Breaking: The FBI just found the Wikileakers

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Circumstantial evidence is evidence. That's why it's called "circumstantial evidence"
What you have is called "hearsay" and it is not admissible in court. Its not considered evidence in any form...
You guys need to coordinate your talking points better. A minute ago it was "circumstantial evidence", and once I reminded you that circumstantial evidence is still evidence, you switch to "hearsay". Sit down, desperate one.

Once again, troll. It's worthless evidence, it won't carry weight in any court. Stop deflecting and spinning, it's pathetic
Make up your mind, troll. Circumstantial evidence or hearsay?
Chumps Drones took wiki for the gospel when the circumstantial hearsay pointed to Clinton ..

Now wiki is pure bullshit when it points to Donniedickhead ..

sorry drones, and dronettes your horseshit opinions are no longer relevant to anyone but you ..

deal with the karma and stfu ..

They found above top secret documents on Hillary's server and other devices..

Your ignorance is showing..

and never onething illegal... ever.

wiki has a new bitch ... President Bitch to be exact.
At least RW is somewhat humorous; you're just plain boring.

great ... RussianWingers bore me to death every time they bow at the waist for Trump ...

anything you can come up with wont stop wiki from blasting Trump if they decide to loose the hounds on his sorry ass.

now thats not boring at all ..
More made up left wing bullshit.

Here's a recent picture of Mike

"The FBI just found the Wikileakers"

I wish people on both sides -- liberal and conservative, Trum and anti-Trump -- would cease and desist with the hyperbolic headlines and thread titles. Such people are treating the matter of the Russian involvement as thought it's fodder best suited to the cover of the National Enquirer.

That whole mess -- from hacked and leaked emails to accusations of Presidentially ordered wiretapping of specific individuals -- is really quite serious and no laughing matter. It's not about Republicans and Democrats. It's about the American democracy and its durability and susceptibility to corruption from without and within. It's not something to be exaggerated or understated.
Smoking gun

If true......Impeachment

When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Circumstantial evidence is evidence. That's why it's called "circumstantial evidence"

But the article didn't use evidence after circumstantial, did they? From the link:
"the information gathered so far since it's largely circumstantial."
Uh oh "More than circumstantial evidence" that Trump associates colluded with Russia, Schiff says
ponder this ..

Trump holds an ax over the heads of Congress about his healthcare plan

less than 24 hours later wiki starts with the leaks ...

theres a circumstance for you !

fuck with establishment Republicans Donnieboi, go ahead.

Circumstantial evidence is evidence. That's why it's called "circumstantial evidence"
What you have is called "hearsay" and it is not admissible in court. Its not considered evidence in any form...
You guys need to coordinate your talking points better. A minute ago it was "circumstantial evidence", and once I reminded you that circumstantial evidence is still evidence, you switch to "hearsay". Sit down, desperate one.

You called it circumstantial as did the article... We called it what it is.. Hearsay!!
Circumstantial does not equate to hearsay

Anonymous sources = hearsay.
CNN has major issues with credibility.. They cant even get simple facts like that correct.
When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Circumstantial evidence is evidence. That's why it's called "circumstantial evidence"
What you have is called "hearsay" and it is not admissible in court. Its not considered evidence in any form...

Any attorney bringing it into a court would be promptly chastised and sent packing
Nobody has filed an indictment yet

Circumstantial evidence is still evidence. Evidence that supports a conclusion. FBI is working to fill in the blanks

Eight months ago, this story was pure fantasy......but more evidence is released each day

It is what Republicans on Monday called a dark cloud over the Trump administration
When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Circumstantial evidence is evidence. That's why it's called "circumstantial evidence"

But the article didn't use evidence after circumstantial, did they? From the link:
"the information gathered so far since it's largely circumstantial."
Uh oh "More than circumstantial evidence" that Trump associates colluded with Russia, Schiff says

Until he shows proof it's nothing....hint: you loons have claimed since last Nov there was Russian far? Nothing, nada, zero proof.
At this point in time, can we trust anything the FBI has to say? They (Comey) lost all credibility months ago.
When a goat farts in China and the sun rises in the East, you people will call for Impeachment of Trump. It is your Cry Wolf. Keep it up.

I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Circumstantial evidence is evidence. That's why it's called "circumstantial evidence"

But the article didn't use evidence after circumstantial, did they? From the link:
"the information gathered so far since it's largely circumstantial."
Uh oh "More than circumstantial evidence" that Trump associates colluded with Russia, Schiff says
More anonymous sources...:bang3::bang3:
I'm old enough to well remember.......and take my word for it, Trump ass lickers are sounding EXACTLY like Nixon apologists in 1973-4.
We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason

Hillary should have been indicted and in prison for her illegal bathroom server and mishandling classified info. The "information" you whine about was simply proof that Hillary had classified info on her server and that (the 30,000 missing emails) were hacked by Russia, scattering classified info. Trump was simply trying to prove how slimy Hillary was. She sold US secrets, he wanted to prove it. The problem was that the Russians wanted to keep that hole card in case Hillary won (which was predicted). The GOP Congress will never impeach Trump for showing how the democrats cheated in 2016. The Senate could never convict Trump on the zero evidence presented.

Treason is what Hillary did with classified information, and letting four Americans die in Benghazi.

please! stop trying to baffle us with your bull crud on Hillary!!! No one is going to turn away or be deflected from this investigation by you trying to change the subject...we had 4 years straight of right wing investigations on Hillary, you got squat out of it, but an incompetent and unqualified, chronic liar n chief as our president.
I know this is the official Republican position.....
Call it fake news...laugh it is just politics from butt hurt lefties

But it is growing......the evidence is building

If allegations are is Treason

Even CNN admits it's circumstantial evidence...but I'll give them some credit, that's better than the no evidence they've had for four months.

Someone just told me all this is tiresome on this's ridiculous in Washington...I couldn't agree more, a bunch of he said she said
Circumstantial evidence is evidence. That's why it's called "circumstantial evidence"

But the article didn't use evidence after circumstantial, did they? From the link:
"the information gathered so far since it's largely circumstantial."
Uh oh "More than circumstantial evidence" that Trump associates colluded with Russia, Schiff says
More anonymous sources...:bang3::bang3:

That and it's not like Shiff has never been caught lying.
"The FBI just found the Wikileakers"

I wish people on both sides -- liberal and conservative, Trum and anti-Trump -- would cease and desist with the hyperbolic headlines and thread titles. Such people are treating the matter of the Russian involvement as thought it's fodder best suited to the cover of the National Enquirer.

That whole mess -- from hacked and leaked emails to accusations of Presidentially ordered wiretapping of specific individuals -- is really quite serious and no laughing matter. It's not about Republicans and Democrats. It's about the American democracy and its durability and susceptibility to corruption from without and within. It's not something to be exaggerated or understated.

It's about the American democracy

theres the rub ... Trump forgot about democracy the day he started attacking Americans on all levels, and hugging Putin ever chance he got.

F him & his drones.
I'm old enough to well remember.......and take my word for it, Trump ass lickers are sounding EXACTLY like Nixon apologists in 1973-4.

Nobody with an ounce of sense takes anything you say serious, hack

You loons are crowing over something the FBI even says is merely circumstantial evidence...not even evidence, the information is circumstantial. That could be even more he said she said.
Chumps Drones took wiki for the gospel when the circumstantial hearsay pointed to Clinton ..

Now wiki is pure bullshit when it points to Donniedickhead ..

sorry drones, and dronettes your horseshit opinions are no longer relevant to anyone but you ..

deal with the karma and stfu ..

They found above top secret documents on Hillary's server and other devices..

Your ignorance is showing..

and never onething illegal... ever.

wiki has a new bitch ... President Bitch to be exact.
At least RW is somewhat humorous; you're just plain boring.

great ... RussianWingers bore me to death every time they bow at the waist for Trump ...

anything you can come up with wont stop wiki from blasting Trump if they decide to loose the hounds on his sorry ass.

now thats not boring at all ..
You're doing well, Ted Frazer gave you a "winner" and you probably gave him a "woody".
I'm old enough to well remember.......and take my word for it, Trump ass lickers are sounding EXACTLY like Nixon apologists in 1973-4.

Nobody with an ounce of sense takes anything you say serious, hack

You loons are crowing over something the FBI even says is merely circumstantial evidence...not even evidence, the information is circumstantial. That could be even more he said she said.


it could open the door to non circumstantial evidence, or are you too dumb to understand how an investigation works ?
I'm old enough to well remember.......and take my word for it, Trump ass lickers are sounding EXACTLY like Nixon apologists in 1973-4.

Nobody with an ounce of sense takes anything you say serious, hack

You loons are crowing over something the FBI even says is merely circumstantial evidence...not even evidence, the information is circumstantial. That could be even more he said she said.

Sassy likes to echo what G. Gordon Liddy used to spew.......LOL
I'm old enough to well remember.......and take my word for it, Trump ass lickers are sounding EXACTLY like Nixon apologists in 1973-4.

Nobody with an ounce of sense takes anything you say serious, hack

You loons are crowing over something the FBI even says is merely circumstantial evidence...not even evidence, the information is circumstantial. That could be even more he said she said.

Sassy likes to echo what G. Gordon Liddy used to spew.......LOL

Piss off, hack. I'm weary of your tired and lame BS.

You loons losing your minds over some complete BS from CNN ...the king of hyperbole and fake BS

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