Breaking: These photos were included in the DOJ indictment to allege President Trump was “careless” with his Documents

At this point with the mindless indictments, yes. In fact it could motivate support to vote him back in the White House. Especially to turn the tables indicting "the big guy".
You would trust our national security secrets to Trump again?
The flippin ballroom? Everyone had access. Not just members, but staff as well. On the damn stage no less. I mean I am kicking my own ass. I could have gotten a job there, waltzed into that ballroom and stole those documents and sold them to the highest bidder. I am willing to bet, that did happen to some extent.

They were in Trumps private quarters demwit.
The DOJ is turning murderers loose? Name one. Secondly, read what trump is being charged with, you dumb piece of shit. If you are an American in the slightest, which I doubt you are, you would want trump prosecuted as well.

You are a fucking idiot antiAmerican stooge.
They will never face reality. They are too far down the rabbit hole for that. You can expect more violence from these nut jobs. But we'll just throw them in jail once again.

Next time I doubt that it will just be tailgaters and a bunch of G-men
Isn't storing classified documents in a cardboard box in the garage next to the Corvette "careless"?

How about running classified douments on a non secure sever inside her home like Crooked Hillary did?

Of course if you are a Democrat then those laws don't apply to you. It only applies to somebody that has an agenda to make America great again.
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LOL...yeah...because we all know a crackheads garage is much safer.
biden had documents spread all over the place. And he didnt have the power as a senator or VP to have them at all.
So he stole them.
:itsok: Cry me a river

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