Breaking: These photos were included in the DOJ indictment to allege President Trump was “careless” with his Documents

The DOJ is turning murderers loose? Name one. Secondly, read what trump is being charged with, you dumb piece of shit. If you are an American in the slightest, which I doubt you are, you would want trump prosecuted as well.
If I had to live in a police state which we are, I would rather the Chinese e the jackboots on my neck then the experience I have had with my fellow Americans. At least I know that many of the oppressors in law enforcement, security and judicial environs will be dealt with. It's our turn to have internal and hemisphere violence and wars.
Step 1: Raid Mar-A-Lago
Step 2: Make a mess with carefully stored and guarded documents
Step 3: Take pictures of the mess you made
Step 4: “Oh look how careless Trump was with documents!”

I tend to avoid Florida. It is too hot and blah.
First a would be thief would need to get past Trump's secret service. I don't see any secret service agents in front of Joe's garage. OH SNAP!

Didn't answer the question and reportedly as many as 20 of his secret service agents have already given testimony against him. Oh double snaps.
Tell me how those documents sitting on what appears to be a stage were in a secure room again?

Anyone could walk into bidens garage.
Not just anyone is going to get into the private living quarters at Trumps Mar-a-Lago.
So which do you think is more secure?
A garage where his crackhead son lived or the interior of Mar-a-Lago.
It is in the indictment. That link has been posted. Hell, the Secret Service didn't even know he had classified documents in his possession. And what is really amazing is that some of those classified documents were stored in a ballroom, ON THE FLIPPIN STAGE. Meetings were held in that ballroom, parties were held in that ballroom. I mean it is the ultimate in both irony and hypocrisy. "Lock her up" was the chant, because Hillary had classified documents on an email server. Trump leaves classified documents laying around in a FLIPPIN ASS BALLROOM. ON THE FAWKING STAGE, like gift-wrapped for anyone, and everyone, to grab.

I mean Trump is seriously mentally ill. If he wasn't born into wealth he would be living behind Walmart and pushing a grocery cart, for real. He is on tape, showing classified documents to people and telling them that he shouldn't be showing them. And oh yeah, audio can be manipulated, but a laptop out of nowhere, that is rock solid evidence. You people are damn near as sick as Trump.

The best thing for Trump to do is man up, plead guilty to the federal charges because everyone knows, doing time in a federal prison is way better than a state prison. As much as I wish Trump would spend some time on Rikers Island, I have said all along, he will die at Butner.
Anyone could walk into bidens garage.
Not just anyone is going to get into the private living quarters at Trumps Mar-a-Lago.
So which do you think is more secure?
A garage where his crackhead son lived or the interior of Mar-a-Lago.
The flippin ballroom? Everyone had access. Not just members, but staff as well. On the damn stage no less. I mean I am kicking my own ass. I could have gotten a job there, waltzed into that ballroom and stole those documents and sold them to the highest bidder. I am willing to bet, that did happen to some extent.
FBI planted them all over the place.
The stupid fucking FBI thinks it can get away with the same dog and pony bullshit as Congress does. They had no interest whatsoever in documenting the search for the public, all they cared about was showing us the empty folders afterwards. The FBI is totally fucking corrupt. The next president Trump needs to take them apart.
Compare Trump's storage to Biden's garage.


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It is in the indictment. That link has been posted. Hell, the Secret Service didn't even know he had classified documents in his possession. And what is really amazing is that some of those classified documents were stored in a ballroom, ON THE FLIPPIN STAGE. Meetings were held in that ballroom, parties were held in that ballroom. I mean it is the ultimate in both irony and hypocrisy. "Lock her up" was the chant, because Hillary had classified documents on an email server. Trump leaves classified documents laying around in a FLIPPIN ASS BALLROOM. ON THE FAWKING STAGE, like gift-wrapped for anyone, and everyone, to grab.

I mean Trump is seriously mentally ill. If he wasn't born into wealth he would be living behind Walmart and pushing a grocery cart, for real. He is on tape, showing classified documents to people and telling them that he shouldn't be showing them. And oh yeah, audio can be manipulated, but a laptop out of nowhere, that is rock solid evidence. You people are damn near as sick as Trump.

The best thing for Trump to do is man up, plead guilty to the federal charges because everyone knows, doing time in a federal prison is way better than a state prison. As much as I wish Trump would spend some time on Rikers Island, I have said all along, he will die at Butner.
You have no idea if those pictures are photoshopped or not. Fabricating evidence is the FBI'S speciality.
Moron, I already answered before but let me do it again for your walnut brain. Most of the country is growing support how full of shit these indictments are. In fact his support got more of a boost cause of it. So for Trump to run on campaigning to be exonerated to where he can pardon himself, will be even more motivating to fight against these corrupt indictments. Not to mention seeing you being the one cause the violence needing therapy if he does win again.
Who, the same idiots who elected that jerkoff in the first place? Trump is a craven lowlife criminal who belongs to spend the rest of his miserable life in a SuperMax.
A germaphobe like Trump wouldn’t store them in a bathroom next to the toilet. He’d freak out if he had to pull a file from one of those boxes from the bathroom.
You mean the same guy who was sleeping with a pornstar?
Compare Trump's storage to Biden's garage.


Maralago is a locked down fortress?


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