Wikileaks" when the story itself relies on unnamed "FBI information" ....leaks. It's getting so desperate and crazy in liberal land that they forget who the bad guys are.

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