Breaking: The FBI just found the Wikileakers

What we know as FACTS
1. Russia helped Trump with hacked emails
2. Trump removed pro Ukraine language from the GOP platform, defended Putin publicly, made statements about recognizing Crimea and removing sanctions

Each side did things to help the other. It might just be "coincidence"

But we also have multiple meetings between Trump representatives and the Russians. We need to know what happened in those meetings.
What we know as FACTS
1. Russia helped Trump with hacked emails
2. Trump removed pro Ukraine language from the GOP platform, defended Putin publicly, made statements about recognizing Crimea and removing sanctions

Each side did things to help the other. It might just be "coincidence"

But we also have multiple meetings between Trump representatives and the Russians. We need to know what happened in those meetings.
. Hmmm, you have facts that I haven't heard of yet. Then you say we need to know what happened ? You mean you don't know what happened, but you know what happened as fact ? I'm dizzy now. :uhoh3:
What we know as FACTS
1. Russia helped Trump with hacked emails
2. Trump removed pro Ukraine language from the GOP platform, defended Putin publicly, made statements about recognizing Crimea and removing sanctions

Each side did things to help the other. It might just be "coincidence"

But we also have multiple meetings between Trump representatives and the Russians. We need to know what happened in those meetings.
. Hmmm, you have facts that I haven't heard of yet. Then you say we need to know what happened ? You mean you don't know what happened, but you know what happened as fact ? I'm dizzy now. :uhoh3:
I are dizzy
Other than the Russians hacking, if they did so, what law was broken if Trump did talk to them even if they coordinated the release of information? Was security information hacked as it was with Hillary's server? Was someone hurt? Was our national interest threatened? This is absurd, it is BS, Comey let Hillary slide for far worse.

If Trump coordinated with Russia in the hacking he is complicit in a crime. A crime that helped get him elected. It is grounds for impeachment

If Trump offered anything in return for the hacking......It is Treason
Are you that absurd to imply that Trump aided the Russians in hacking? No even you are not that idiotic. You are just floating innuendo out there as if true. You create a scenario then just keep repeating it until you believe it to be true.
We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason

Investigate Exxon and Tillerson for the payback... Sanctions lifted & $600bn deal is the payback...

How did Trump come up with Tillerson? Are they good friends, he had more qualified picks but he went for Tillerson...

Investigate Exxon communications with Russia...
It's bad enough that the intel agencies have never examined the servers, but what is really wild is that the FBI was looking to hire that so calle M16 agent to continue his work digging up dirt on Trump.

Hello????????????????? What's wrong with that picture. Senator Grassley is on it though and is demanding freaking answers on why they would even consider it.

Bush tried to hire convicted felons to work in national security.

Just sayin'
The democrats couldn't protect their own information. They allowed their servers to be hacked. Why would America ever trust another democrat. The Russians did us a favor exposing how incompetent are the democrats.
yes, of course, you must blame the victim instead of the thief! It's not the thief's fault!!!! :rolleyes:

The RNC was broken in to as well, only the Russians did not release the RNC goodies, the Russians are saving them for black mail later...perhaps?

The DNC emails were boring....the back room RNC shenanigans they were pulling to stop Trump from getting the nomination would at least have been entertaining to read, for certain! Trump probably got to see the emails or hear about what was going on there at the RNC....the lord knows he was constantly complaining about how unfairly he was being treated by the RNC.

But that would have hurt the Russian's candidate by splitting the republican voters even more if they dumped a hack of those emails on to wikileaks....
We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason

Investigate Exxon and Tillerson for the payback... Sanctions lifted & $600bn deal is the payback...

How did Trump come up with Tillerson? Are they good friends, he had more qualified picks but he went for Tillerson...

Investigate Exxon communications with Russia...
. And the political spying continues as if we have no Intel, no FBI, no DOJ that can detect if crimes are committed or have been committed or will possibly be committed in the future. I know what, why don't we just allow mob rule to become the norm in this country ? That's exactly where we are at now. Political assassinations are the norm today, and we are becoming a banana republic fast and in a hurry.
We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason
He has already commited treason on national TV mutiple times. He took an oath to uphold the constitution. He has many times called the free press an enemy to the american people. This is in direct conflict with the constitution. Our founding fathers found it so important that it was in the first amendment

Article (Amendment 1 - Freedom of expression and religion) 13
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

We the people should have his head on a most wanted poster right now!!!!! I guess what he said could be called free speach,but in the very least he has broken his oath to uphold the constitution!!!!!
Of course I guess we do not care about the constitution any more. The patriot act is still around and we the people have done nothing. I realize this was not Trump but my point is it is further evidence that the constitution is being shit on and we have done nothing for 17 years.

Article [IV] (Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure)
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Real conservatives, democrats and all other americans should be ashamed at what this has all come to but we do nothing
Other than the Russians hacking, if they did so, what law was broken if Trump did talk to them even if they coordinated the release of information? Was security information hacked as it was with Hillary's server? Was someone hurt? Was our national interest threatened? This is absurd, it is BS, Comey let Hillary slide for far worse.

If Trump coordinated with Russia in the hacking he is complicit in a crime. A crime that helped get him elected. It is grounds for impeachment

If Trump offered anything in return for the hacking......It is Treason
Are you that absurd to imply that Trump aided the Russians in hacking? No even you are not that idiotic. You are just floating innuendo out there as if true. You create a scenario then just keep repeating it until you believe it to be true.
It isn't completely innuendo... Trump authorized one of his goons to go to Moscow and meet with Russian operatives rbefore the emails were dumped on to the public and before the RNC convention...allegedly the quid pro quo, was Trump change the RNC position/platform, to stop supporting the Ukrainian govt with arms or whatever to protect them from the Russians invading, and support Russia, in return the Trump team could coordinate the email dumps on wikileaks to time them, and sort them, where the content and timing hurt the clinton campaign the most...ala Roger Stone

as example....
-the DNC dumps came ON THE EVE of the DNC convention...

-the Podesta wikileaks dump came on the day the Access Hollywood tapes were released

infowars and breibart and the RT and other internet sites coordinating STORIES that they would release with the email content being released that day on wikileaks, to push angles and propaganda stories about the emails that would help Trump the most and Trump used those stories every night of the timed dumps at his rallies....

it was a well oiled process from the way it is looking....

if you want to know more, watch Rachel Maddow reruns for the past two weeks... she's had all of the investigative journalists hunting down the info for the press who have been reporting on it in their newspapers.
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Other than the Russians hacking, if they did so, what law was broken if Trump did talk to them even if they coordinated the release of information? Was security information hacked as it was with Hillary's server? Was someone hurt? Was our national interest threatened? This is absurd, it is BS, Comey let Hillary slide for far worse.

If Trump coordinated with Russia in the hacking he is complicit in a crime. A crime that helped get him elected. It is grounds for impeachment

If Trump offered anything in return for the hacking......It is Treason
Are you that absurd to imply that Trump aided the Russians in hacking? No even you are not that idiotic. You are just floating innuendo out there as if true. You create a scenario then just keep repeating it until you believe it to be true.
Was he aware of it?
Did he coordinate the attacks?
Did he offer anything in return?

His Presidency depends on it
Other than the Russians hacking, if they did so, what law was broken if Trump did talk to them even if they coordinated the release of information? Was security information hacked as it was with Hillary's server? Was someone hurt? Was our national interest threatened? This is absurd, it is BS, Comey let Hillary slide for far worse.

If Trump coordinated with Russia in the hacking he is complicit in a crime. A crime that helped get him elected. It is grounds for impeachment

If Trump offered anything in return for the hacking......It is Treason
Are you that absurd to imply that Trump aided the Russians in hacking? No even you are not that idiotic. You are just floating innuendo out there as if true. You create a scenario then just keep repeating it until you believe it to be true.
are you implying the only person responsible for a theft are the people committing the theft and NOT the people who received the stolen goods from the thieves to use it to their advantage?
maddow is on now....lot's more on Russia!!!

You watch the Rachael Maddow Comedy Hour ?

Too bad.
honestly, it was hard at first.....her style of repeating herself and her blinking was all unappealing to me, but I suffered through it and recognized her strength was in her ability of linking obscure things... together.

she is different from ALL other commentary hosts out there....that alone, is worth something to me now....when everyone else regurgitates the same topics with their same panel of hosts ad nauseum....
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous

Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

They'd demand such action if it were Hillary, but as it's Trump, they'd let him off....
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous

Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

They'd demand such action if it were Hillary, but as it's Trump, they'd let him off....
Circle jerk confirmed
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous
Maybe things change with new information.
The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.
First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be itTrump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is
. If Obama, Hillary, Trump or anyone has been engaged in trying to take one another down, and they broke the law in doing so, then I expect all involved pay the price. You Trump haters think only Trump will go down, but others have broken the law to, and they aren't going to escape justice. In fact the Demon-rats are going to be the most unpopular gang this nation has ever known. If you dig a ditch for your brother to fall in, then don't be surprised when you find yourself in the same ditch you had dug for another. Judge not least ye be judged, he who is without sin, then let them cast the first stone. Denying the citizens of this nation a government that works, and all due to pure partisanship and evilness going on from the Demon-crats side, will come back to haunt, just you people wait and see.

Wouldn't it be nice if it took the two main parties down, and then the people rose up, demanded Proportional Representation and then more parties existed, partisan politics disappeared..... oh, then I wake up. Whoever goes down, doesn't matter, the rich people behind it all won't get done for this, just their tools.
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous
Maybe things change with new information.
The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.
First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be itTrump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is
. If Obama, Hillary, Trump or anyone has been engaged in trying to take one another down, and they broke the law in doing so, then I expect all involved pay the price. You Trump haters think only Trump will go down, but others have broken the law to, and they aren't going to escape justice. In fact the Demon-rats are going to be the most unpopular gang this nation has ever known. If you dig a ditch for your brother to fall in, then don't be surprised when you find yourself in the same ditch you had dug for another. Judge not least ye be judged, he who is without sin, then let them cast the first stone. Denying the citizens of this nation a government that works, and all due to pure partisanship and evilness going on from the Demon-crats side, will come back to haunt, just you people wait and see.

Wouldn't it be nice if it took the two main parties down, and then the people rose up, demanded Proportional Representation and then more parties existed, partisan politics disappeared..... oh, then I wake up. Whoever goes down, doesn't matter, the rich people behind it all won't get done for this, just their tools.
The people did rise up. That's how Trump was elected with 0 political experience
We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason
He has already commited treason on national TV mutiple times. He took an oath to uphold the constitution. He has many times called the free press an enemy to the american people. This is in direct conflict with the constitution. Our founding fathers found it so important that it was in the first amendment

Article (Amendment 1 - Freedom of expression and religion) 13
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

We the people should have his head on a most wanted poster right now!!!!! I guess what he said could be called free speach,but in the very least he has broken his oath to uphold the constitution!!!!!
Of course I guess we do not care about the constitution any more. The patriot act is still around and we the people have done nothing. I realize this was not Trump but my point is it is further evidence that the constitution is being shit on and we have done nothing for 17 years.

Article [IV] (Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure)
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Real conservatives, democrats and all other americans should be ashamed at what this has all come to but we do nothing

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