Breaking: The Trump White House Warns Of 'The Fake News Industrial Complex' As A Threat To America

While it is true that the lies of the press have grown beyond anything I have ever seen it isnt the greatest danger. It's the leaks from Democrat operatives that really undermine national security. With this many traitors selling the country out, it can't be too much longer before this ship of state breakd up on the rocks.

It might be a good thing too. Democrats are the pus under the scab of government. Rip it off.

Maybe these people are telling us the truth about what goes on in the Trump White House. I suppose what Trump Jr did, conspiring with a foreign power to undermine our elections doesn't undermine our national security. Ore the fact that Trump ignores what the Russians are doing undermines our national security.
Then it is up to brave democrats like yourself to declare war on Russia.

Trump is no conservative so since you are a Trump supporter you are a liberal and Democrat. Ronald Reagan defeated the Soviet Union without firing a shot.
So what is your strategy to defeat the Russians?
There is no media coup.

You're saying that without a hint of evidence, yet you're also wanting to impeach a standing President

No. I have yet to see evidence supporting your claim. On the other hand...most of the fake news during the election targeted Clinton. Hardly fits your media coup thesis.

Good investigative reporting is not a media coup. Dishonest, inaccurate or biased reporting is not a media coup.

I can't stand the biased lying right wing media either but don't you dare propose state control over them!

You just provided an example of "journalistic malpractice" by insinuating that I proposed "state control". Did I mention "state control" over news media outlets? That was a false statement.

What I was referring to was reining them in by going after their sponsors through the use of boycotts. The left has been very adept at squelching the First Amendment rights of conservatives lately: The Berkeley riots, attacks on O'Reilly's and Hannity's sponsors.

And I respectfully disagree with you: There is a media-incited coup attempt to unseat a standing President.

You said this: There needs to be some kind of limits put on the First Amendment. If not, they need to practice some journalistic responsibility.

Who sets those limits? The State. No right is unlimited, but the courts have always gone with minimal limitations and those exist in the form of slander and libel, and with a very high bar.

If you want to do so via boycotts and sponsors, sure it's your right. But to claim a media coup is blatant dishonesty sinc you ignore the crap coming from the right...remember all the calls to impeach Obama?

I also have not called for impeachment, way premature for that.

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