Breaking: The FBI just found the Wikileakers

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Exactly. Worst case, we are talking Treason

If evidence turns up that Trump offered to lift sanctions, recognize Russian Crimea and stop arms sales to Ukraine in return for Russian help in getting him elected....That is Treason

Yes, that would be Treason, but IF that were the case after the investigation is completed, then Trump would either resign or face impeachment and take his chances to beat the impeachment...hard to say what he would do....either way, Pence would probably "absolve him of his sins"! :D Nobody will want the dirty laundry completely aired and will want the country to heal and move onward, like what was done with Nixon....imo....
This is a little more serious than what Nixon did. A Presidential pardon for a coverup is one thing. A pardon for treason is another
Nixon was allowed to resign and Ford made sure there was no trial
I don't think Trump would get the same deal

I don't think he would either.
"FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign".
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

The plot thickens.
Smoking gun

If true......Impeachment

Hey rightwinger, does it look anything like the smoking gun associated with the bulldykes private server sending classified documents?
Can they get their story right,,,didnt they just say a day ago wiki isnt the Russians nor did Russians feed wiki.......getting ridiculous

Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

They'd demand such action if it were Hillary, but as it's Trump, they'd let him off....

Hell, if Hillary Clinton had done 1/10th the shit this administration has done over the last two months, they would be out in the streets with burning cross's demanding a public hanging.

That's what is wrong with this country. You're judged by the R or D behind your name and not the substance.


Welcome to partison politics.
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"FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign".
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

The plot thickens.
Smoking gun

If true......Impeachment

Hey rightwinger, does it look anything like the smoking gun associated with the bulldykes private server sending classified documents?

5 more Benghazi's and another trillion of Hillary Clinton's emails doesn't hold a matchstick to TREASON. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. Plus they have another ace card, called the Emoluments clause in the Constitution.

You really couldn't have given Democrats a better GIFT than electing Donald Trump.


Your first mistake was making this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican Party, your second mistake was being too stupid to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep the Ass Clown out of the Oval office.

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the Dossier, outside of the salacious part, is proving to be true! Little by little, one confirmation after another....
"FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign".
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

The plot thickens.
We should have damaging info pertaining to elected officials
It shouldn't have to be revealed to us by hackers

All this bullshit is old already!
So much shit has come out about Trump
since the elections, why wasn't it made know before?
Everyone thought Hillary was going to win anyway. Duped AGAIN. D'OH! And GOPer Comey...
Maybe things change with new information.

The only thing changing is the level of stupidity on the left.

Pence is much further right than Trump. Trump is a moderate democrat, always has been. So you get rid of him, somehow, and you're left with?

Just shoot yourselves and get it over with already.

First, we have to be sure Pence had no knowledge of what is going on. But if Pence takes be it

Trump is accountable for what he does. If he was involved in illicit activities, he deserves to pay a price....regardless of who his VP is

They're going to pay a price. TREASON is one of the more serious crimes in this nation. We used to hang traitors, now at minimum it's a life sentence in a Federal prison. We consider cyber attacks to be the 21st century act of war.

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into American National election--is going to be taken very seriously by the American public. They will demand severe punishment.

And you can bet, everyone who is being interviewed right now by the FBI is being reminded of that. I doubt any of them are going to seal their llps to protect Trump, knowing that they could spend the rest of their lives in prison.

They'd demand such action if it were Hillary, but as it's Trump, they'd let him off....

Hell, if Hillary Clinton had done 1/10th the shit this administration has done of the last two months, they would be out in the streets with burning cross's demanding a public hanging.

That's what is wrong with this country. You're judged by the R or D behind your name and not the substance.

Welcome to partison politics.

Yeah, it's nonsense.... politics has been replaced by partisan politics, where only winning matters... and all the while the rich get what they want, most of the time.
the Dossier, outside of the salacious part, is proving to be true! Little by little, one confirmation after another....

Do you have a link to that, I heard something interesting about it tonight but didn't hear it all.
no, just have been paying attention to everything and seeing it happening...som articles on this site have bits and pieces

Israeli intel officers reportedly confirm: Global spy agencies looking into Trump's Russia ties
the Dossier, outside of the salacious part, is proving to be true! Little by little, one confirmation after another....

Do you have a link to that, I heard something interesting about it tonight but didn't hear it all.
no, just have been paying attention to everything and seeing it happening...som articles on this site have bits and pieces

Israeli intel officers reportedly confirm: Global spy agencies looking into Trump's Russia ties

Thanks--that's interesting.
the Dossier, outside of the salacious part, is proving to be true! Little by little, one confirmation after another....

Do you have a link to that, I heard something interesting about it tonight but didn't hear it all.
no, just have been paying attention to everything and seeing it happening...som articles on this site have bits and pieces

Israeli intel officers reportedly confirm: Global spy agencies looking into Trump's Russia ties

Thanks--that's interesting.
the Kremlin murdered one of the guys that was one of the main Russian sources in the Dossier recently...
"FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign".
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

The plot thickens.
We should have damaging info pertaining to elected officials
It shouldn't have to be revealed to us by hackers

All this bullshit is old already!
So much shit has come out about Trump
since the elections, why wasn't it made know before?
Everyone thought Hillary was going to win anyway. Duped AGAIN. D'OH! And GOPer Comey...
Everyone thought Hillary was going to win anyway. Duped AGAIN. D'OH! And GOPer Comey..
So, you're saying, they already knew about,
All the shit that's been coming out, then...

But, figuring Hillary was going to win anyway,...Why bother?

That's fucked up and would make it worse!
We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason
He has already commited treason on national TV mutiple times. He took an oath to uphold the constitution. He has many times called the free press an enemy to the american people. This is in direct conflict with the constitution. Our founding fathers found it so important that it was in the first amendment

Article (Amendment 1 - Freedom of expression and religion) 13
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

We the people should have his head on a most wanted poster right now!!!!! I guess what he said could be called free speach,but in the very least he has broken his oath to uphold the constitution!!!!!
Of course I guess we do not care about the constitution any more. The patriot act is still around and we the people have done nothing. I realize this was not Trump but my point is it is further evidence that the constitution is being shit on and we have done nothing for 17 years.

Article [IV] (Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure)
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Real conservatives, democrats and all other americans should be ashamed at what this has all come to but we do nothing
. The so called "free press" has been compromised & corrupted beyond imagination, therefore causing the Constitution to be almost obselete or maybe not to apply in such a situation as we are seeing or experiencing today. Now what did the founders have written down somewhere as a contingency plan of action if such a situation were to occur as we are currently seeing today ? Trump is calling the corruption out, and the corrupt can't stand to be outed, and that is all there is to it. The press who have become drunken with power thought they were above reproach, but they were wrong.
The so called "free press" has been compromised & corrupted beyond imagination, therefore causing the Constitution to be almost obselete or maybe not to apply in such a situation as we are seeing or experiencing today. Now what did the founders have written down somewhere as a contingency plan of action if such a situation were to occur as we are currently seeing today ? Trump is calling the corruption out, and the corrupt can't stand to be outed, and that is all there is to it. The press who have become drunken with power thought they were above reproach, but they were wrong.

I don't think the original 1787 Convention attendees ever expected what they kluged together would last the next 20 years after they signed it. But yes, without a real 4th estate it's pretty much toast; didn't have to be but Congress has shoved a lot of its responsibilities off on the courts in bits and pieces and refuses to stand up and do their jobs. Boomers made sure the education system geared itself to produce mostly amoral, unprincipled imbeciles, idiots, sociopaths, and deviants from the 1960's onward, and now all the bullshit is converging. It's these issues where the faux 'left' and right wing 'libertarians' support each other and agree almost unanimously, like they do with criminal illegal aliens flooding the place.
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We know Russia helped Trump get elected

If this is true, and Trump was involved in the release of this is grounds for impeachment

If he promised or gave Russia anything in return......It is Treason
He has already commited treason on national TV mutiple times. He took an oath to uphold the constitution. He has many times called the free press an enemy to the american people. This is in direct conflict with the constitution. Our founding fathers found it so important that it was in the first amendment

Article (Amendment 1 - Freedom of expression and religion) 13
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

We the people should have his head on a most wanted poster right now!!!!! I guess what he said could be called free speach,but in the very least he has broken his oath to uphold the constitution!!!!!
Of course I guess we do not care about the constitution any more. The patriot act is still around and we the people have done nothing. I realize this was not Trump but my point is it is further evidence that the constitution is being shit on and we have done nothing for 17 years.

Article [IV] (Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure)
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Real conservatives, democrats and all other americans should be ashamed at what this has all come to but we do nothing
. The so called "free press" has been compromised & corrupted beyond imagination, therefore causing the Constitution to be almost obselete or maybe not to apply in such a situation as we are seeing or experiencing today. Now what did the founders have written down somewhere as a contingency plan of action if such a situation were to occur as we are currently seeing today ? Trump is calling the corruption out, and the corrupt can't stand to be outed, and that is all there is to it. The press who have become drunken with power thought they were above reproach, but they were wrong.
...if you believe the bs GOP propaganda machine...a disgrace.
Other than the Russians hacking, if they did so, what law was broken if Trump did talk to them even if they coordinated the release of information? Was security information hacked as it was with Hillary's server? Was someone hurt? Was our national interest threatened? This is absurd, it is BS, Comey let Hillary slide for far worse.

If Trump coordinated with Russia in the hacking he is complicit in a crime. A crime that helped get him elected. It is grounds for impeachment

If Trump offered anything in return for the hacking......It is Treason
Are you that absurd to imply that Trump aided the Russians in hacking? No even you are not that idiotic. You are just floating innuendo out there as if true. You create a scenario then just keep repeating it until you believe it to be true.
are you implying the only person responsible for a theft are the people committing the theft and NOT the people who received the stolen goods from the thieves to use it to their advantage?
Are you implying that any of that actually happened?
maddow is on now....lot's more on Russia!!!

You watch the Rachael Maddow Comedy Hour ?

Too bad.
honestly, it was hard at first.....her style of repeating herself and her blinking was all unappealing to me, but I suffered through it and recognized her strength was in her ability of linking obscure things... together.

she is different from ALL other commentary hosts out there....that alone, is worth something to me now....when everyone else regurgitates the same topics with their same panel of hosts ad nauseum....

When she first came on the scene it was at CNN where she was a part-time counterpoint to Tucker Carlson. I enjoyed her.

I lost a great deal of respect for her when she moved to MSMBC and start making commercials (which didn't run long...probably killed by truth in advertising laws) that said she "didn't have an agenda." Horsecrap. She's an advocate for an agenda all the way.

She is bright and she does not spin stories....she spins with her stories.
Other than the Russians hacking, if they did so, what law was broken if Trump did talk to them even if they coordinated the release of information? Was security information hacked as it was with Hillary's server? Was someone hurt? Was our national interest threatened? This is absurd, it is BS, Comey let Hillary slide for far worse.

If Trump coordinated with Russia in the hacking he is complicit in a crime. A crime that helped get him elected. It is grounds for impeachment

If Trump offered anything in return for the hacking......It is Treason
Are you that absurd to imply that Trump aided the Russians in hacking? No even you are not that idiotic. You are just floating innuendo out there as if true. You create a scenario then just keep repeating it until you believe it to be true.
are you implying the only person responsible for a theft are the people committing the theft and NOT the people who received the stolen goods from the thieves to use it to their advantage?
Are you implying that any of that actually happened?
nope! but we need to find out....

the dossier says it happened,,,

the Russian source in the Dossier.... their Russian intelligence guy mr steele xMI6r used for getting info....was murdered a couple of months ago by Putin after the Dossier hit the public....and his boss, the head of Russian cyber security was hauled out of a meeting with a bag put over head last month, and showed up in prison.... Guessing Putin didn't like them leaking the info the Dossier guy got his hands on....?

This is deeper than pastry....the newspaper investigative journalists are doing some pretty good work trying to connect the dots....

but there is a long way to go know for way or the other...

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