Breaking - Thug Fight: 9 Dead in Waco, TX

The article specifically describes a "shooting incident".

What do you think they're shooting? Peas? Poison darts? "The shit"?

Do you think I'm debating that there was a shooting? But turning every shooting story into a gun debate issue is like turn every incendiery remark story into a debate on free speech. You're a broken record that needs to get a TV.

So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?

Guess we also live in a chain, clubs, and knife culture as well, then, since those were a number of the 50-100 weapons that were confiscated, according to the police chief, from the 150-200 outlaw bike gang members that were present.

Hey, find us regular stories of chain/club/knife violence, find me even one instance of somebody going into a school or movie theater or public event chaining/clubbing/knifing kids to death, find me an endless stream of chains/clubs/knives romanticized in most Hollywood flicks, an endless sorry parade of video games, too many comic books to count and any given TV channel on any given day, and I'll click an "Agree" on this post so fast it'll make your head spin.

Denialists are so amusing. Makes me wanna hand my wet laundry to 'em for the spin cycle.
It started with fists, feet, and chains. It progressed to knives, clubs, and guns.

Developing Nine dead in shooting involving rival bike gangs in Waco Texas

(CNN) — Nine people were killed Sunday in a shooting among rival bikers in Waco, Texas, CNN affiliates KXXV and KXTX reported.

“Multiple injuries to include multiple fatalities,” the Waco Police Department said in a post on Facebook. “Officers were on scene when shooting started. No officers have been injured.”

Police said the shooting took place at Twin Peaks restaurant and urged people to avoid the Central Texas Marketplace, a shopping center.

But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

We live in an idiot culture. If they didn't have guns, they would club each other to death.

And that would be a bad thing HOW?

More than 30 gun deaths every day in the US. What would be wrong with people settling their differences with fists? Or, gawd forbid, words.
I love this part:

Authorities had anticipated trouble and pre-positioned officers.

As they were here, we had officers on scene. We expected issues,”

9 people dead, and a total of 18 taken to the hospital.

Way to prevent the violence there Barney !! :clap2:
Oh please, pogo. Denialists? You co-opted that from the agw crowd, thinking it would insult me. It doesn't. This is not about school shootings , this is about criminal syndicate biker gangs. Read up on the bandidos, one of the outlaw gangs involved. I can almost assure their guns are illegal, and they would have them even if all guns were illegal.
Bandidos Motorcycle Club - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BANDIDOS MC - The Offical Website
The article specifically describes a "shooting incident".

What do you think they're shooting? Peas? Poison darts? "The shit"?

Do you think I'm debating that there was a shooting? But turning every shooting story into a gun debate issue is like turn every incendiery remark story into a debate on free speech. You're a broken record that needs to get a TV.

So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?
The article specifically describes a "shooting incident".

What do you think they're shooting? Peas? Poison darts? "The shit"?

Do you think I'm debating that there was a shooting? But turning every shooting story into a gun debate issue is like turn every incendiery remark story into a debate on free speech. You're a broken record that needs to get a TV.

So your complaint is that I'm stating the obvious?

Hey, why pass up a chance to mock a nonworking meme?

Obvious? What's obvious is you can't help but whine about guns. Maybe, step back and learn about what's going down in TX. There's plenty of gun debate threads, dude. The OP; was it a gun debate? Somehow, that doesn't matter to a bitch like you.

Uh, you're the only one "whining" here Sparkles. What I did directly was mock a standard internet meme popular with gunnutters: "we don't live in a gun culture". And all you can do is whine about it.

Smatta? Can dish it out but can't take it?

Guess we also live in a chain, clubs, and knife culture as well, then, since those were a number of the 50-100 weapons that were confiscated, according to the police chief, from the 150-200 outlaw bike gang members that were present.

Hey, find us regular stories of chain/club/knife violence, find me even one instance of somebody going into a school or movie theater or public event chaining/clubbing/knifing kids to death, find me an endless stream of chains/clubs/knives romanticized in most Hollywood flicks, an endless sorry parade of video games, too many comic books to count and any given TV channel on any given day, and I'll click an "Agree" on this post so fast it'll make your head spin.

Denialists are so amusing. Makes me wanna hand my wet laundry to 'em for the spin cycle.
Developing Nine dead in shooting involving rival bike gangs in Waco Texas

(CNN) — Nine people were killed Sunday in a shooting among rival bikers in Waco, Texas, CNN affiliates KXXV and KXTX reported.

“Multiple injuries to include multiple fatalities,” the Waco Police Department said in a post on Facebook. “Officers were on scene when shooting started. No officers have been injured.”

Police said the shooting took place at Twin Peaks restaurant and urged people to avoid the Central Texas Marketplace, a shopping center.

But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

Hey you stupid shit, they used knives and clubs as well. Quit being such a stupid tool.

Really. In a "shooting incident"?
How do you shoot a club?

Dude you are about as sharp as a bowling ball.
Developing Nine dead in shooting involving rival bike gangs in Waco Texas

(CNN) — Nine people were killed Sunday in a shooting among rival bikers in Waco, Texas, CNN affiliates KXXV and KXTX reported.

“Multiple injuries to include multiple fatalities,” the Waco Police Department said in a post on Facebook. “Officers were on scene when shooting started. No officers have been injured.”

Police said the shooting took place at Twin Peaks restaurant and urged people to avoid the Central Texas Marketplace, a shopping center.

But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

We live in an idiot culture. If they didn't have guns, they would club each other to death.

And that would be a bad thing HOW?

More than 30 gun deaths every day in the US. What would be wrong with people settling their differences with fists? Or, gawd forbid, words.

Because with a gun they don't get to back talk you.
At least these bikers aren't are afraid to mix it up with their own kind. Quite unlike sissy boys like bush and cheney that send the military to do their fighting for them.
I love this part:

Authorities had anticipated trouble and pre-positioned officers.

As they were here, we had officers on scene. We expected issues,”

9 people dead, and a total of 18 taken to the hospital.

Way to prevent the violence there Barney !! :clap2:

Remember when I said American cops are gonna stand down due to all this anti cop bullshit??

Well...Waco cops are one of the first examples. American cops are beginning to realize the sacrifice they make...and possibly die for....aint worth it.
Developing Nine dead in shooting involving rival bike gangs in Waco Texas

(CNN) — Nine people were killed Sunday in a shooting among rival bikers in Waco, Texas, CNN affiliates KXXV and KXTX reported.

“Multiple injuries to include multiple fatalities,” the Waco Police Department said in a post on Facebook. “Officers were on scene when shooting started. No officers have been injured.”

Police said the shooting took place at Twin Peaks restaurant and urged people to avoid the Central Texas Marketplace, a shopping center.

But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

We live in an idiot culture. If they didn't have guns, they would club each other to death.

And that would be a bad thing HOW?

More than 30 gun deaths every day in the US. What would be wrong with people settling their differences with fists? Or, gawd forbid, words.

Because with a gun they don't get to back talk you.

So does that mean you're back to admitting there were guns involved?
At least these bikers aren't are afraid to mix it up with their own kind. Quite unlike sissy boys like bush and cheney that send the military to do their fighting for them.

Ain't that the truth.

And then ignore them when they come home with physical and mental health issues they will have to deal with the rest of their lives.

Damn repubs have refused every single bill that would help our vets or clean up the VA.
At least these bikers aren't are afraid to mix it up with their own kind. Quite unlike sissy boys like bush and cheney that send the military to do their fighting for them.

Ain't that the truth.

And then ignore them when they come home with physical and mental health issues they will have to deal with the rest of their lives.

Damn repubs have refused every single bill that would help our vets or clean up the VA.


you fucking idiots.
At least these bikers aren't are afraid to mix it up with their own kind. Quite unlike sissy boys like bush and cheney that send the military to do their fighting for them.

Ain't that the truth.

And then ignore them when they come home with physical and mental health issues they will have to deal with the rest of their lives.

Damn repubs have refused every single bill that would help our vets or clean up the VA.


you fucking idiots.

Yes, Bush.
Developing Nine dead in shooting involving rival bike gangs in Waco Texas

(CNN) — Nine people were killed Sunday in a shooting among rival bikers in Waco, Texas, CNN affiliates KXXV and KXTX reported.

“Multiple injuries to include multiple fatalities,” the Waco Police Department said in a post on Facebook. “Officers were on scene when shooting started. No officers have been injured.”

Police said the shooting took place at Twin Peaks restaurant and urged people to avoid the Central Texas Marketplace, a shopping center.

But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

We live in an idiot culture. If they didn't have guns, they would club each other to death.

actually, as France showed...where you had three terrorists, one a convicted criminal, and him and his brother both on government terrorist watch lists, living in a country with stricter gun control than the United States where they don't even have gun stores.....they easily acquired banned fully automatic rifles, grenades, hand guns and a rocket propelled grenade launcher...and easily crossed an international border, twice, into another strict gun controlled country to buy those weapons at a train station.....

If they didn't have guns...they would just get the guns when they wanted is the law abiding citizen that won't be able to get the guns......

Using a non-typical incidence to try to prove that France's gun violence is just as bad as in the US is, again, showing your lack of ability to use logical reasoning.

France, on average, has 1/3 the gun related violence of the US.

Firearm-related death rate per 100,000 population per year

France 3.01 (2009)
US 10.30 (2011)

Gun homicides in France are 0.22 per 100, 000. Suicides are 2.33. The rest are accidents or undetermined.
Gun homicides in the US are 2.83 per 100,000. Suicides are 6.3. Accidents are 0.30.

There are more people killed in the US in gun accidents (per 100,000 people) than there are in homicides in France per 100,000.

Accidental gun deaths in US per 100,000 = 0.30. Homicides in France per 100,000 = 0.22.

So your attempt to paint France as a place where you are more likely or as likely to be killed by gun violence is a complete failure.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No, what I actually did was show that gun laws do not work even in countries with stricter gun laws than the United States to the point you don't have gun stores for the average citizen to buy guns......this incident shows that criminals in even the strictest gun control countries can easily get guns when they want or need them...

The criminals in Europe have been less gun violent than the United States far longer than they have banned access to guns for regular citizens...what do I attribute that to.....Fuedalism, Word War 1 and World War 2.....those events and the caste system in European history created a completely different culture....the United States did not go through a feudal period and thus did not have the submissive personality driven into the culture...and the lack of the devestation of the two world wars didn't create a culture of overt pacifism either...

Our country did have the Civil War...I saw a documentary on particular dueling was very popular in the south before the Civil War....after that devastation dueling just major wars like World War 1 ans 2 created very passive societies in Europe..hence,, the lower violence rates in general...except for Britain, and gun crime in particular....

But...criminals in Europe still get guns when they want or need them...the same week as the terror attack in France masked gunmen shot up a marseilles neighborhood with fully automatic weapons, just before the prime minister was to give a speech on low crime rates....

So sell your silliness somewhere else....
At least these bikers aren't are afraid to mix it up with their own kind. Quite unlike sissy boys like bush and cheney that send the military to do their fighting for them.

Ain't that the truth.

And then ignore them when they come home with physical and mental health issues they will have to deal with the rest of their lives.

Damn repubs have refused every single bill that would help our vets or clean up the VA.


you fucking idiots.

Yes, Bush.

Who has ZERO to do with the topic of this thread and has been out of office for 6 fucking years in any case.

You are deranged.
Developing Nine dead in shooting involving rival bike gangs in Waco Texas

(CNN) — Nine people were killed Sunday in a shooting among rival bikers in Waco, Texas, CNN affiliates KXXV and KXTX reported.

“Multiple injuries to include multiple fatalities,” the Waco Police Department said in a post on Facebook. “Officers were on scene when shooting started. No officers have been injured.”

Police said the shooting took place at Twin Peaks restaurant and urged people to avoid the Central Texas Marketplace, a shopping center.

But this reminder just in -- we "don't live in a gun culture". :rolleyes:

We live in an idiot culture. If they didn't have guns, they would club each other to death.

actually, as France showed...where you had three terrorists, one a convicted criminal, and him and his brother both on government terrorist watch lists, living in a country with stricter gun control than the United States where they don't even have gun stores.....they easily acquired banned fully automatic rifles, grenades, hand guns and a rocket propelled grenade launcher...and easily crossed an international border, twice, into another strict gun controlled country to buy those weapons at a train station.....

If they didn't have guns...they would just get the guns when they wanted is the law abiding citizen that won't be able to get the guns......

Using a non-typical incidence to try to prove that France's gun violence is just as bad as in the US is, again, showing your lack of ability to use logical reasoning.

France, on average, has 1/3 the gun related violence of the US.

Firearm-related death rate per 100,000 population per year

France 3.01 (2009)
US 10.30 (2011)

Gun homicides in France are 0.22 per 100, 000. Suicides are 2.33. The rest are accidents or undetermined.
Gun homicides in the US are 2.83 per 100,000. Suicides are 6.3. Accidents are 0.30.

There are more people killed in the US in gun accidents (per 100,000 people) than there are in homicides in France per 100,000.

Accidental gun deaths in US per 100,000 = 0.30. Homicides in France per 100,000 = 0.22.

So your attempt to paint France as a place where you are more likely or as likely to be killed by gun violence is a complete failure.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There are more people killed in the US in gun accidents (per 100,000 people) than there are in homicides in France per 100,000.

In 2013...from the CDC there were 505 accidental gun deaths in the United a country of over 320 million people....with over 320 million guns....with over 90 million homes with a gun inside...with over 11.1 million people carrying guns for self defense on a daily basis...

505.....and that is down from 591 in 2010....

So your would help your case...well, no it wouldn't.....the truth, and reality refute your case....that is why you anti gunners have to lie all the time....

So your attempt to paint France as a place where you are more likely or as likely to be killed by gun violence is a complete failure.

Nope, never said that....I always point out that European criminals choose not to use guns as much.....I always say they can get guns when they want or need them and they can do that the attacks in France, Belgium, Norway, Denmark and Sweden well as Britain......and Canada and Australia.....
At least these bikers aren't are afraid to mix it up with their own kind. Quite unlike sissy boys like bush and cheney that send the military to do their fighting for them.

Ain't that the truth.

And then ignore them when they come home with physical and mental health issues they will have to deal with the rest of their lives.

Damn repubs have refused every single bill that would help our vets or clean up the VA.


you fucking idiots.

Yes, Bush.

Who has ZERO to do with the topic of this thread and has been out of office for 6 fucking years in any case.

You are deranged.

But whose disastrous tenure will continue to cost the taxpayers for many years to come.

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