Breaking: The FBI just found the Wikileakers

When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Example of circumstantial evidence.

you were outside late afternoon and it was a clear day and sunny with no snow on the ground up until you went to sleep for the night, you woke up the next morning and there was snow on the ground.

The circumstantial evidence shows it snowed overnight while you were sleeping.

Plain ole EVIDENCE would be, you saw/witnessed it snowed during the night.

This post shows you don't have a clue. With the snow on the ground in the morning it is hard evidence that it snowed over night. Circumstantial evidence would be wet ground in the morning in the winter WOULD SUGGEST that it snowed, or possibly rained, overnight.

Circumstantial only suggests an act happened.
Circumstantial evidence is pretty strong evidence the ACT HAPPENED, without the solid evidence of witnessing the act happen, or video of the act happening....or having the fingerprints to prove the act happened etc....that's my understanding

That's also circumstantial, you need concrete proof of a crime, without it you may as well sit down. With that said if they had it we'd know it by now.
When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Example of circumstantial evidence.

you were outside late afternoon and it was a clear day and sunny with no snow on the ground up until you went to sleep for the night, you woke up the next morning and there was snow on the ground.

The circumstantial evidence shows it snowed overnight while you were sleeping.

Plain ole EVIDENCE would be, you saw/witnessed it snowed during the night.

This post shows you don't have a clue. With the snow on the ground in the morning it is hard evidence that it snowed over night. Circumstantial evidence would be wet ground in the morning in the winter WOULD SUGGEST that it snowed, or possibly rained, overnight.

Circumstantial only suggests an act happened.
Circumstantial evidence is pretty strong evidence the ACT HAPPENED, without the solid evidence of witnessing the act happen, or video of the act happening....or having the fingerprints to prove the act happened etc....that's my understanding

"Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact—like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directly—i.e., without need for any additional evidence or inference."

Circumstantial evidence - Wikipedia

While circumstantial evidence has been used to convict, it takes massive amounts of it and a good lawyer to convince a jury of it's accuracy.
"FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign".
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

The plot thickens.

The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign, US officials told CNN.

That's awful!!!

Can you remind me....which law says you can't release info damaging to Hillary's campaign?
I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Example of circumstantial evidence.

you were outside late afternoon and it was a clear day and sunny with no snow on the ground up until you went to sleep for the night, you woke up the next morning and there was snow on the ground.

The circumstantial evidence shows it snowed overnight while you were sleeping.

Plain ole EVIDENCE would be, you saw/witnessed it snowed during the night.

This post shows you don't have a clue. With the snow on the ground in the morning it is hard evidence that it snowed over night. Circumstantial evidence would be wet ground in the morning in the winter WOULD SUGGEST that it snowed, or possibly rained, overnight.

Circumstantial only suggests an act happened.
Circumstantial evidence is pretty strong evidence the ACT HAPPENED, without the solid evidence of witnessing the act happen, or video of the act happening....or having the fingerprints to prove the act happened etc....that's my understanding

That's also circumstantial, you need concrete proof of a crime, without it you may as well sit down. With that said if they had it we'd know it by now.
not if the investigation is still on going...

and people have been and continue to be convicted on only circumstantial I'm uncertain what you are saying on that...??
Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Example of circumstantial evidence.

you were outside late afternoon and it was a clear day and sunny with no snow on the ground up until you went to sleep for the night, you woke up the next morning and there was snow on the ground.

The circumstantial evidence shows it snowed overnight while you were sleeping.

Plain ole EVIDENCE would be, you saw/witnessed it snowed during the night.

This post shows you don't have a clue. With the snow on the ground in the morning it is hard evidence that it snowed over night. Circumstantial evidence would be wet ground in the morning in the winter WOULD SUGGEST that it snowed, or possibly rained, overnight.

Circumstantial only suggests an act happened.
Circumstantial evidence is pretty strong evidence the ACT HAPPENED, without the solid evidence of witnessing the act happen, or video of the act happening....or having the fingerprints to prove the act happened etc....that's my understanding

That's also circumstantial, you need concrete proof of a crime, without it you may as well sit down. With that said if they had it we'd know it by now.
not if the investigation is still on going...

and people have been and continue to be convicted on only circumstantial I'm uncertain what you are saying on that...??

Anyone convicted on circumstantial evidence was railroaded
Funny that this story pops out just after Nunes announces that Trump's communications were monitored.

How ... coincidental.


In this forum teeming with partisan hackery, I know it's going to seem a downright craaazy idea, but perhaps BOTH crooked 2016 presidential candidates did really crooked shit to try and get elected? Perhaps BOTH candidates really are corrupt, shitty people? And finally, perhaps BOTH candidates should be investigated further (again)?

Naw. Naw that could never happen in the good 'ol USA, right? :eusa_wall: Back to your regularly scheduled cognitive dissonance. Carry on.

Attend. I find all politicians useless, but some are more useless than others.

That coupled with the quasi-European Democrat-Socialist party in our midst forms my opinion. The current Democratic Party should be removed from power. They have no relation to American founding philosophies.
Funny that this story pops out just after Nunes announces that Trump's communications were monitored.

How ... coincidental.


In this forum teeming with partisan hackery, I know it's going to seem a downright craaazy idea, but perhaps BOTH crooked 2016 presidential candidates did really crooked shit to try and get elected? Perhaps BOTH candidates really are corrupt, shitty people? And finally, perhaps BOTH candidates should be investigated further (again)?

Naw. Naw that could never happen in the good 'ol USA, right? :eusa_wall: Back to your regularly scheduled cognitive dissonance. Carry on.

Attend. I find all politicians useless, but some are more useless than others.

That coupled with the quasi-European Democrat-Socialist party in our midst forms my opinion. The current Democratic Party should be removed from power. They have no relation to American founding philosophies.

I'm thinking the Democratic Party is in the process of destroying itself right now. It accounts for all this foamy desparation we see from Democrats and their media on a minute by minute basis. Everything a Democrat or their media says evokes suspicion as just another lie.

Trump was right, he and his campaign associates were investigated by the Obama Administration for political reasons and advantage, your battle is lost no matter how desperate you and your seditionists on the left choose to be...

no he wasn't. He said Obama was responsible. He wasn't. Trump and his Fake News Posse are going down the gurgler..
Just think: You could become famous for being the very first person to donate to the Donald J. Trump, Jr. Presidential Library. How 'bout it , DaddyO?
What does Trump read? Richie Rich comix? Uncle Scrooge comix? Hustler?
Funny that this story pops out just after Nunes announces that Trump's communications were monitored.

How ... coincidental.


In this forum teeming with partisan hackery, I know it's going to seem a downright craaazy idea, but perhaps BOTH crooked 2016 presidential candidates did really crooked shit to try and get elected? Perhaps BOTH candidates really are corrupt, shitty people? And finally, perhaps BOTH candidates should be investigated further (again)?

Naw. Naw that could never happen in the good 'ol USA, right? :eusa_wall: Back to your regularly scheduled cognitive dissonance. Carry on.

Attend. I find all politicians useless, but some are more useless than others.

That coupled with the quasi-European Democrat-Socialist party in our midst forms my opinion. The current Democratic Party should be removed from power. They have no relation to American founding philosophies.

I'm thinking the Democratic Party is in the process of destroying itself right now. It accounts for all this foamy desparation we see from Democrats and their media on a minute by minute basis. Everything a Democrat or their media says evokes suspicion as just another lie.
Yep Democrats must be doing something wrong. trump's JARs are doing so well

Funny that this story pops out just after Nunes announces that Trump's communications were monitored.

How ... coincidental.


In this forum teeming with partisan hackery, I know it's going to seem a downright craaazy idea, but perhaps BOTH crooked 2016 presidential candidates did really crooked shit to try and get elected? Perhaps BOTH candidates really are corrupt, shitty people? And finally, perhaps BOTH candidates should be investigated further (again)?

Naw. Naw that could never happen in the good 'ol USA, right? :eusa_wall: Back to your regularly scheduled cognitive dissonance. Carry on.

Attend. I find all politicians useless, but some are more useless than others.

That coupled with the quasi-European Democrat-Socialist party in our midst forms my opinion. The current Democratic Party should be removed from power. They have no relation to American founding philosophies.

I'm thinking the Democratic Party is in the process of destroying itself right now. It accounts for all this foamy desparation we see from Democrats and their media on a minute by minute basis. Everything a Democrat or their media says evokes suspicion as just another lie.
Yep Democrats must be doing something wrong. trump's JARs are doing so well

View attachment 118000

Eh, I wouldn't worry to much .. once the Democratic Party and their fake news sites self destruct, Trump's numbers will grow..

btw .. as I recall Nancy and Chucky's numbers are around 24% approval and as the Democrats top and most influential lying sacks of shit.. I'm kinda impressed aren't you?
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous

Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.
Smoking gun

If true......Impeachment

When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Example of circumstantial evidence.

you were outside late afternoon and it was a clear day and sunny with no snow on the ground up until you went to sleep for the night, you woke up the next morning and there was snow on the ground.

The circumstantial evidence shows it snowed overnight while you were sleeping.

Plain ole EVIDENCE would be, you saw it snow over night.

No, you insufferable loon, that would be real evidence, The snow IS the evidence. Good gawd, sit down and stop embarrassing yourself.

Circumstantial evidence is "someone told me the Russians were involved with Donald Trump in the 2016 election". There is no evidence of collusion, it's he said she said...hence circumstantial

The investigation still in going regarding the collusion my dear. It takes a while to put the puzzle together.
But didn't we cover this election hacking already in early Jan. 2017? That Trump acknowledged Russian role in US election hacking. Or you just suffering from alcohol shortages.

Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide
When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Example of circumstantial evidence.

you were outside late afternoon and it was a clear day and sunny with no snow on the ground up until you went to sleep for the night, you woke up the next morning and there was snow on the ground.

The circumstantial evidence shows it snowed overnight while you were sleeping.

Plain ole EVIDENCE would be, you saw it snow over night.

No, you insufferable loon, that would be real evidence, The snow IS the evidence. Good gawd, sit down and stop embarrassing yourself.

Circumstantial evidence is "someone told me the Russians were involved with Donald Trump in the 2016 election". There is no evidence of collusion, it's he said she said...hence circumstantial

The investigation still in going regarding the collusion my dear. It takes a while to put the puzzle together.
But didn't we cover this election hacking already in early Jan. 2017? That Trump acknowledged Russian role in US election hacking. Or you just suffering from alcohol shortages.

Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide

The investigation started 9 months ago and still absolutely no evidence has showed up on the Trump/Russian collusion witch hunt... eh, maybe in 8 or 9 years and billions in wasted time and working class taxpayer extortion...:laugh:
"FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign".
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

The plot thickens.

From your own link:

"though officials cautioned that the information was not conclusive and that the investigation is ongoing."

In other words, they still have nothing, but CNN needs a big anti-Trump headline to offset the Muslim terror attacks. The narrative must be pushed at all costs.
"FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign".
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

The plot thickens.

I think a lot of people forget that Obama ordered that this Russian investigation be done BEFORE he left office. It stated by several sources that he "preserved intelligence" concerned that the current administration would bury it.

"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some
"damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

We know Comey testified earlier this week and stated this investigation started in July, 2016 (which is when the RNC held it's convention.) This is when J.D. Gordon a Trump surrogate met with the Russian Ambassador and they actually wrote foreign policy, and installed it into the Republican platform.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

John McCain mentioned this in this video.

The Trump circle has denied 5 times that they had any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Then out comes this information

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Now we have the chair of the House intelligence committee stating there is evidence to show collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign to interfere into this electiion which will be considered TREASON.

Most striking about FBI Director James Comey's testimony the other day is when he said: "It was like they weren't even concerned about getting CAUGHT." That only means one thing. They've been CAUGHT.

I don't expect Trump and company to remain in office for very much longer.


Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.
Last edited:
When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Example of circumstantial evidence.

you were outside late afternoon and it was a clear day and sunny with no snow on the ground up until you went to sleep for the night, you woke up the next morning and there was snow on the ground.

The circumstantial evidence shows it snowed overnight while you were sleeping.

Plain ole EVIDENCE would be, you saw it snow over night.

No, you insufferable loon, that would be real evidence, The snow IS the evidence. Good gawd, sit down and stop embarrassing yourself.

Circumstantial evidence is "someone told me the Russians were involved with Donald Trump in the 2016 election". There is no evidence of collusion, it's he said she said...hence circumstantial

The investigation still in going regarding the collusion my dear. It takes a while to put the puzzle together.
But didn't we cover this election hacking already in early Jan. 2017? That Trump acknowledged Russian role in US election hacking. Or you just suffering from alcohol shortages.

Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide
When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Example of circumstantial evidence.

you were outside late afternoon and it was a clear day and sunny with no snow on the ground up until you went to sleep for the night, you woke up the next morning and there was snow on the ground.

The circumstantial evidence shows it snowed overnight while you were sleeping.

Plain ole EVIDENCE would be, you saw it snow over night.

No, you insufferable loon, that would be real evidence, The snow IS the evidence. Good gawd, sit down and stop embarrassing yourself.

Circumstantial evidence is "someone told me the Russians were involved with Donald Trump in the 2016 election". There is no evidence of collusion, it's he said she said...hence circumstantial

The investigation still in going regarding the collusion my dear. It takes a while to put the puzzle together.
But didn't we cover this election hacking already in early Jan. 2017? That Trump acknowledged Russian role in US election hacking. Or you just suffering from alcohol shortages.

Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide

Trump like most of us were unaware that none of the US Intelligence agencies had examined the DNC servers.

The DNC refused the requests. And for some strange reason the agencies never pursued examining the servers on their own.

They took the word of a company called CrowdStrike who were employees of the DNC.

Comey and Rogers admitted it the other day at the hearing. No Intel government agencies ever examined the servers.

So it's all bullshit that the Russians hacked the server. A fairy tale if you will. No evidence that they did.
"FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign".
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

The plot thickens.

I think a lot of people forget that Obama ordered that this Russian investigation be done BEFORE he left office. It stated by several sources that he "preserved intelligence" concerned that the current administration would bury it.

"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some
"damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

We know Comey testified earlier this week and stated this investigation started in July, 2016 (which is when the RNC held it's convention.) This is when J.D. Gordon a Trump surrogate met with the Russian Ambassador and they actually wrote foreign policy, and installed it into the Republican platform.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

John McCain mentioned this in this video.

The Trump circle has denied 5 times that they had any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Then out comes this information

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Now we have the chair of the House intelligence committee stating there is evidence to show collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign to interfere into this electiion which will be considered TREASON.

Most striking about FBI Director James Comey's testimony the other day is when he said: "It was like they weren't even concerned about getting CAUGHT." That only means one thing. They've been CAUGHT.

I don't expect Trump and company to remain in office for very much longer.


Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Sorry, I'm just not convinced.... I did find your propaganda/fake news sources amusing though...:popcorn:

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