Breaking! The Jury Has Reached A Verdict

No ... Just those unamerican weenies who actually
like Bobby De Niro despise average americans who
do the hard daily work that keep out country moving.
This is a classic new Movie in the making.
- The Raging Bull of the Left -
The unamerican types are the ones supporting trump.
Let’s be honest

Trump will not go to jail for this
But this was the weakest case against Trump

The other cases are lead pipe cinches
Unless Trump gets elected….he will go to jail
I doubt that he'll see Leavenworth even for the lead pipe stuff. I've been wrong before, he fucking deserves it, but that former president imprisoned precedent will be hard to come by.

It wasn’t a “jury of citizens.” It was a jury of Trump-hating NY Democrats, in a trial overseen by a biased, Trump-hating judge whose goal it was to get a conviction, in a case brought by a Trump-hating, Soros-funded prosecutor, for a misdemeanor that had expired, and resurrected by making it a felony because he “intended“ to commit an underlying crime, and for which the defense expert witness was not allowed to explain to the jury why it wasn’t a crime at all.
This kangaroo court and weaponized legal process against political opponents, similar to what one would find in Communist countries, will become a strong message for Trump to focus on in his rallies.
I have been right from what I posted regularly on two
other message boards since 2020.That Stalinism is alive and
creeping into the bowels of America.That it is not unheard of
for our Country to become a Banana Republic.
Biden makes that official every time he talks and
The unamerican types are the ones supporting trump.
Only an unAmerican type would say that, but typical of hateful Democrats: “If you support the Republican, you’re unAmerican!”
I doubt that he'll see Leavenworth even for the lead pipe stuff. I've been wrong before, he fucking deserves it, but that former president imprisoned precedent will be hard to come by.
I think Trump will easily be convicted in all of his other cases
This was the easiest to get off and he was quickly convicted

I don’t see Federal Prison for a former President
But some type of restrictive House Arrest
Go with that in November

Vote for the FELON

Gladly just so when this pendulum swings back you fuckers will be on the run
I doubt that he'll see Leavenworth even for the lead pipe stuff. I've been wrong before, he fucking deserves it, but that former president imprisoned precedent will be hard to come by.
True. But the fact he will go down as the first and possibly only president in US history to be convicted of a crime is as good as prison.
It wasn’t a “jury of citizens.” It was a jury of Trump-hating NY Democrats, in a trial overseen by a biased, Trump-hating judge whose goal it was to get a conviction, in a case brought by a Trump-hating, Soros-funded prosecutor, for a misdemeanor that had expired, and resurrected by making it a felony because he “intended“ to commit an underlying crime, and for which the defense expert witness was not allowed to explain to the jury why it wasn’t a crime at all.
The jury did it’s job

They reviewed all the evidence and quickly convicted
Your orange mangod wouldn't give these people a squirt of piss if they were on fire.

Which to me is the most bizarre thing about your cult.
Don't blame me or udders who fain to call the Biden
Presidency a Cult.It's worse than a disaster.
It's a Rebirth of what Stalin intended under the
legacy of Lenin.

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